Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 664 The Realm of the God King

"Miscalculation, there are still dozens of territory building points left!"

Just when Yi Tian thought he was going to obtain the title of Chaos Secret Realm, there was no change in the territory.

After some investigation, I found that after Kunlun Fairy Mountain was completed, it was still 48 points short of scoring.

In desperation, Yi Tian asked Yao Ji to use the artifact again to create several super architectural design drawings for the auxiliary territory.

After these super buildings are completed, you can definitely advance.

After the last blessing of heaven and earth ends, the territory will generate spiritual roots of heaven and earth and turn into the world.

Before that, Yi Tian must obtain the title of Chaos Secret Realm.

Only in this way can the World Fruit meet the requirements.

Small heaven, Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

As far as the mountains in the territory are concerned, Kunlun Fairy Mountain is not very majestic, and the highest peak is only tens of thousands of feet.

But the connected peaks, valleys, mountain lakes, mountains, rivers, forests, sacred springs, spiritual springs, etc. are surrounded by clouds and mist everywhere, intertwining into a beautiful picture.

On the vast Kunlun Fairy Mountain, the concentration of spiritual energy and the concentration of heavenly spiritual energy are three times that of the territory.

As you can imagine, there is plenty of it.

Yi Tian immediately moved everything in Fukong Mountain Island, including Goddess Lake, to Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Then use the Tiandao Time and Space Stone in the center of Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

The time barrier derived from the incarnation of time gods and demons is temporarily used to grow divine wheat and divine grass.

When the time of the Tiandao Time and Space Stone is over, the incarnation of the Time God and Demon will continue to arrange it.

All soldiers in the territory will follow Yi Tian into the barrier of Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Prior to this, Jiang Lancang and Yuanshi Daqian Realm migrated tens of trillions of immortal cultivators to their territories.

This time, all the immortals in the Little Immortal Realm were summoned.

Yi Tian asked Jiang Ziya, Sun Wu, Han Xin and others to select potential immortals and gods in the territory to become warriors in the territory.

The army of immortals is commanded by immortals such as Qing Ling, Qian Gu, Xuan You and others.

Some of the army of Qi-refining gods are commanded by Guan Zhong, Zhuge Liang, and Hou Yi, some are commanded by the leader of the Wuji Sect, and the other part is temporarily trained by Laozi, and a commander will be selected later.

Among them, Gui Guzi taught all the armies the way of formation and heaven, ensuring that when the soldiers gather together, they can display their strength in geometric multiples.

When Guiguzi completes the Way of Formation and Heaven and the Way of Stars, even if an army does not have a God King, it can compete with the God King if some gods are in charge.

However, the leader of the soldiers must be proficient in the formation methods, and must also engrave formation symbols on weapons and armor, and use the formation flag as the flag.

Make the entire army feel unified.

Therefore, it is very important to train formation masters. All generals in the territory, whether they are Chinese heroes or generals who stand out in the future, must learn the divine formation.

There are teachings from Gui Guzi and Laozi, and as long as you practice diligently, you can be qualified to set up the divine array.

In Yi Tian's view, the Qi Refining God is a new force in future battles.

After all, after becoming gods, not many creatures choose the body-refining route.

In addition, Confucius used Confucianism to prove Taoism, break through the gods, and understand the rules of Confucianism.

Yi Tian asked him to form an army to cultivate Haoran's righteousness and slay evil spirits.

The Canggu giants are a self-contained entity, led by Ancient Sky Axe.

Due to the harsh inheritance conditions, the Canggu giants are all elites.

Their bloodline, after being baptized by the spiritual energy and Taoist spirit of Yitian Territory, is approaching the ancient giants of ancient times.

The most important thing Yi Tian valued was the Ancient Sky Axe, so the flat peach and other divine objects were all used by the Ancient Sky Axe.

Gu Tianaxu is also completely convinced by Yi Tian, ​​hoping that when he faces the Zhen tribe again, he will fight to the death and clear away the haze of the race.

