Lord of the Nation: Draw Calabash Baby at the start

Chapter 665 God King Seventh Heaven

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through to the first level of the God King!"

"The lord has broken through the God King, and his special talent is the sublimation of the innate black ice. Using any ice attribute attack, the power is increased a hundred times. And the attack contains the power of the innate black ice, which can freeze the sky and the ground, and the cold mist can attack the soul!"

"The lord breaks through to the God King, and his special talent, Nine Flames Sky Fire, changes and sublimates. Any fire attack, including ice flames, is a hundred times more powerful. The power of the Nine Flames Sky Fire sub-fire, Nine Flames Earth Fire, is increased thirty times. The Nine Flames Sky Fire contains The power of heavenly fire can burn the sinews, bones, and spirit.”

The Tiandao Stone reminded Yi Tian of the changes in the special talents of the God-Breaking Queen.

The talents of Wuji Celestial Eye and Tianxing Celestial Body have also changed significantly.

Deducing his physique and clairvoyance to the extreme.

At the same time, Yi Tian's twin spirits of gods and demons became more and more perfect.

When Yi Tian activates the body of gods and demons, all rules are upgraded by one level, which can last for at least a quarter of an hour.

Yi Tian can also use magical powers derived from special talents with confidence and boldness.

"This is the power of the God King, and the rules are also in the power of the God King. The power of will, the power of rules, and the power of origin are combined into one. I seem to know how to change the Hunyuan Five Elements World."

After breaking through the God Queen, Yi Tian had new insights in many aspects.

Not only his own strength, but also the improvement of his life level.

A few days later, the rules of heaven required the lord to clean up the land of the abyss, the land of demons, and the land of all evil.

This means that in order to fight against external forces, one must first settle within and eliminate threats within the universe.

There will definitely be many god-kings in these places.

But the rules of heaven prompt to send the heavenly beasts and chaotic beasts together with the lord.

The main powerful people representing these places will be handled by the Sky Beasts and Chaos Behemoths.

Yi Tian has never heard of the Land of All Evils, but since the rules of heaven are juxtaposed with demons and the abyss, they must also have betrayed the Tao universe.

If the Lord Trial had not been ended early, the Lords would have experienced all kinds of evil this year.

Yi Tian wants to improve his cultivation level again and become truly invincible in the universe.

Not to mention the universe, the ancestors of the Dao Shen Clan, the Celestial God Clan, the Cang Shen Clan, and the Yuanshen Clan in the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm are all the God Kings of the Eighth Heaven, and the Abyss Demon Lord is also the God King of the Eighth Heaven.

It's just that the God King is on the first level. No matter how outstanding Yi Tian's qualifications are, he can't compete with the God King on the eighth level.

Hundreds of years after the Divine King settled in the First Heaven, Yi Tian began to take the Supreme Divine Source of Heavenly Dao.

The Supreme Spiritual Source of Heaven's Way is opened by Yitian from the Heavenly God's Treasure Box, which can break through the God King's first heaven to the God King's second heaven.

Yi Tian used the power of the God King to refine the supreme spiritual source of heaven one by one.

The refined energy enters all of Yi Tian's acupoints, allowing Yi Tian's physical body and divine king power to move towards higher intensity.

After breaking through the God King, the power of the God King is consistent with the power of the physical body and the power of the soul, and they complement each other.

When all the spiritual energy was refined into his body, his God King's heart was the first to enter a more sacred level.

Yi Tian also officially entered the second level of the God King.

He also has two Yuanshi Tian Yuan Crystals, which can greatly improve the cultivation level of the God King.

If you encounter a realm barrier, you can break through the barrier, up to the fourth level of the God King.

Yi Tian first refined King Xian's heart and obtained the cultivation power of the God King from within King Xian's heart.

The Heart of King Xian he possesses is the heart of the former peak god king of the Xian tribe. It has been refined with the addition of rare objects by the Immortal King of Samsara, and it contains infinite power.

