Lord of the Night

Chapter 669 The Return of the Flying Knife [Additional chapters 21 and 22 for the Golden Alliance Le

Sun Wutian sighed deeply when he said this.

It can be seen that his heart is also full of complexities.

"I am very jealous. He did the same thing as I did. Why can he be so free? Not only is he fine, but his family is also fine. Is there still justice in this world? Why are people's experiences so different?!"

"So I killed his whole family!"

"But after killing his whole family, I regretted it even more."

There was some pain in Sun Wutian's voice.

But Fang Che no longer had any sympathy for this old devil in his heart.

He just listened silently.

"Perhaps in the eyes of a die-hard demon disciple like you, what I did is very satisfying... After all, I killed a powerful enemy!"

Sun Wutian chuckled: "That's why you couldn't help but say good."

Fang Che bowed his head and said: "Disciple does think it's good... Please forgive me, Master."

Sun Wutian snorted angrily and wanted to hit him again, but after thinking about it, he sighed: "Forget it. You should think so."

Fang Che said: "But the Master's teachings make sense, and such an opponent is indeed worthy of our respect. I wonder if this Death Flying Knife, who lost the battle with the Master, has ever said anything?"

Fang Che said this in his excitement, but he shouldn't have asked it.

But Sun Wutian was also in a state of excitement. He looked into the distance, and his eyes flashed with light. It seemed that he had returned to the battle of that year. After a long time, he said softly: "From beginning to end, he didn't say anything."

"Even if I chopped off his head, his eyes were quietly closed, and his face was calm and sarcastic."

"He didn't even want to say a word to me!!"

Sun Wutian roared, and felt that his heart was full of resentment. He said angrily: "He looked down on me! He didn't even bother to say a word to me! He only needed to say one sentence: After I die, you let my family go! I will definitely do it! But that bastard didn't say a word!"

"So at that time, I was so angry that I killed his entire village and dozens of nearby villages!"

Sun Wutian was furious, but as he spoke, his fury slowly subsided, and the last sentence was like a sigh.

Fang Che hung his head.

I just felt a volcano erupting in my heart.

Look down on you?

He looked down on you, and he deserved it. What qualifications do you have to make others look up to you as a hero?

Sun Wutian's mood was visibly depressed, and he didn't speak for a long time.

Fang Che didn't speak again.

Because he was afraid that if he opened his mouth, he would reveal the emotions in his voice. He was trying to suppress it with the Infinite Sutra!

The Infinite Sutra roared like magma, and the Five Spirit Gu in his body trembled.

After a long time.

Sun Wutian finally spoke: "This time, I will do the same as before. I will be your substitute."

He looked at Fang Che's face with a ghost-like look, and said heavily: "But this time, you have to promise me one thing."

Fang Che said: "Whatever the ancestor says, the disciple agrees!"

Sun Wutian said lightly: "Although I am your substitute, but... in the future, this reputation will be in the name of the Death Flying Knife."

Fang Che looked up suddenly.

There was light in his eyes.

Sun Wutian looked into the distance with a sad look, his white hair rustling, his eyes turbid, and he said in a dreamy voice: "He... can never kill for the guardian again, but let him bring peace to the world."

"Then, what should the disciple do?" Fang Che was shocked and asked with his head down.

"No matter what, when the guardian asks you again, you can just say that when I was impersonating you, I used a flying knife when I encountered a strong enemy."

"In this way, the reason why he has not appeared for so many years is the loss of the origin you reported; and it can make him famous again. The person you saved in the Forest of Ten Thousand Spirits... the excuse is also complete."

"It can also make the name of the Death Flying Knife known again!"

"Do you understand?"

Sun Wutian sighed softly.

His hand flashed.

Dense flying knives appeared in his palm.

The knife light was cold.

The cold light jumped.

Fang Che looked at the flying knife and whispered, "Why did the ancestor do this?"


Sun Wutian was unwilling to answer this question, but he still answered reluctantly: "For his contempt..."

Fang Che's heart was shocked.

For his contempt!

This sentence proves that Sun Wutian actually knows everything in his heart!

Fang Che just wanted to shout out: You clearly know everything, but why do you do it! ?

Sun Wutian looked at the flying knife in his hand absent-mindedly and said lightly: "This is the fatal flying knife. This is the flying knife that the man used back then. All of them are made of star iron, and there are a total of 900."

Fang Che looked carefully, observing these flying knives that once drank the blood of the devil, this heroic relic, and tried to restrain the respect that was almost rushing out of his eyes.

The flying knife is small and shining with cold light.

It seems to be telling the original record, the original glory, and the regret of his master.

Sun Wutian said softly: "...and, since you reported that you cured this person's original injury, and he is willing to help you in this way, he will definitely teach you the art of the fatal flying knife."

"So, I will teach you the art of flying knife later."

"It will take me two days to go to Tiandu."

"During these two days, you will be in my territory and practice the art of flying knife!"

Fang Che looked at these flying knives eagerly. These were the flying knives of heroes. How could they stay in the hands of the devil for a long time?

He tentatively whispered: "But I don't have any flying knives in my hand. Can these... be given to me?"

Sun Wutian did not look back, but just looked at the flying knives in his hand and said coldly: "Of course I will give them to you!"

