Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 366: Heavenly General, Defeat

"If so, we will act immediately!"

Jiao Zhi agrees with Shadow Lei's idea.

"Everyone, the demon lord is the most qualified person in history. Our leader was killed and captured, which has proved that the demon lord is invincible. If we don't get rid of the demon lord today, the demon lord will become a bad guy in the future. We are not afraid of him in the abyss. But I think I wonder if your power can stop the demon lord’s revenge in the future.”

Xue Sha also said something, and his meaning was very clear.

Support Shadow Thunder!

This time, their blood-eyed abyss will bring the ominous stone back.

Already over and over again. The abyss cannot become a laughing stock, let alone offend the Abyss Demon Lord.

"Ok, Ok!"

Riyuehao and Bufeng also agreed.

Needless to say, Ri Yue Hao, Bu Feng felt that what Shadow Feng said was feasible.

"We agreed to attack in half an hour! At that time, the 300,000-strong army will not be allowed to leave the area of ​​influence of the Heavenly Lock Talisman Array. We will not give up until we break through the demon lord's city!" Xue Fierce said seriously, with his blood-red eyes. , containing murderous intent, making others afraid to look at each other.

Yi Tian secretly watched the six first deputy commanders thousands of meters away on the city wall.

They are all body refiners with a three-dimensional level of 20,000+. They all have SSS-level talents. The three-dimensional level is increased by 80%. Their characteristic is to increase the attack power of their soldiers.

There are special talents that increase attack power, or increase attack power and defense power at the same time.

There is also a special talent with different effects, which can improve the attack power, morale, courage, etc. of his subordinates.

Except for the one named Ri Yue Hao, they should have nearly 300,000 attack power after taking the elixir.

With the Climbing Heaven Lock Talisman Formation, the little milk babies can deal with them.

Especially the four children of Tianlei Mystery LV.18, you can kill them without relying on the Talisman Locking Array.

Big babies can be easily slaughtered.

The fifth baby's single-point outbreak was not as good as the fourth baby. Yi Tian decided to send the seventh baby to the east wall to help the fourth baby.

With Qiwa's current spiritual power and mental power, he can control the artifact Purple Gourd and produce an attack power of 499999.

Among the following deputy commanders, the unattractive Riyue Hao is the most difficult to deal with.

He is more than twice as powerful as the other deputy commanders.

Name: Riyuehao.

Race: Shengyou tribe.

Strength: 20980.

Physique: 20886.

Agile: 20768.

Spiritual power: 10236.

Mental strength: 8563.

Talent: Lord of War, SSS level. Turn on Lord of War, and the three dimensions will be improved by 80%. Characteristics: Soldier courage. The attack power is increased by 20%, and the attack power of the soldiers under his command is increased by 20%.

Special talent: good command of your subordinates. The morale of the soldiers under his command is increased by 50%, and the attack power of the soldiers under his command is increased by 50%.

Special talent: General. The attack power is increased by 60%, the defense power is increased by 60%, the speed is increased by 60%, the reaction power is increased by 60%, and the arrow attack power is increased by 60%.

Special talent: General's will. Attack power increased by 50%.

Skills: Halberd skill proficiency LV.20, Archery proficiency LV.15, Sword skill proficiency LV.15, Fighting proficiency LV.15, Cross muscle training LV.19, Light as a swallow LV.18, Water element proficiency LV.10.

This person's attributes are quite gorgeous. The other five generals can only increase the attack power of his subordinates by 30%.

Only Ri Yue Hao can provide 40% attack power to his subordinates.

In terms of combat effectiveness, Riyuehao alone could beat the other five.

In terms of weapon proficiency, Riyuehao was two levels higher than the others.

Yi Tian decided to arrest Ri Yue Hao.

After he breaks through the SS level and takes the spiritual fruit elixir, he will contract with Sun and Moon Hao.

"Lord, the enemy is surrounded by city walls and is transporting a large number of boulders. It seems that they are preparing to use the boulders as steps to attack the city." Yi Tian reported, a messenger.

"Pass the order and destroy the enemy no matter what method they use." Yi Tian gave the order.

There are many ways for a king to attack a city. A hundred-meter-long boulder can be easily thrown.

When the siege platform is restrained by the Heavenly Lock Talisman Formation, the best way is to transport some items to relay the siege.

The city is tall, and although it is difficult, it is much better than attacking the city with ants.

On the city wall, the battle began to be arranged.

In each section, there is a powerful guardian beast to guard against the enemy king.

Yi Tian re-arranged his defenses and sent Qiwa and Wuwa to the northern city wall.

Yi Tian went to the east wall, where he wanted to face Ri Yue Hao.