It can not only enhance Yi Tian's God-King Power, but also has the power of time and space locked in it.

When Yi Tian was refining King Xian's heart, he could also understand the rules of time and space.

After refining the Heart of King Xian for several years, Yi Tian's cultivation level skyrocketed and he reached the perfection of the second level of the God King.

"As expected, it is between the first level and the abyss. Compared to the first level, my strength is increased a hundred times. Before I break through the God King, if I encounter the second level of the God King, if I don't use the Yuanshi God Tower, I will never be my opponent."

Yi Tian sighed after detecting the power in his body.

He felt the power of the God King more intuitively.

It can be deduced that if it is the third level of the God King, Yi Tian will be invincible even if he takes the Yuanshi God Tower before breaking through the God King.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian used the Yuanshitian Yuanjing, and after only a hundred years of impact, he broke through to the third level of the God King.

Following the same pattern, Yi Tian continued to refine King Xian's heart, raising his cultivation level to the perfection of the third heaven.

Use the last Yuanshitian Yuanjing to enter the fourth level of the God King.

Breakthroughs were made one after another, although the Nine Flame Heavenly Fire and the Innate Black Ice were not strengthened.

But Yi Tian's twin gods and demons have a stronger origin of Taoism.

The twin flowers of gods and demons in the body are already full of Tao charm.

At this time, the body of gods and demons can be activated for at least two hours.

There is still plenty of power in King Xian's heart, but Yi Tiantian has used less than one tenth of it.

There are hundreds of divine notes on the Eight Star Divine Tree, Hatsune Divine Tree.

Unlike King Xian's Heart, King Xian's Heart can accumulate strength and break through bottlenecks.

It just requires a massive amount of King Xian’s heart power.

Although the divine power note has a remarkable effect, it can only increase the power of the God King. It is difficult to rely on the divine power note to break through the bottleneck.

Therefore, Yi Tian was ready to turn around and use the divine note first.

After using thirty divine notes one after another, Yi Tian broke through to the fourth level of perfection.

Immediately afterwards, Yi Tian began to accumulate the power of King Xian's heart.

When the power of King Xian's Heart accumulated to a certain level, Yi Tian used the power of King Xian's Heart to sublimate his energy and spirit.

It took about a quarter of the power of King Xian's heart to allow Yi Tian to break through to the fifth level of the God King.

After consuming another sixty divine notes, Yi Tian's cultivation level reached the fifth level of perfection.

Continuing to use the Heart of King Xian to accumulate strength, Yi Tian's cultivation level broke through to the sixth level of the God King.

Use all remaining notes.

King Xian's heart still has half of its power now.

Yi Tian concentrated on refining King Xian's heart. In about ten years, Yi Tian reached the sixth level of heaven.

He felt a deeper barrier.

It is far more difficult to break through than when the God King was in the fifth heaven.

Yi Tian deduced his own changes. While accumulating the power of King Xian's heart, he made the final impact.

A full hundred years have passed within the time and space barrier, and a surging energy and blood gushes out of Yi Tian.

The supreme pressure fell on the small heaven, and the members of the territory in the Kunlun Fairy Mountain had no choice but to interrupt their cultivation.

At this time, they were affected by the aura of Yi Tian's breakthrough to the high-level god king and were unable to move.


It was like a small universe erupting inside Yi Tian's body. After a muffled sound, an even stronger momentum rippled through every inch of the territory.

At this moment, Yi Tian broke through to the seventh level of the God King.

The power in King Xian's heart was finally exhausted.

At the moment when the heart of King Xian was refined, Yi Tian's understanding of the rules of time and space strengthened again.

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through to the seventh level of the God King!"

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through to the middle of the time rule!"

"Congratulations to the lord for breaking through to the middle stage of space rules!"

Yi Tian could expect that his cultivation would reach the seventh level of the God King, but he did not expect that he could break through the rules of time and space.

