Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 367 The six major forces are broken, and birds and beasts attack

Three urgent reports.

Just like three reminders.

Are Jiao Zhi, Bu Feng, and Jin Yuanba dead?

How to fight then?

How to deal with a strong man who can kill these three famous generals?

Can you try your best to win it?

Riyue Hao had never thought that there were so many masters in the demon lord's territory.

The copper and iron walls here cannot be conquered for a long time.

Riyue Hao could see that the city walls were filled with elite soldiers commanded by famous generals.

If we can't make a decisive breakthrough, we may run out of troops.

Riyue Hao had scruples, and three first deputy commanders had already died.

He was afraid that there was still a trump card waiting for him.

"Brother Riyue, what should we do?" Shadow Lei was already afraid, and he asked Riyuehao tremblingly.

"Our troops and horses are all in the formation and cannot be withdrawn." Ri Yuehao said dejectedly.

He is a famous general, so he naturally knows that if he retreats at this time, he will be defeated like a mountain.

He even felt that the demon lord was deliberately tricking them to make it difficult for them to get off.

If Yi Tian was not "injured" after capturing the leaders of the six major forces, their 300,000-strong army would definitely not choose to continue the attack.

Because that's meaningless.

"The only solution for now is to use our strength and fight to the death. I hope my guess is not true."

Ri Yue Hao clenched his fists. When he opened his fists, he waved his hand and an SSS-level Fangtian Painted Halberd appeared in his hands.

Perhaps, his brilliant military exploits will come to an end here.

"Brother Riyue, what do you think?" Seeing Riyuehao like this, Shadow Lei's expression changed.

"We have no choice but to give it a try." Ri Yue Hao said in a deep voice.

He looked at the battlefield. As soon as the soldiers touched the parapet, they started to bleed all over the city.

Some managed to jump to the city and were quickly surrounded and killed.

As more and more aboriginal people were killed, the Heavenly Lock Talisman Array suppressed the living creatures more and more.

Victory is almost impossible.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire city is impregnable to S-level and A-level cultivators.

Only with king-level powerhouses can we go up.

"Okay, then I will sacrifice my life to accompany you!"

Shadow Lei gritted his teeth and said.

If Shadow Wind can't be saved, he won't be able to survive if he goes back.

There are eight kings under Shadow Lei's command.

Riyuehao also has nine kings under his command.

They took the treasures of heaven, materials and earth to increase their three dimensions by 40%, or increase their spiritual power by 40%, and inspired their momentum. Led by the most powerful Riyue Hao, they prepared to break through a gap.

Trying to use one loophole to radiate the whole situation.

"Finally, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"


After Yi Tian killed a late S-level aboriginal strongman, he stared at Ri Yuehao and others.

Their speed is very fast, and the gravity field affects them, but not to the same extent as ordinary warriors.

Riyuehao passed through the field of gravity and activated his talent to resist the power of gravity.

In a breath, they reached the boulder for climbing the city and jumped onto a boulder.

"Ri Yue Hao, Shadow Lei. If the trapped beast is still fighting, I will capture you without restraint and spare your life." Yi Tian jumped onto the female wall and shouted to Ri Yue Hao and Shadow Lei at his feet.


Ri Yue Hao raised his head. Anyone who could call their names was undoubtedly the lord. He didn't expect that he was the lord.

At this moment, his heart sank to the bottom.

The last thing you want to see happens. "The so-called hurting the source" is probably just a pretense.

Even if there is an injury, the injury has been healed through the use of heavenly materials and earthly treasures.


Riyuehao was unwilling to give in and ordered his men to charge.

"Huh! You're stubborn."

Yi Tian waved his hand, and thirty-six swords flew out.

Using his sword with his mind, he killed the nineteen SS-level warriors below.

The combination of sword, momentum and intention roared within the gravity formation.

The sword light of each sword pierces ripples in the void as it advances.

That sharp sword intent is endlessly oppressive.