To the east is not only Riyue Hao, but also Shadow Lei from the Shadow Temple.

"Dong dong dong..."

Half an hour later, the war drums were beating loudly.

An army of 300,000 indigenous people marched towards the city.

Almost every one of them was holding a big stone, especially the kings, who were holding a stone up to a hundred meters high.

Three thousand meters...

Two thousand meters...

One thousand meters...

This is already the attack distance of elemental warriors.

"call out!"


Xue Rengui shot an arrow and gave the order to attack.

A late S-level Qi practitioner was shot to death by Xue Rengui on the spot.

"Hoo ho ho!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

Elemental warriors, five-element warriors, Qi refiners, and elemental masters launch their attacks.


Under Huo Qubing's command, everyone has A-level enchanted bows and is proficient in level-5 archery.

They are more than enough to deal with pawns.

The Qianzhongshan warriors and Shadow Temple warriors in the front row were suddenly attacked and fell to the ground.

But their strong men stood in front and stabilized the situation instantly.

They continued to move forward. There was a gravity field. The king had the strength to throw stones outside the gravity field, but those ordinary warriors had to build siege roads within the gravity field.

There will definitely be a lot of casualties during this period.

On the city walls, the attack will come as soon as you are ready.

Yi Tian also took out the Sky-shattering Bow. Although it could only be stretched a little, it could easily kill the S-class.

In the blink of an eye, several S-class natives died under his bow and arrow.

"Qi Refiner, attack the city wall."

Riyue Hao and Shadow Lei issued orders from a distance.

Now that the situation is unclear, they dare not easily attack with the army.

"Be careful to avoid the enemy's martial arts!"

Xue Rengui, Zu Ti, and Huo Qubing shouted on various sections of the city wall.

At this time, only the archers, the Four Elephant Army, and the soldiers were attacking at the crenel entrance.

The other soldiers were behind the parapet.

After the order arrived, including the soldiers, they immediately shrank their heads behind the female wall.

"Bang bang bang!"

All the enemy's martial arts skills hit the female wall, and some missed the target.

"Suppress, don't stop!"

Ri Yue Hao shouted from behind.

The Qi Master can only release it continuously regardless of consumption.

There are only a few confident people in the territory who dare to attack the indigenous people.

For example, Yi Tian showed his head and shot an arrow, then immediately retracted his head.

When the enemy saw Yi Tian, ​​they came over with martial arts skills, but all failed.

"Congratulations to the lord for upgrading his archery proficiency. Currently, his archery proficiency is LV.8. The attack power of arrows has been increased by 80%, and the armor penetration has been increased by 30%."

After Yi Tian shot an S-class aboriginal to death again, Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian.

Riyuehao also saw Yitian constantly stealing chickens.

He slapped his crotch, and an iron bow flew out. He opened the bow and set an arrow, all in one go.

"call out!"

Three thousand meters away, when Yi Tian probed his head, Ri Yue Hao released his bowstring.

Yi Tian knew the power of Riyuehao's arrows.


The sword came out of his hand and an arrow cut off the flying arrow.

Over there, Riyuehao frowned.

At this time, under the cover of the Qi Refiner, the enemy was only more than a hundred meters away from the city, and almost entered the gravity field.


A king throwing a huge boulder and hitting it on the city wall, trying to destroy a high-end city with it, is nothing more than a dream.

After the boulder fell, several more boulders immediately replaced it, and then medium-sized stones.

The invader warriors entered the gravity field, and a large number of warriors knelt down directly, even with their faces on the ground, unable to straighten their backs.

This gravity is too strong and cannot be withstood at all.

Fortunately, there were many S-class aborigines who threw the big rocks they carried.

Any practitioner can be accurate. After a while, mountains of small rocks were piled up. The top was only tens of meters away from the parapet.


Another king suddenly had a whim and wanted to throw a huge boulder onto the tower to crush the lord's lackeys on the tower to death.

Although the king is powerful, he doesn't have much offensive power like throwing rocks.

The boulder was still in mid-air when it was shattered by Lin Tianzheng's martial arts.

As more and more aborigines enter the gravity field on all sides of the city, the pressure on the aborigines is greatly reduced, and those who were pressed to the ground can stand upright again. They picked up their stones and continued to pile them up.

"Kill! Kill on the city wall and capture the lord alive. The one who climbs first will be rewarded with ten pills, and the one who captures the lord alive will be rewarded with a hundred pills." Ri Yue Hao shouted from behind to boost morale.

Yi Tian is not a vegetarian here either. The twelve-winged tiger star beast transforms into a star and floats above the city tower, ready to attack any SS-level powerhouse at any time.


The medium-sized airship began to exert force, super elemental weapons, energy weapons, elemental weapons, dozens of them opened fire at the same time.