This saves Yitian a lot of time.

At this point, the improvement of magical powers is not very important to him.

Yi Tian firmly believes that he is invincible now.

What he cares most about is the improvement of Tao and the advancement of many rules.

"The seventh level of the God King, the body of gods and demons can be activated for at least one day, and the bonus to special talents has also been significantly improved."

After Yi Tian broke through the seventh level of the God King, he suddenly realized the rules of gold and the rules of spirit and advanced to the seventh level.

The rules of earth, the rules of war, the rules of body, the rules of speed, the rules of water, and the rules of sword are suddenly understood and advanced to the eighth level.

Originally, Yi Tian had to consume some divine items, but now there is no need.

Yi Tian has a Heavenly Supreme Yuan Crystal, which allows him to choose to break through an ordinary rule to the ninth level.

There is also the Source of the Sacred Heart of the Earth that elevates the rules of earth to the ninth level, the Mystic Water Spirit Ancestral Crystal that breaks through the rules of water to the ninth level, and the Chaos Thunder Fruit that breaks through the rules of thunder to the ninth level.

He spent decades to condense the regular stars of the four rules of earth, water, thunder, and body.

This gives him a total of seven perfect rules.

Yi Tian took out the Five Elements Bead, refined the Wanshi Iron Heart obtained in the Cai Key Treasure House into it, and waited for the Five Elements Bead to be upgraded to an eight-star artifact.

After the Five Elements Beads are promoted, Yi Tian will continue to refine the Five Elements Beads.

At present, Yi Tian took out his most important treasure, the fruit of the Jianmu Sacred Tree, the Heaven and Earth Creation Fruit.

There is a chance that the Heaven and Earth Creation Fruit will upgrade the eight-level elemental rules to the ninth level.

Even with the seventh-level cultivation of the God King, the ninth-level Yuan rules are still Yi Tian's most powerful attack.

After Yi Tian brews for a period of time, take the Heaven and Earth Creation Fruit.

The creation of heaven and earth is like a bead, but the moment it entered Yi Tian's body, it immediately melted away.

The power that seizes the creation of heaven and earth quickly draws cause and effect within the body.

Yi Tian knows the creation of heaven and earth and is looking for the ultimate meaning.

He used the origin of the Five Elements Rules of the eighth level of chaos to contact the power of the creation fruit of heaven and earth.

At this level, no matter how powerful the divine object is, Yi Tian will remain calm.

He used his own power to analyze the power of the creation fruit of heaven and earth, and at the same time comprehend the rules of the five elements.

Strive for success in one fell swoop.

There are five elements in the sky, metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, which are transformed and nurtured in time to create all things...

This time, Yi Tian deduced a groundbreaking scene.

The perfect rule of the five elements is the moment when yin and yang transformed into the five elements at the beginning of the world, and the five elements gave rise to all things.

Get inspiration from it and understand the Five Elements naturally.

All this also prepares one's own inner universe.

The five elements are changed over and over again, deriving the heaven and earth, making Yi Tian's five elements approach to perfection.

The power of heaven and earth is also creating the five elements.


After reaching a peak, countless five-element iron chains in Yi Tian's body were broken.

It's not that the previous rule chains were broken one by one, but all the rule chains were broken in an instant.

Within the divine sea, the source of rules condenses into a five-color rule star.

The five-element rule stars are rising slowly in the divine sea, overwhelming other rule stars in the divine sea.

"Congratulations, Lord, for breaking through to the ninth level of the Five Elements Rules!"

When Yi Tian's Five Elements Rules are all condensed, the Five Elements Rules enter perfection.

At this moment, Yi Tian seemed to be able to see the three thousand avenues. He could trace the origin, open up a realm of unification of the five elements, and understand the power of other rules between heaven and earth.

But some rules are hazy. Such as special rules!

This means that even if Yi Tian masters the perfect five elements rules, it will be very troublesome to understand the special secrets.