The kings such as Ri Yue Hao and Shadow Feng not only felt the gravity in the gravity field, but also felt the pressure from the sword.

Especially those kings who released their sword intent felt the swords stabbing them like the power of heaven.


An aboriginal king's Qi Master's eyes blurred, and then he fell to the ground, covering his neck.

This is just the beginning!

"Puff! Puff..."

At the same time, more than a dozen kings covered their necks and fell from the boulder.

They wanted to resist, but there was no room for resistance.



Shadow Thunder was attacked by two swords at the same time. When blocking one sword, one failed to guard and his left arm was cut off by the other sword.

The blood surged, and under the influence of gravity, it was painful.


Riyue Hao, holding the SSS-level Fangtian Painted Halberd, struck the Yixi sword that was thrust at him.

With a sound of gold and iron, Yuxu Tongtian Sword Xiaocheng's group attack was not as good as Riyue Hao with full firepower, and Yixi Sword was knocked away.

Controlled by Yi Tian's thoughts, Yi Xi's sword made a turn and then killed Ri Yue Hao again.

This time, in addition to the Yixi Sword, there are also the Frightening Salamander Sword, the Qiongwang Sword, the Life-killing Sword, and the Tusheng Sword.

Five SSS-level swords.


Riyue Hao showed great strength, swiping left and right, and knocked away the swords that were close to him one by one.

Yi Tian waved his hand again on the female wall, and all thirty-six swords took back the storage rings.

He didn't use the combined sword power to deal with Ri Yue Hao, otherwise Ri Yue Hao would definitely be killed.

"Lord, let your horse come over!"

Ri Yue Hao jumped from the boulder to the bottom of the city, raised his halberd and pointed it at Yi Tian, ​​his heroic spirit filled the clouds.

In one encounter, all the kings died, and Shadow Lei broke off an arm and was still lingering, making Ri Yue Hao disheartened and desperate.

This time, Qianzhong Mountain has been completely defeated!

He blocked Yi Tian's blow, but he clearly felt that Yi Tian did not use his full strength.

"I'll help you!"

Yi Tian has already ordered the entire army to prepare to leave the city. Once the enemy is about to retreat and be defeated, he will immediately close the Sky Lock Talisman Formation to intercept the fleeing enemies.

Yi Tian's hands were filled with five-color light. When he clenched his fists, there was a black and yellow Bagua diagram at the bottom of his fists.

Just when Ri Yuehao was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and preparing to attack, Yi Tian disappeared from his eyes.

"not good!"

The next moment, Yi Tian appeared in front of him.

It was too fast, and Ri Yuehao had no time to swing his halberd. When he saw Yi Tian's fist, he immediately used the halberd pole to block it.


Yi Tian punched the pole of Fang Tian's painted halberd with such force that the armor worn by Ri Yue Hao was torn apart.

Riyuehao couldn't bear the force and flew backwards.

Yi Tian took another step forward, caught Ri Yue Hao's flying figure, and punched him with another fist, but this one had enough power left.



Hit the shoulder hard, causing the shoulder bone to break and a mouthful of blood to spurt out.

The brave Riyue Hao was almost unable to fight back against Yi Tian.

There were many soldiers from Tianzhong Mountain around, and they watched helplessly as Ri Yue Hao was beaten.

Yi Tian came to the place where Ri Yue Hao fell to the ground, grabbed him, and raised one arm above his head. Ri Yue Hao was seriously injured and had no strength to fight anymore.

His Fang Tian painted halberd and storage ring became Yi Tian's trophies.

"Ming Jin withdraws his troops! Withdraw from the lord's territory."

Shadow Lei had already escaped from the gravity field at this time. Seeing this situation, he did not dare to delay any longer and gave the soldiers a retreat order.

He himself also used his speed to the extreme and prepared to escape.

The moment Ri Yue Hao was captured alive, Shadow Lei was heartbroken.

"Want to leave?"

Shrink to an inch!

Yi Tian suddenly appeared in front of Shadow Feng and punched out at the same time.