"Boom! Click..."

A huge thunder ball fell from the sky and landed among the aboriginal Qigong practitioners.

The attack power of 100,000 and the sizzling sound of thunder and lightning wiped out the corpses of dozens of Qi Refiners.


Fireball, ice cone, wind knife.

Every time a super elemental weapon rolls in, it takes away a large number of Qi warriors.

These super elemental weapons have built-in sensors. As long as a location is determined, the force can be accurately applied with an error of no more than 0.1 meters.

Other weapons followed.


Various energy shells and various elemental weapons beat the aboriginal Qi Refiners to the point of running away.

Due to the long distance of the cannonballs, it was only after a round of bombing that the aborigines saw the huge airship above the lord's city, 10,000 meters above the ground.

There are also twelve blue-purple stars, which are very strange.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yi Tian's Qi Refiners and warriors began to give priority to counterattacking those Qi Refiners.

"A drop of water penetrates a stone!"

Yi Tian attacked the largest gathering of aboriginal Qi practitioners.

Water droplets weighing more than a thousand tons, combined with the secret of Tianshui, caused the death of hundreds of S-level Qi masters.

The aboriginal people were not vegetarians either. They began to climb the stone mountains they had piled up.

Although it was difficult under the gravity field, they had many strong men, and the firepower and strength of the east wall were obviously insufficient, allowing them to advance steadily.

Many S-level aboriginal warriors can use their weapons to shoot down the energy attacks of elemental warriors.

You can buy time for A-level natives.

Several SS-level aboriginals couldn't stand it any longer and joined the attacking team.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!"

Stars are falling in the sky.

These early SS-level people didn't have much time to react before they were pierced by the starlight and fell under the city wall.

"What formation is this?"

Ri Yue Hao was shocked and asked Shadow Lei.

He was not afraid of this kind of attack power, but he was worried about his people.

He could see that except for him, the other tribesmen were unable to resist this purple starlight.

"I don't know..."

Shadow Thunder is a master formation master, but he has never seen this kind of formation.

The stars in the sky are inherently mysterious.

"But I guess this kind of attack cannot be released continuously..."



As soon as Shadow Thunder finished speaking, the Twelve-Winged Tiger Star Beast began to take the initiative, killing the king and late S-class within their attack range.

The starlight seemed to be endless, one after another.

The bodies of many S-class natives who were halfway up the climb rolled down.

There were several "hill landslides".


Before his death, a king used his martial arts skills to hit the stars in the sky.

But it didn't cause any trouble.

"It's not good..."

Being slapped in the face, Shadow Lei could only scream to hide his embarrassment.

The main reason is that the attack of the Winged Tiger Star Beast is too abnormal, dozens of times more threatening than the battleship.

Just when Riyuehao was considering whether he should take action, the Twelve-Winged Tiger Star Beast suddenly exited the east city wall and flew to the north.

"I knew it was impossible for these stars to attack infinitely."

Seeing the twelve stars leaving, Shadow Lei said to Riyue Hao to save some face.

"But most of the kings of our clan have been lost in a short period of time." Ri Yue Hao was heartbroken.

In the situation just now, he couldn't rescue him at all.

Although the stars are attacking, they are within the Climbing Heaven Lock Talisman Formation.

The Heavenly Lock Talisman Array uses the female wall as the dividing line. Outside the female wall is the gravity field, while inside the female wall it is normal and no pressure can be felt.

"Wait a moment, wait until the soldiers board the city wall, and then we will go up."

Most of the kings sent by the Shadow Temple this time also died.

He also wanted to end the fight as soon as possible.

Shadow Lei hopes that the other three walls have already shown results.

Indeed, as they thought, on the northern city wall, the abyss creatures were not afraid of death and attacked fiercely.

After Erwa informed Yi Tian of the situation, Yi Tian immediately gave instructions to the twelve-winged tiger star beasts, asking them to support the north.

Both the south and the west face only one force, so relatively speaking, there is little pressure.

On Yi Tian's side, the twelve-winged tiger star beast suddenly attacked and killed most of the kings. Yi Tian could deal with the rest.

Yi Tian decided that when the aboriginal people were unable to dismount, it would be Yi Tian's opportunity to counterattack.

After being educated by the Winged Tiger Star Beast, the kings of the Shadow Temple and Qianzhong Mountains all withdrew from the gravity field, fearing that something would appear again.

In the field of gravity, their strength is limited and it is more difficult to face them.

An SS-level man performed a martial arts attack two thousand meters away.

Directly attack Xue Rengui.


Fortunately, Xue Rengui reacted quickly and hid behind the parapet in time, only causing small stone fragments to splash on the parapet.

