Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 362 Winter Assessment, Six Major Forces

"Still so perverted."

Zihuang Yuewu felt happy for Yi Tian, ​​and was thinking hard about how to catch up with Yi Tian.

"How can a humble human being be so strong!"

Yi Tian's enemy Shen Xiao was angry and powerless.

"Yi Tian, ​​grab my baby. When I wake up, I won't lose."

Mo Yi was also hit, but his fighting spirit turned into a fighting spirit in an instant.

"My strength is not enough, I have to continue practicing."

In a certain territory, a giant lifted a mountain and started doing fitness exercises.

Shen Yun had already expected it, so she could accept it.

The unparalleled geniuses were repeatedly hit hard by Yi Tian, ​​and they all had doubts about life.

Yi Tian's momentum was gathered bit by bit, and now it was like a huge mountain, pressing on the head of the peerless genius.

At the same time, he also established his reputation as the supreme genius.

Even though I wanted to refute it, I couldn't find any reason.

This time, Yi Tian almost asked the unparalleled geniuses to stop at the S-level stage and surpass Yi Tiannian.

They can only wait until the SS level, or even the long road to the SSS level, to compete with Yi Tian.

After their transformation, they have powerful supernatural powers. Some even have heaven-level mysteries.

The Prodigy Kings felt that they were not strong enough, not because they were inferior to Yi Tian, ​​but because they lacked time.

On January 1st of the second year of the lords, the second batch of lords will come.

Whatever the seniors think, let them go.

Only by trying to catch up with the second best lord in the world can you understand how powerful the second best leader is.

The time and space barrier is about to disappear.

These days, Yi Tian's mental power has increased by 126 points.

Mental strength 9650.

"Congratulations on understanding the Five Elements Mystery and upgrading. The Five Elements Mystery is currently LV.14. Using the Five Elements' attack power increases by 560%."

"The true meaning of the five elements is fourfold, mutual generation and mutual restraint +40%, heaven and earth Qiankun +40%."

With the help of the artifact Five Elements Bead, Yi Tian understood the secrets of the Five Elements besides sleeping.

Coupled with the Green Heart Lotus Lamp and the True Meaning Stone Platform, the speed of understanding the secrets of the Five Elements of Heaven and Earth is increased.

In the time and space barrier, it took more than twenty days to finally break through.

For more than twenty days, Yi Tian did not refine his body or Qi, but purely comprehended the secrets.

Yi Tian used a total of two first-level space-time stones for "forty-eight days". The Tao seeds he took sprouted in his body.

Yi Tian's Dantian transformed.

At this time, after looking inside the Dantian, you will find a small gray sapling in the Dantian.

The Dantian expanded twice as much, and the spiritual power also doubled as before.

It is worth mentioning that after the Taoist seeds in the Dantian grew saplings, the Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian to obtain a new special talent: the Taoist seeds in the Dantian [seedling stage].

Yi Tian's magical powers are very spiritually intensive.

Originally, the Ice and Fire Sky Palm could only be released five times, but now it can be released ten times.

Originally, the Five Elements and Bagua Divine Fist could be released a hundred times, but now it can be released two hundred times.

Tai Chi Ice and Fire, this kind of magical power that consumes a lot of money, can be used with ease.

The combat effectiveness has been greatly improved again.

After the assessment is over, the combat strength gold list will be refreshed tomorrow, and the lords will be hit hard by Yi Tian again.

Yi Tian calculated that when the time was almost up, he was refining his body and Qi in the barrier.

Spiritual power +22, strength +14, constitution +14, agility +14.

Without the Spiritual Treasure Stone, the three dimensions will not increase much, but it doesn't matter.

Silver wood gold tea, spiritual power +15.

Qingbing Lingquan three-dimensional +3.

Lingze Pearl has three dimensions +3 and spiritual power +3.

Yi Tian walked out of the time and space barrier.

The outside time is, winter 31st, 7:05.

According to past experience, at eight o'clock sharp, the Tiandao Stone will remind the indigenous people of their arrival.

After stretching his body, Yi Tian went to the boutique warehouse and found thirty-five swords.

Among them are the SSS-level Frightening Salamander Sword, the SSS-level Life-Slaying Sword, the SSS-level Qiongwang Sword, and the SSS-level Life-killing Sword.