Facing the Five Elements Bagua Divine Fist, even if Yi Tian didn't use even half of his power, Shadow Thunder couldn't stop it.

With a muffled sound, Shadow Thunder was blasted into the gravity formation again.

Yi Tian teleported over and stepped down Shadow Lei, who was about to get up.

"The commanders and deputy commanders of the six major forces have been captured and killed. Why don't you surrender quickly!"

Yi Tian shouted to the Qianzhongshan warriors and Shadow Temple warriors.

"Kill and save the general!"

Every famous general will have a group of die-hard fans.

Under this situation, a group of aboriginal warriors still gave up their escape and came to kill Yi Tian.

"A drop of water penetrates a stone!"

Yi Tian sympathizes with such people, but will not hold back.

Only by killing the resisters will the hesitant enemies be subdued.

The water dripped through the stone five times in a row, and thousands of aborigines who rushed towards Yi Tian were killed.

More aborigines followed Shadow Thunder's order to retreat and fled toward the mist like crazy.

Territory members go out of the city under the leadership of generals to earn points.

At this time, Yi Tian felt the weight on his body loosen.

He knew that the Heavenly Locking Talisman Formation was closed and the territory began to launch a counterattack.

The medium-sized airship in the territory was the first to fly out. It was responsible for intercepting the fleeing army.

Not only the aboriginal people in the east, but also in the west, south and north have collapsed.

Their king was scared to death by the gourd boys and the guardian beasts.

The most ferocious guardian beast in the territory is the Wushi gray wolf.

There are seven wolves in a group, except for their first deputy leader. When the king faces the seven wolves, he will be killed instantly.

The Wushi Gray Wolf in the south has stopped the army of the Dawei Dynasty.

Forty-two Wu Shi Gray Wolves, Da Wa, and San Wa formed an encirclement. With Jin Yuanba dead, this encirclement massacred any Dawei Dynasty warriors who tried to break through.

Even the Tianyuan Nuclear Force Kong Ming No. 1 is a big killer. Two SS-level experts died at the hands of Tianyuan Nuclear Forces No. 1 Kong Ming.

There are dark night snowy owls in the sky, reinforcing this encirclement and intercepting fish that slip through the net.

More and more territorial members and elemental warriors, three-dimensional warriors, and five-element warriors came out of the city.

To the west, Xiaoyue Silver Wolf used the same method.

Xiaoyue, Silver Wolf, and Xiaoyue are invincible.

Siwa, who possesses the secret knowledge of the 18th-level Heavenly Thunder, is like a little devil.

Bu Feng was already standing far away, but Si Wa could now attack 10,000 meters.

Siwa, who took Tianyu Purple Moss, wanted to kill Bu Feng, but it was just a thought.

Siwa's seven-color real fire burned dozens of kings to death.

There were a lot of strong men in the Blood Eyed Abyss in the north, and they were almost attacked at first. After the Twelve-Winged Tiger Star Beast arrived to stabilize the situation, the Territory Guardian Beast began to exert its strength continuously.

Jiao Zhi was killed by the thunder and lightning released by Qi Wa's gourd. If the blood demon hadn't run fast, he would have followed suit.

Wu Wa's blue-patterned gourd showed its power for the first time. She poured her spiritual power into the blue-patterned gourd and poured out a torrent of water.

Combined with the Level 15 Heavenly Water Mystery, it can cause heavy damage to the Demonic Dragon Abyss and the Blood Eye Abyss.

The tengu wearing the Yin Yang dog tag has a very good appetite, and it directly devoured two blood-eyed people with 15,000+ spiritual power.

He also killed many SS-level demonic dragons in a random killing spree.

Now the eight wild beasts in the territory are good at the physical body, with a three-dimensional power of 11,000+, and those who are good at both the physical body and spiritual power, with a dual cultivation of 11,000+.

Other yin-yang giant pandas, earth bears, spiritual power, physical body, 11000+.

Xiaoyue Silver Wolf Xiaoyue, Haidongqing, Golden Eagle, Fengyun White Tiger, physical body 11000+.