The God-King of Yuanshi spent his whole life without understanding the secret of reincarnation, which is an example.

But Yitian has the Five Elements Tower.

The divine tower contains the power of rules and will left by the Primordial God King, including twenty-three other special mysteries in addition to reincarnation.

This is of great help to Yi Tian.

Even if you have already understood the special rules, you can use the Origin God Tower to improve the progress of the rules.

What's more, Yi Tian also has a map of the way of heaven.

The meaning of its existence is to quickly increase the understanding of many rules after Yi Tian breaks through to the peak God King.

"Chaos Yin Yang Pearl."

Yi Tian took out the treasure obtained from the Great Thousand Realm of Yuanshi.

It allows Yi Tian to understand the rules of yin and yang at the senior level.

As one of the four primary rules, the Yin and Yang rules are second only to the Five Elements rules.

Although Yin and Yang precede the Five Elements, the Five Elements are the final form after Yin and Yang.

Two forces, divided into successive ones.

Now that we already have the perfect rules of the Five Elements, it is easier to refine the Chaos Yin-Yang Pearl.

In less than a year, Yi Tian has already adopted the rules of yin and yang.

He understood yin and yang, which was at the beginning of Zun-level strength.

And directly to the fourth level of respect.

Yi Tian took the opportunity to use the Yin Yang Xuan Ming Pearl that was rewarded for being promoted to the Divine Dynasty.

The yin and yang rules are promoted to the second level, to the sixth level of the Zun level.

Yi Tian also has a source of the secret power of heaven and earth, which allows Yi Tian to merge the secrets of phase nature into the ultimate secrets.

Yi Tian happened to merge the two rules of wind and thunder into the rules of wind and thunder.

Gather together the four meta-rules.

After integrating the mysterious power of heaven and earth, Yi Tian mobilized wind and thunder to create two worlds in his body.

The world of wind, and the world of thunder.

They are two perfect rules that collide easily. They are based on the source of the secret power of heaven and blend with each other.

Wind and thunder always appear together.

The speed of wind, the fury of thunder.

The two merge together to form wind and thunder. There is thunder in the wind, and a thunderstorm blows over and burns everything.

This is one of the most powerful forces in heaven and earth.

In less than a year, Yi Tian merged the world of wind and the world of thunder to form the world of wind and thunder...

"Congratulations, lord, for understanding the rules of wind and thunder. Strength: respected level; progress: eighth level."

Although Yi Tian's rules of wind and rules of thunder are both at the ninth level, it is still too difficult to achieve perfection on this basis.

Yae has already made Yi Tian very satisfied.

Even if there is no divine object in the future, Yi Tian can still bring it to perfection in the Heavenly Dao Diagram.

Yi Tian also obtained some magical objects such as Yuanshi Tianjing before, and Yi Tian consumed these magical objects.

Promote the rules of gold and the rules of harmony to the eighth level.

Wait for the opportunity to seek final perfection.

"The Star Taixuan Stone can forge the heavenly veins..."

Yi Tian took out the Astral Taixuan Stone and used the power in it to train his heavenly veins.

If a body-refining god wants to be powerful, he must cultivate his heavenly veins before he can compete with other gods.

After Yi Tian's Dingtian Vein broke through the seventh level of the God King, it was already in the middle stage of the Ancient Level.

As he refined it with the Astral Taixuan Stone, the Dingtian Veins were improving little by little.

The later period of Huang Guli.

Huang Guli is perfect...


There was a loud noise in his body, and the heavenly veins passed through the ancient level.

Early stage of God of War level!

He possesses the God of War level Cauldron Heavenly Vein, Dharma Heaven, Elephant Earth, and Nine Yuan Ten Thousand Dharma Bones, and then cooperates with the seventh level physical power of the God King, plus the rules of the eighth level of battle, the rules of the ninth level of body, and the rules of eighth level of speed.

It is enough to face any god king below the peak god king.

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