In addition, after the desolate beasts were upgraded by Tianhuang Palace, the ten beasts including Kunpeng, Sixiang, Golden Crow, Zhulong, Tengu, Qiongqi, and Zhenhuan not only completed their transformation, but also understood the special secret: the secret of desolation.

The other desolate beasts are not as good as these ten desolate beasts in terms of qualifications, potential, etc., so they cannot get a glimpse of the secret of desolate.

The territory now has an army of millions of mythical beasts, all of which will be commanded by the ten wild beasts.

Among them, Qiongqi and Zhanhen command the body-refining divine beasts.

These different "services" were divided into different areas after entering the Kunlun Fairy Mountain.

Other auxiliary departments such as Dan Pavilion, Qi Pavilion, and Nong Pavilion are all studying their own ways intensively.

So that after the army is formed, a series of armors, weapons, magic weapons, suitable elixirs, etc. can be quickly created.

After everything was arranged, Yi Tian took the little milk babies to the center of Kunlun Fairy Mountain to practice.

After the little milk babies broke through to the gods with the help of Yao Ji, they also broke through to the perfection of the gods by taking the eighth-turn golden elixir and divine fruit.

After using the Tao Universe Wanfa Stone, Da Wa obtained a body-refining celestial body and a divine power celestial body.

The characteristics of divine power and celestial bodies are to understand the secret of power.

But Dawa already has the secret of power.

Therefore, after sublimating into the celestial body, the secret of force is directly promoted to the rule of force.

Moreover, his rules of force are blessed by celestial bodies and can exert a power beyond other rules of force.

Sanwa's celestial body is an immortal celestial body, similar to the green dragon, and can comprehend the rare secrets of life and death.

The little milk babies have life and death, reality and reality, which makes Yi Tian feel more at ease.

Liuwa's celestial bodies are virtual and real celestial bodies.

Further strengthen the mysteries of virtuality and reality, so that Liuwa's mysteries of virtuality and reality can be integrated with the mysteries of space, completely integrating with the void.

The magical powers that could originally deal with the virtual and real mysteries, such as Erwa's celestial eye, also lose their effect on Liuwa's virtual and real celestial bodies.

Qi Wa obtained the Lingbao Celestial Body after refining the Dao Universe Ten Thousand Dharma Stones.

She can blend with the purple gourd, and the purple gourd can use all the magical powers that Qi Wa has cultivated and all the rules that she has mastered.

Now Qiwa's purple gourd has been promoted to a seven-star artifact.

After obtaining the spiritual treasure celestial body, Qi Wa and Zi Gourd fit perfectly and exerted the power of the seven-star artifact, no less than the seven-star immortal treasure with the forty-nine lines of the Immortal Sacrifice.

In addition, after Qi Wa breaks through to the peak of God King, Zi Gourd may be promoted to a nine-star artifact.

Of course, Yi Tian felt that was still too far.

Let Qi Wa break through the God King first and obtain the eight-star artifact Purple Gourd.

In this way, Qi Wa will have invincible strength below the peak god king.

Now that Yaoji is in seclusion and entering the realm of the God King, Yi Tian teaches the little milk babies and sisters to work together to understand the mysteries of time and space of their own by understanding the mysteries of time and space of the two babies.

The little milk babies are also very sensible and know that the most powerful enemy is coming, so they are extremely diligent.

The sisters worked together, and in the time and space barrier for hundreds of years, the little milk babies successively mastered the secrets of time and space.

Yi Tian asked the little milk babies to use the Taoist charm of the territory to quickly upgrade the secrets into rules.

Yi Tian does not have so many resources to improve the power of time and space, so he can only rely on the territory's many bonuses to time and space, and then use time to accumulate them.

On Yi Tian's side, he was alone by the goddess pool to comprehend and continue to comprehend.

Every time he understood something for a period of time, he would stop, sit quietly and think about it for a few years, and then continue to understand it.

Thousands of years after the barrier of time and space, Kunlun Fairy Mountain has undergone a sudden change.