This allowed Yi Tian to consume almost all SS-level elixirs and spiritual fruits, as well as a large portion of S-level elixirs.

The young master of Tianshu Sect is indispensable!

The five tiger generals in the territory have basically never taken any pills, and now their spiritual power and physical body are 10,500+.

Mysterious Power LV.15.

And they all awaken beast skills.

Hu Yi, who has awakened the SSS-level beast skill, Diamond Tiger Claw, has now reached perfection. Using the Diamond Beast Claw, the spiritual power is increased by 160%.

When the SSS-level Golden Beast Shield is completed, the Golden Beast Shield is activated, and the spiritual defense power is increased by 200%.

The SSS-level cloud tiger leaps to perfection, which is a beast technique that increases speed.

Awakening magical powers, perfecting the Jinyuan bloodline, activating the Jinyuan bloodline, and increasing spiritual power by 50%.

Tiger Two, awakened SSS level beast skills, perfected the withered wood beast claws, using the withered wood beast claws, the spiritual power is increased by 160%.

Awakened SSS level beast skills, wooden beast shield. Turn on the wood source shield, and the spiritual defense will increase by 200%.

The SSS-level movement and beast technique Cloud Tiger Leap is perfect.

This movement and martial skill is not only available to Tiger 1 and Tiger 2, but also to Tiger 3, Tiger 4, and Tiger 5.

Awakening magical powers, perfecting Muyuan bloodline, opening Muyuan bloodline, and increasing spiritual power by 50%.

Tiger Three, awakened the SSS-level beast skill Jin Shui Beast Claw to perfection, and the spiritual power increased by 160%.

Awakening the SSS-level defensive beast skill Water Beast Shield is perfect, and the spiritual defense power is increased by 200%.

Awakening of the magical water source and bloodline is perfect, and the spiritual power is increased by 50%.

Tiger Three, awakened the SSS-level beast skill Blazing Beast Claw to perfection, and the spiritual power increased by 160%.

The awakened SSS-level defensive beast skill Fire Beast Shield is perfect, and the spiritual defense power is increased by 200%.

Awakening magical power, fire source bloodline is perfect, spiritual power is increased by 50%.

Tiger Five, awakening the SSS-level beast skill Black Earth Beast Claw to perfection, and the spiritual power is increased by 160%.

Awakening the SSS-level defensive beast skill Earth Beast Shield, the spiritual defense power is increased by 200%.

Awakening the magical power, the earth origin bloodline is perfect, and the spiritual power is increased by 50%.

Due to the inheritance of their "predecessors", they have perfected their beast skills within a month, and basically do not need to practice.

The cultivation speed of the Five Tiger Generals is the fastest in the territory.

They don't seem to be practicing, but recovering their strength.

Twelve-winged tiger star beasts join the battlefield to cooperate with the guardian beasts to show off their power, but they are inferior in high-end combat power. No matter how strong the Demon Wolf Abyss and the Blood Eye Abyss are, they will only lose.

After seeing the blood evil spirit escaping, Fengyun White Tiger immediately jumped off the city wall, preparing to cut off the retreat of the creatures in the abyss and impress his master.

However, in terms of efficiency in intercepting enemies, they are far inferior to the Five Tiger Generals.

The five tiger generals do not need animal skills, they just spit out the five elements, which is enough for the fleeing abyss creatures to drink a pot.

Now the Five Tiger Generals can spit energy three times per second.

Five tigers act together, and Tiger Two's vines can defeat enemies. Even enemies stronger than them can be subdued.


After the gravity disappeared, Wu Wa began to ride the dragon and dance around the battlefield.

A flick of the divine dragon's tail cuts off the retreat of the abyss creatures.


Qi Wa sat on Hai Dongqing Xiao Hei and almost caught up with the blood evil spirit.

In terms of speed, there is a big difference between Haidongqing and Xuesha, a mid-level SS-level player who uses medicine and is as light as a swallow at level 16.