Together with Yi Tian's Yixi Sword, there are a total of five SSS-level magic weapons.

The remaining thirty-one SS-level swords.

There are thirty-six swords in total, enough for Yi Tian to use the Yuxu Tongtian Sword.

Yitian checked the gold list and ranked first in the points gold list.

The following are all one-star city lords, it is impossible to surpass him.

Ranked first in the resource gold list.

The first place has only exceeded 10,000 stars, which is more than 30,000 stars away from Yi Tian. There is a huge gap.

After confirming that it was correct, Yi Tian nodded.

If someone exceeds the resource gold list, or it is possible to exceed it.

Yi Tian will immediately sell off a batch of rare treasures at a 20% discount price, so people are expected to rush to get them.

On the combat power gold list, Yi Tian saw that Shen Yun was still above 8,000 and knew that she had also taken mirage.

After this assessment, Yi Tian's Taoism will continue to oppress.

By opening the god-level treasure chest, Yi Tian can arrange another wave.

On the mercenary gold list, Yi Tian is ranked 2005. Yi Tian was sure that he would be named the King of Mercenaries.

First place, and the 10,000th place. The rewards seem to be exactly the same.

The war is about to begin, Yi Tian checks his attribute panel.

Lord: Yi Tian.

Race: Earth human race.

Number: District 10086, Division 66, No. 99999.

Strength: 9547.

Physique: 9553.

Agile: 9353.

Spiritual power: 9651.

Mental strength: 9650.

Psychic affinity: 22%.

Talents: Bloodline of the Ancient Stone God (god level), Exquisite Seven Orifices (god level), Five Elements Divine Body, Five Elements Divine Light (god level), Heavenly Sword Arms and Heavenly Sword (god level), Infinite Eyes of Heaven (god level), Flowing Wind (SSS) level), pull out the mountains and carry the cauldron (SSS level).

Special talents: Dantian Dao seed [seedling stage], body of ten thousand poisons, fusion of ice and fire, body of thunder of hundreds of tribulations, ancient grace, body of half wind.

Skills: Hunting LV.4, Beast Taming LV.9, Archery Mastery LV.7, Water Mastery LV.10; Lurking LV.15, Heaven and Earth Unity 5th Level.

Skills: Heavenly Body Refining Technique, Five Elements Technique, Wuji Meditation Technique.

Body refining skills: Fighting proficiency LV.16, fighting spirit is at the sixth level; sinew and bone training at LV.20, the rock is at the tenth level; body is as light as a swallow LV.17, instant spirit is at the seventh level; sword mastery is at LV.20, sword intention is at the tenth level; knife Dao Mastery LV.20, ten levels of sword intent.

Spells: fire spells, water spells, ice spells, draw the earth as a prison [Dacheng], sky cloud spell [Small success], spear of spirit pierce God, spear of spirit penetrate soul.

Martial skills: God-level martial arts Five Elements Bagua Divine Fist [Perfection], God-level martial arts Heavenly Ice God Palm [Perfection], God-level martial arts Sky Flame God Palm [Perfection], God-level sword skills Demon-Slaying Sword Demon-Slaying Style [Perfection], God-level martial arts Level sword skill Demon Slaying Sword Slaying Heaven Style [Small Success], Divine Level Blade Skill Light of God [Dacheng], SSS Level Martial Skill Ethereal Footwork [Perfection], SSS Level Martial Skill Dripping Water Penetrating Stone [Perfection], SSS Level Martial Skill Aoki Resurrection Technique [Perfection] Perfection], SSS-level martial arts Earth and Heaven Skill [Perfection], SSS-level sword skill Unparalleled Sword Tianya [Dacheng], SSS-level sword skill Unparalleled Sword Dragon Song [Dacheng], SSS-level martial skill Glazed Golden Body [Dacheng].

Mysteries: Space Mysteries [mid-term]; Heaven and Earth Five Elements Mysteries LV.14, the true meaning of the Five Elements is four levels; Heaven and Earth Ice and Fire Mysteries LV.31, the ice and fire true meanings are twenty-one levels; Heavenly Ice Mysteries LV.20, the ice's true meaning is tenth level; Heavenly Metal Mysteries LV.15, the true meaning of gold is five layers; the secret meaning of heaven and wood is LV.16, the true meaning of wood is six layers; the secret meaning of sky water LV.15, the true meaning of water is five layers; the secret meaning of sky fire LV.15, the true meaning of fire is five layers; the secret meaning of heaven and earth LV.15, the fifth level of the true meaning of earth.