All the members of the territory who were practicing and training opened their eyes.

Endless pressure and power swept through every inch of space.

An inexplicable emotion arises in the hearts of all living beings, as if there is a brilliant divine power above their heads.

Every plant and tree on the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, as well as the natural materials and treasures, are not driven by the wind.

The heavenly spiritual energy and spiritual energy around them gather and disperse at times. It's like breathing in an orderly manner.

All the divine beasts, immortal beasts, strange beasts, and wild beasts roared softly...

The insightful gods immediately knew that this was a sign of becoming a god king.

"The realm of the God King is Yao Ji..."

Yi Tian woke up from his realization.

He immediately knew that Yao Ji was going to break through the God King.

Although Yi Tian gave Qian the soul of the ancient Tiandao bloodline.

But Qian Gu did not break through the God King so quickly.

Yao Ji is on the Goddess Pond not far from Yi Tian.

The majestic momentum made Yi Tian immediately take the little milk babies to avoid it.

But Yi Tian didn't go too far. He stayed on a mountain and observed the changes in Yao Ji's Taoist charm.

Although Yao Ji regained the cultivation level of the God King, the scene was the same as when she broke through the God King.

A hundred years later, Yao Ji achieved a breakthrough, and Yi Tian benefited a lot from watching it.

He felt that he was one step closer to the God King.

"Lend me the Naihe Bridge. I want to go to the Netherworld."

After breaking through the God Queen, Yao Ji immediately found Yi Tian.

Her temperament is even more earthly, as if to look at her again would be blasphemy.

"There are other god-kings in the Netherworld. You have become a god-king for the first time. Do you want to wait for a while to recover?"

Yi Tianneng could guess that Yao Ji went to the Netherworld to collect life and death aquamarine stones and other shore flowers for him.

That is the shortcut to Yitian's secret of reincarnation and life and death.

"I have perfect rules and perfect Dharma. The God King of the Netherworld cannot stop me!" Yao Ji replied to Yi Tian.

"Okay! I'll give you nine Tiandao Dinghai Pearls for your use."

Yi Tian no longer said that after all, Yao Ji was once an ancient god who participated in the dark turmoil of the Yi tribe.

Although Yao Ji has an eight-star artifact, it is not a main attack artifact.

The nine Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls are powerful together.

In the Yitian territory, Yao Ji is the one most likely to break through to the peak of the divine king.

After Yi Tian collects ninety-nine and eighty-one Tiandao Dinghai Pearls, he will give them to Yao Ji for use.

It's not that Yi Tian is reluctant to part with the Yuanshi God Tower, the weapon spirit of the Yuanshi God Tower has already recognized its master.

Now Yi Tian is the master of the Yuanshi Great Thousand Realm, and only he can activate the Yuanshi God Tower.

Yao Ji could tell what Yi Tian was thinking from Yi Tian's words and deeds. After she accepted the nine Heavenly Dao Dinghai Pearls and the Naihe Bridge, she left the time and space barrier with Xian Hen, who had just obtained the celestial body.

Yi Tian thought about how Yao Ji broke through to the God King and continued to practice.

Another thousand years have passed...

Yi Tian gradually entered a state of unity with heaven and earth.

The rules of time and space wander around Yi Tian.

Constantly changing the surrounding space and time.

The divine power in Yi Tian's body is constantly consumed and restored according to the rules of time and space.

At this moment, Yi Tian's body is like a sophisticated machine. His internal organs and Dantian are the core of this machine, constantly filtering the energy in the body.

After this wonderful state lasted for decades, Yi Tian's body entered another unique state.

Any living being who comes next to Yi Tian will feel that Yi Tian's heart has stopped beating.

Everything around him was silent now.

The regular energy that belongs to the Tao universe interacts with Yi Tiantian through numerous barriers.

And everything around Yi Tian became blurry.

Yi Tian sat cross-legged on a sacred stone by the Goddess Lake, as if he had turned into stone, or gradually turned into stone.