Of the kings who attacked Yi Tian's territory this time, only this one escaped.

After several fierce pincer attacks, the first to surrender was the Dawei Dynasty.

Next is the Qingtian tribe.

On Yi Tian's side, the battleships and sunset cavalry cooperated with Yi Tian. After several killings, Tianzhong Mountain and Shadow Temple also surrendered.

Then, Yi Tian let the battleship turn north to arrest the Demonic Dragon Abyss and the Blood Eye Abyss.

After another quarter of an hour of siege, most of the demonic dragons and blood-eyed people surrendered.

A small number of them are still in Yitian territory, hiding in various places.

Of course, even Tianzhong Mountain, Qingtian Tribe, Dawei Dynasty, and Shadow Temple have fish that have slipped through the net and are hidden.

Never underestimate a creature's desire to survive. They all knew that if they were caught by Yi Tian, ​​the best outcome would be to become slaves.

They are hidden in the mountains, some in the water, and some in the forest...

The territorial members who were waiting for Yi Tian relaxed and escaped.

"Daddy, daddy, there are many monsters and big birds coming."

Erwa trotted out of the city and shouted to Yi Tian.


Yi Tian has just put high-level imprisonment belts on Ri Yue Hao and Shadow Lei.

He thought this battle was about to be settled.

Although the battle went smoothly, there were at least thousands of casualties in the territory, and two hundred elemental warriors, three-dimensional warriors, and five-element warriors were destroyed.

He felt very sad!

"Erwa, how many ferocious beasts are here, what kind of strength are they, and are there any aborigines on the ferocious beasts?" Yi Tian asked Erwa.

At this time, the battle had just ended, and so many enemies were captured that the sky prison could not hold them.

Moreover, there are still enemies in the territory that have not been eliminated.

Being attacked again at this time is very troublesome.

"Dad, there are no natives on the big birds and monsters. Well, there are about 10,000 big birds and fifty kings."

"There are about 10,000 ferocious beasts, and there are also fifty kings. There is one ferocious beast among them, so powerful!"

On the way to find Yi Tian, ​​Erwa analyzed the strength and number of these ferocious beasts and birds of prey.


Yi Tian ate a ten-color chrysanthemum and calmed down his shock.

The vicious beast attacked him. This was the guidance of the rules of heaven!

Is this because there are few offensive aborigines?

According to Xiaoyue Silver Wolf's recollection, when it first attacked the territory, it seemed as if it had lost its mind.

They seem to be transported from the outside world by the rules of heaven and earth.

All the birds and animals are in the north!

Yi Tian immediately ordered his soldiers to quickly escort the prisoners into the city.

"Dad, the soldiers shouldn't be able to retreat. Now the big bird monster has rushed into the territory. They suddenly appeared. Erwa can't tell daddy in advance." Erwa reminded Yi Tian.



A sound of ferocious beasts and birds of prey came from the north.

"Er baby, go and call your sisters and all the guardian beasts in the territory to come."

Yi Tian's expression changed, because at this moment, the members of the territory were scattered throughout the territory, and they were escorting the prisoners.

If the territorial members were going at their speed, they would not be able to retreat into the city when the raptors and ferocious beasts were killing them.

At this time, the only option was to let the territorial generals organize soldiers to return to the city, and Yi Tian led the strong men to snipe the raptors and ferocious beasts that rushed into the territory.

"Han Xin, Wei Qing, you are optimistic about these prisoners, if they dare to make any move, we will kill them without mercy!"

Yi Tian first found Han Xin and Wei Qing.

And let Han Xin and Wei Qing convey it to other generals.

At the same time, have the territory members assume a defensive formation.

Let Huo Qubing lead the Sunset Hussars to intercept the incoming vicious beasts.

After giving the order, Yi Tian immediately rushed to the north of the territory.

After the ferocious beasts and birds of prey entered the great plains to the north, Yi Tian appeared.

Just as Yi Tian imagined, there are dozens or hundreds of species of birds and ferocious beasts, not the same species.

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