Supernatural powers: Tai Chi Ice and Fire [Perfection], Ice and Fire Heavenly Palm, Five Elements Reciprocity [Dacheng], Control the Void Sky Sword [Xiaocheng], Shrink the Earth to an Inch [Dacheng].

Weapons: Divine weapon Five Elements Pearl, SSS-level Xuanyuan Sword, SSS-level Daxia Dragon Bird Sword, SSS-level Yixi Sword...

No matter who comes, Yi Tian is not afraid.

Yi Tian inspected the territory, and at the same time, summoned all the enhanced elemental warriors, three-dimensional warriors, and five-element warriors to arrive in advance.

The members of the territory are having a meal, and the aborigines of the ten major tribes are also burning whale meat. The entire territory is filled with the aroma of meat.

When it was time to fight, Yi Tian told the aborigines not to panic and to do whatever they were supposed to do!

With the Climbing Talisman Formation, unless they reach the strength of a king, even if the aborigines can fly, they will not be able to fly into Yi Tian's territory.

The most important thing about the Climbing Heaven Locking Talisman Formation is the Heaven Locking Talisman.

Yi Tian was most afraid of enemies raiding his territory from the sky, but now he no longer had such worries.

Those who are below the level of a king will be pressed down by the gravity of the Heavenly Locking Talisman Formation when they are in mid-air.

If a king appears, Yi Tian will definitely give priority to solving it.

Even if the enemy's ordinary soldiers use a siege platform, they will suffer a bloody blow.

At a distance of a hundred meters close to the city wall, gravity will apply.

This pretty much renders the boarding platform useless.

In short, Yi Tian remains optimistic about this assessment.

After going to Fujia Tianxia, ​​three drops of soul-purifying divine water were exchanged, and 1.2 million drops of wood spirit liquid were obtained.

Yi Tian placed today's soul-purifying water on the booth.

Sure enough, just a second.

These three drops of soul-purifying divine water were exchanged, and another 1.2 million drops of wood spirit liquid were obtained.

Many lords have prepared the wood spirit liquid and are waiting.

If you take the soul-purifying divine water now, you can be stuck in a time gap and use your powerful strength to beat the aborigines.

Yi Tian put the newly harvested 120,000 green ice springs on the shelves and exchanged them for wood spirit liquid.

At this time, the exchange was actually very fast.

Water of life: 10503 drops.

Wood Spirit Liquid: 3.42 million drops.

The wishful creation tree could be brought to a mature age, but Yi Tian felt that the blood would be depleted by using the wood spirit liquid.

We still have to look for the Essence of Life, or at the beginning of this month, see if any lord has prescribed Evergreen Spiritual Milk.

At this time, it is more important for the Tree of Life to put its growth on hold to increase the intensity of the Heavenly Spiritual Energy in the territory.

Yi Tian exchanged one drop of soul-purifying divine water for four drops of evergreen spiritual milk. There must be a lord in exchange.

This kind of monopoly and scarce resources allowed Yi Tian to completely take the initiative.

The peerless geniuses rejected Yi Tian, ​​but they had to exchange it.

After the little milk babies got up, Yi Tian handed the blue-patterned gourd to the fifth baby.

Then make a dog tag and hang the Yin Yang Jade Pendant around the Tengu's neck.

"In one hour, the assessment will begin at the end of the month. Please prepare, Lord..."

At eight o'clock sharp, the reminder from Tiandao Stone arrived as promised.

Yi Tian gave the order to mobilize troops and generals.

All soldiers in the territory climbed onto the city wall.

Han Xin led his subordinates and climbed the northern city wall.

Li Jing led his subordinates to climb the southern city wall. Guan Yu led the Peacock Guard to assist Li Jing.

Yue Fei, Wei Qing, and Zu Ti led their subordinates and climbed to the west wall.

Xue Rengui and Wang Zhongsi led their subordinates to climb the east wall. Huo Qubing led his subordinates to respond.

At the same time, Huo Qubing's war horses were on standby outside the city, ready to pursue the enemy at any time.