The most carefree thing in the territory is the group of auspicious birds and beasts that first came to the territory.

After they entered the Kunlun Mountains, they became sacred birds.

A green bird crowed and landed on Yi Tian's head.

If it were normal times, this green divine bird would definitely not dare to do this, and would not do this.

It was obviously resting on Yi Tian's head, but it seemed as if it didn't notice it.

A few days later, the magical bird flew away...

A bicolor monkey secretly walked under the three-star fairy peach tree not far from Yi Tian while scratching its ears and cheeks. It drooled at the fairy peach. He looked left and right. Although there was "no one around", he did not dare to pick it, so he had to Leaving reluctantly...

In the goddess pool, fairy butterflies spread their wings and lotus flowers are beautiful.

This is a state of integration into the great avenue of heaven and earth.

Yi Tian becomes one, and there is no self in the whole body.

The great road of heaven and earth comes naturally.


Hundreds of years later, Yi Tian's heart suddenly revived and beat vigorously.

But just for a moment.

Then, every day, the heart beats only once.

Although it was only once, it was like the sound of opening the sky.

There is also the rhythm of the revival of life in all things.

As time passed, Yi Tian's heartbeat accelerated.


Within a heartbeat of half an hour, the territory had changed again.

With Yi Tian as the center, the aura of the entire small heaven tightened and contracted.

A tight fit matched the beating of Yi Tian's heart.

Yishou also coincides with the beating of Yi Tian's heart.

Like an ancient gasp.

Heaven and earth are breathing!

Earth-shaking changes also occurred in Yi Tian's body.

His divine power was absorbed by the heart over and over again.

Until the speed at which his Dantian recovers divine power cannot match the speed at which his heart absorbs divine power.

Over a thousand years, his heart has been refined into seven colors.

Not only his divine power, but his Heavenly God Dao Fruit has been fused with his heart.

Yi Tian's Tao and Fruit include time and space, life and death, reincarnation, and the five elements.

At this time, the heart also contains these breaths.

Although there are three thousand avenues in the universe, the five elements of time and space and the cycle of life and death can already summarize everything.

A force that does not belong to the body, but also resembles the power of God, is generated in the heart.

This is the heart of the God King.

It beats faster.

The aura of the outside world is far more powerful than when Yao Ji suddenly became the God King.

All members of the territory looked with respect.


A nine-color light belt appeared on Kunlun Fairy Mountain, spanning the entire small heaven.

Territory members feel that this nine-color light belt contains a vast avenue that has everything.

They could actually gain a deeper understanding of their own Tao by looking at the Tao rhyme on it.

A few more years later...

On Yi Tian's side, a ray of energy flowed out of his heart.

This energy is like divine power, but it also contains the power of heaven, many wills, and all the rules and characteristics that Yi Tian possesses.

This is the divine king power that represents the divine king.

After the Divine King Power was derived, it began to strengthen Yi Tian's internal organs, Jianggong tendons, blood bones, and Shenhai Dantian, allowing Yi Tian to complete the fourth level of life transformation.

In the process of promotion, Yi Tian's Yuanshen was the first to complete the transformation and became the God King Yuanshen.

You can leave your body and travel around the world.

His physique is integrated with the rules of time and space, making him immortal.

When everything is transformed, Yi Tian's Dantian, which stores the God-King Power, can derive the God-King Power on its own.

His talents and special talents have all made a leap.

All of Yi Tian’s magical powers. The moment he broke through to the God King, his strength increased exponentially.

Including the most powerful Heavenly Sword of Time, Hunyuan Five Elements World, Heavenly Life and Death Pen, and Six Paths of Reincarnation.

All the momentum was behind him, and Yi Tian officially entered the first level of the God King!

At this moment, Yi Tian officially understood what the power of the God King was.

Yi Tian wants to know, how powerful can he be against the God King now?

Because when he is the perfect god, he can fight against the first level of the god king.

After breaking through to the God King, his strength will increase more than ten thousand times! (End of chapter)

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