"court death!"

Xue Rengui exploded. Now that he has activated his talent, he can draw the Skywood Bow.

He redeemed the original archery tablet at the points building and is now proficient in archery at level 14.


"call out!"

When the bow is drawn over the full moon, the special talent of the Arrow God is triggered.

The special talent of Three Arrows Determines the World is triggered.

Xue Rengui's arrows are not only strong in attack power, but also in speed.



The SS-level strong man didn't take it seriously when he saw Xue Rengui unfurling his bow and arrow.

The next moment, my scalp felt numb.

I wanted to avoid it, but I couldn't move away.

The shield was shot through.

The arrow stuck in his neck.

Although he had just broken through the SS level not long ago, it was too painful to be shot to death by a bow and arrow.

The aborigines attacking the city, despite the energy attack, were finally about to touch the city wall.

Under gravity, it's difficult for them to jump.

But well-trained soldiers can help other soldiers climb the wall.

An early S-class warrior stepped on the arm of another S-class warrior.

With a push of his arm, he lifted the early S-class aboriginal up to the level of the female wall.

Just when the early S-class aborigines were about to climb up the city wall and become the "first to climb", a squad leader of Xue Rengui's army pierced it with a halberd.

With the female wall as the boundary and the gravity field on one side, lifting the knife is three minutes slower.

On one side are the powerful soldiers from the territory who are eager for points after receiving Xue Rengui's combat power bonus.

At this time, an A-level can kill an S-level without physical talent.

This is the geographical advantage.

Countless aborigines took the opportunity to jump up. What awaited them was the strict defense of the Three-Dimensional Soldiers, Five Elements Soldiers, Xue Rengui Army, Wang Zhongsi Army, Sunset Hussars, and Four Elephants Army.

Yi Tian asked Mengxue to help. If someone appeared in the late S level or SS level, he would kill them immediately.

"Heavenly Ice Divine Palm!"

"Sky Flame Divine Palm!"

With Yi Tian's speed and intensive attacks, late S-class people couldn't escape Yi Tian's eyes.

"I am the first to ascend!"

A late-stage S-level Shadow Tribe warrior destroyed a Five Elements Soldier and a Gathering Spirit Soldier, and then jumped onto the city wall from the gap.


Before he could be happy too early, the Chongming Bird pounced on it and tore it in half, unable to fight back.

On all four walls, there are birds guarding the defense line.

Here is the Chongming Bird.

To the north are two sea turtles and black firebirds.

To the west are two golden eagles.

To the south are twenty Snowy Owls.


Another S-class late stage jumped up and met Wang Zhongsi.

Wang Zhongsi took a broadsword and slashed away. After two or three rounds, he was beheaded by the sword.

Numerous A-level natives piled up and tried to climb the city wall against the gravity field. However, they were damaged faster when faced with the wolf-like territorial members.

Gravity bound them, allowing them to only exert 70% of their strength.

The result is as you can imagine, few A-level aborigines can climb the city wall like S-level aborigines.

Showing the fragility of life.

The aborigines attacked continuously for an hour. More and more corpses rolled down, and blood flowed into rivers, but they could only touch the female wall.

Under the city wall and on the stone mountain, corpses were piled up. The indigenous people stepped on the corpses of their own people and fought fiercely.

Occasionally, aborigines attacked the city, but they were wiped out in a short time.

In the largest wave, hundreds of people broke through a gap. Ri Yuehao was preparing to charge with his king, but Yi shrank and moved over, with a sword in one hand and a sword in the other.

In just one breath, hundreds of aborigines were killed.

"The resistance of the lord's minions is still tenacious, and it is not an option to waste them like this." Ri Yuehao said with a frown.

In just one hour, the two tribes suffered at least 30,000 casualties.

Unlike ordinary people, once high-level cultivators collide, the battle will break out.

Life goes by and is worthless.

"The other three city walls have not yet been breached. The city walls are cleverly arranged, with more than one famous general. There are also lord lackeys on top who are as good as the king." Shadow Lei also became worried.

The longer it goes on, the worse it will be.

He suddenly felt that if the lord's origin was restored, they would be doomed.

"Report! Jiao Zhi who attacked the northern city wall was killed by a bolt of lightning. Those purple-blue stars in the north caused heavy losses to the Demonic Dragon Abyss and the Blood Eye Abyss."

"Report! There are many ferocious beasts on the south wall. The Dawei Dynasty was unable to break through. Jin Yuanba was killed by a female child with a halberd. It is likely to be defeated."

"Report! There are many ferocious beasts in the west. Bu Feng of the Qingtian tribe was killed by a bolt of lightning, and the attack was frustrated."

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