On each city wall, there are one hundred five-element warriors, three hundred three-dimensional warriors, and nine hundred elemental warriors.

The specific attributes are one hundred each.

Zhuge Liang brought out the second Kong Ming No. 1.

This Kongming-2 has Tianyuan core as its core.

Attack power 240000, defense power 240000, speed 150000.

The attack power of the needle in the palm is 200,000, and the attack power of the sword spitting from the mouth is 360,000.

Tianyuan Nuclear Force No. 1 Kongming was sent by Yi Tian to guard the southern city.

The first Kongming No. 1 was also dispatched to Yue Fei.

The guardian beast of the territory, the Four Elephant Army, and the strong man Yi Tian of the ten major tribes have not been mobilized for the time being.

Wait for the enemy to appear, then place strong men on the four walls.

The medium-sized airship takes off directly within the city and can directly attack the enemies outside.

Airships cannot fly over the Sky Lock Talisman Formation, so they have to control the distance.

Yi Tian took Little Milkman, Mengxue, and Liyue Qixin to the North City Wall.

The northern city wall was guarded by Han Xin.

At this time, whether it was the newly-joined soldiers, the newly-joined warriors from the ten major tribes, or Han Xin, their morale was high.

Their army was newly formed and had yet to make any achievements.

There are a dazzling array of treasures in the Point Building, and they can only look at them.

It usually takes several days of salary savings to buy a Lingze Pearl with a single attribute.

I can’t even afford Qingbing Lingquan.

Although I eat spiritual rice and spiritual noodles every day and my improvement is huge, there is still fighting spirit in the territory.

They don't want soup, they want meat.

In the territory, military merit is paramount, and everything else is illusory.

As long as you have military merit, you can exchange for anything.

Time ticks by and it's about to enter nine o'clock...

"Welcome all lords to participate in the winter assessment. Being able to survive until now shows that you are not mediocre."

"This month, a total of ten lords have become city lords, more than 100,000 lords, and their territories have reached level nine."

"If you win, you will get unimaginable treasures. If you fail, your year of hard work will be in vain and become the dust of history."

Yi Tian thought for a moment when he heard this. He knew that among the ten city lords, one of them was Yi Tian. There were seven Tianjiao Kings, namely Tian Zhihen, Shen Yun, Demon Source, Xu Lingyun, Mo Yi, Qing Yun, and Long Xuan. deep.

There is another peerless genius, and the remaining one is a super rich man who does not have the fighting ability of the peerless genius.

If you want to become a peerless genius, you don't just have to have two god-level talents.

There are tens of thousands of lords with god-level talents, but there are only more than a hundred geniuses.

There are 100,000 people in the ninth-level territory. Even if 10,000 or 20,000 people fail the assessment, there will still be at least 100,000 colorful glazed treasure chests.

This means that a lot of good things will appear in the Tiandao world next month.

Yi Tian opened a total of six colorful glazed treasure chests, each of which contained good things, with a total value of hundreds of billions of Tiandao coins.

Of course, this is also due to luck.

It is undeniable that next month there will be no shortage of evergreen spiritual milk, time and space stones, various top-notch heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and spiritual trees.

"After becoming a city lord, the fog of the territory will become thinner, and the enemy's cultivation level may be thousands or even more than the lord..."

"Those who form life-and-death feuds with Aboriginal people may pay a price."

"In the assessment at the end of the month, the abyssal forces will selectively attack some lords. Ordinary lords can rest assured that they will only target some lords with rich resources."

"In this attack, the rules of heaven have lowered the restrictions on the spiritual objects that the indigenous people can carry into the fog."

Hearing this, Yi Tian fell into deep thought again.

Yi Tian is not afraid of the forces of the abyss.

It was the fact of carrying spiritual objects that made Yi Tian wary.

If a god made a talisman for future generations, Yi Tian would definitely be unable to do anything to him.

The spiritual objects made by the gods must be restricted by the rules of heaven and earth.

Now, the spiritual objects and magic weapons created by the Supreme Power may be brought into the territory.

In the past, the spiritual objects carried by Jin Langjun and the third prince Mojiao only cost the supreme power a little effort, which was insignificant.

In this case, it may cause some trouble for Yi Tian.

"There are three rewards for this assessment."

"The first is the reward for killing enemies. If you kill or capture a D-level intruder, you will get a thousand Tiandao coins; if you kill or capture a C-level intruder, you will get 10,000 Tiandao coins; if you kill or capture a B-level intruder, you will get 10,000 Tiandao coins. Intruders will get one hundred thousand Tiandao coins; killing or capturing A-level intruders will get one million Tiandao coins; killing or capturing S-level intruders will get 10 million Tiandao coins; killing or capturing SS The intruder with a level of cultivation will receive 100 million Heavenly Dao coins."

"The second is the Tiandao treasure chest reward. The fourth-level territory rewards one to three gold treasure chests; the fifth-level territory rewards one to three platinum treasure chests; the sixth-level territory rewards one to three diamond treasure chests; the seventh-level territory rewards one to three kings Treasure chests; the eighth-level territory rewards one to three supreme treasure chests; the ninth-level territory rewards one to three colorful glazed treasure chests; one-star to three-star city lords, rewards one Void God treasure chest; four-star to six-star city lords, rewards two Void God treasure chests ; Seven-star to nine-star city lords will be rewarded with three False God treasure chests."

"The third is the three-dimensional reward. After the lord successfully completes the assessment, the rules of heaven will provide three-dimensional rewards to the top non-combatants intelligent life in the territory based on the territory level and the intensity of the territory's attack."

"After the lord assessment is over, the territory's points, lord combat power, mercenaries, and resources will be fixed. It will be used to settle the gold list at the beginning of the month. Please protect the territory's buildings and do not take chances."

"After the assessment, new functions will appear in the territory, so stay tuned."

"The Mercenary King will be selected after the gold list is released next month."

"At eight o'clock in the morning on the first day of spring in the second year of the lord, the second batch of lords came to the world of heaven. The new lords were just like the first batch of lords, alone."

"The fog in the territory is diluted, and the indigenous people can enter the territory at any time. Please be prepared, Lord..."

After Tiandao Shi finished speaking, the light stopped flickering.

The first reaction of many lords was that if Fu Jia Tian Xia passed the assessment, he would get three False God Treasure Boxes.

After the gold list of Rich World was refreshed yesterday, the seventh-level city lord of the territory.

envy, jealousy, hate.

The scourge has lasted for thousands of years, and with the wealth and strength of the world, he will definitely not be beaten to death.

Judging from the information released by Tiandao Stone, the aborigines who invaded the territory this time have a minimum strength of D level.

Lords, the minimum territory level is level four.

The second batch of lords were officially hammered by the Tiandao Stone. Although they are alone, their strength means that their development speed is extraordinary, and they will soon surpass a large number of the first batch of lords.

Yi Tian regrets that the Tiandao coin rewards are less than those in autumn.

In the autumn assessment, killing or capturing an S-class aboriginal cost 50 million Tiandao coins, but now it is only 10 million Tiandao coins.

Fortunately, he is not the only one who is short, but everyone is short.

"Dad, there are monsters gathering around, many, many, many..."

Erwa grabbed Yi Tian's lapel and reported the latest situation to Yi Tian.

"Daddy knows, help daddy keep an eye on them." We still have to observe them more specifically.

Yi Tian would not be stupid enough to block out the fog and give the aboriginal leader a head-on attack.

If that happens, the aborigines will definitely go back home, and what Yi Tian will gain by then will be very little, which is not what Yi Tian wants.

Only by showing weakness to the enemy and showing limited strength can one become the ultimate winner.

"Dad, I heard one is called Demonic Dragon Abyss, one is called Blood Eye Abyss, one is called Dawei Dynasty, one is Qianzhong Mountain, one is Qingtian Tribe, and one is called Shadow Temple."

Erwa used Shunfeng Er's characteristic to get the names of several forces attacking Yi Tian's territory.

There are six forces in total.

Abyss and Yi Tian have always had a grudge. Blood-eyed Abyss should be the helper that Demon Jiao Abyss is looking for.

The Dawei Dynasty was also an enemy. Master Jin Snake is very lonely and needs a prince or something to keep him company.

There are three remaining forces, and Yi Tian is sure that he has no enmity or enmity with them. They should be forces guided by the rules of heaven.

They are definitely stronger than the Dawei Dynasty.

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