"I will give you 600 first. When you are fully trained, I will give them all to you, and I will not keep any."

He said indifferently.

But there was one thing he did not say, because he felt that it was useless to say such words to the people of the Weiwei Zhengjiao.

That is: every time I see these flying knives, my heart is like being pierced by these flying knives, which is very uncomfortable.

But I can't bear to throw them away.

Now that I have finally found a successor for the flying knives, of course I have to throw them all out as soon as possible!

Not a single one will be left!

Sun Wutian threw a bunch of them over and said coldly: "Two days later, you must at least get started with the death flying knives."

Fang Che grabbed the flying knives.

I felt a chill in my palm.

He unconsciously exerted force, feeling the breath of the flying knife, and faintly, it was as if he felt the indifference and heroism of the fatal flying knife.

Finally got back a large part!

Senior, your flying knife has finally returned to the hands of the guardian again. Do you know about it in your spirit in heaven? Are you relieved?

The flying knife was silent and silent in his hand.

Just like the senior who only wanted to live a simple life, he worked in the mountains like an ordinary person, unknown to others, and kept the glory in his heart, silent.

But he was like a neatly lined soldier, ready to go to war at any time and drink the devil's blood again!

Although I am indifferent, I still have to fight heroically in times of crisis on the continent!

Don't let down what I have learned in this life!

Fang Che calmed his mind and said softly: "Disciple has practiced flying knives for a period of time before. With the foundation, it should not be difficult."

He had used flying knives in the friendly battle of the younger generation. Although Sun Wutian didn't know it now, Fang Che also needed to make this patch.

"That's good."

Sun Wutian was playing with five or six flying knives in his hands, with a complex and inexplicable look in his eyes: "This time, I will use this flying knife... to kill everyone in that day!"

"You go and make some arrangements first, and I will take you out after noon."

Sun Wutian's voice was cold.

"Yes, disciple, I'll take my leave."

"Go out."

After throwing Fang Che out, Sun Wutian stayed in the field for a long time.

Looking at the flying knives in his hand in a trance, it was these flying knives that once whizzed around his neck...

The ordinary cloth, the simple hoe, the quiet mountain village, the peaceful and sarcastic face until death...The past is still vivid in front of him.

Then he looked at the place where Fang Che rolled over after being hit by him, and sighed.

Sun Wutian knew that Fang Che's reaction was right and normal, and that people of the only orthodox religion should be like this.

But when he heard that "OK", he still slapped him in anger.

He couldn't control himself at all.

It was like the feeling of being ridiculed for doing good deeds and having your whole family wiped out...

But he regretted it after the fight.


Sun Wutian sighed.

Sun Wutian looked at the quiet village in the distance, sighed deeply, and cursed with infinite complexity: "Really...really...really his motherfucker! What a fucking life, what a weird and tricky heaven! This damned God! Ah..."

He squatted down and looked at the flying knife in his hand.

He sighed again and again: "I don't regret killing you...I also regret killing you, but the thing I regret most is not asking your name...You should have left your name...We are the same."

The flying knife was speechless, with a cold light flashing.

It was like a person silently mocking: Who are you? Can I be the same as you?

It would be the greatest humiliation for me to report my name to people like you!


Fang Che went out and ran Bingche Lingtai in his captain's room for a long time to calm his mind.

Then he called Ye Meng and Zhao Ying'er in.

"I'll arrange a few things. We'll leave for Tiandu right away."

"First, wait for Mo Ganyun and the others to come back, and leave two with high cultivation to sit in the inspection hall, ready to help attack and wipe out the new sect of Weiwo Zhengjiao at any time."

"The other five, after resting, will immediately set out to reorganize the remaining five continents."

"Let Feng Xiangdong go to Nirvana Martial Arts Academy to serve as vice president. And give a speech on my behalf. If you meet anyone who is not honest, kill them without mercy."

"In addition..."

Fang Che said more than 20 things in a row, and Ye Meng and Zhao Ying'er took notes seriously.

"There are still nine little guys, don't be soft-hearted, train them to death!"

Fang Che finally glared.

"Already... trained to death."

Ye Meng whispered.

"Die a little more."


The two women laughed.

Zhao Ying'er went to the next room, and Fang Che pulled Ye Meng aside and secretly gave her two Qiongxiao flowers.

"What is this?"

"The eternal youth, the everlasting Qiongxiao flower."


Ye Meng almost screamed out loud, but Fang Che covered her mouth with his hand.

"One flower, take the fruit and eat it, and then... you can go back, adjust yourself, and feel that you are the most beautiful... eat it, and then you can stay in the most beautiful state forever... understand?"

"I understand. Hehehe... hehehe..."

Ye Meng was so happy that she nodded her head quickly, and her eyes were full of dreams.

A small hand tightly grasped the spiritual jade containing the Qiongxiao flower.

It's like taking hold of your own life.

"Stop it, look at your mouth that's about to burst."

Fang Che rubbed somewhere, then rubbed it again, and then pinched it. Only then did Ye Meng wake up from his dream, his face flushed with anger.


"One is enough, why give me two?"

Ye Meng wrinkled her little nose.

"Hehe...you can give that flower to whomever you want. This is the right I give you."

Fang Che coughed.

"Sexy boy!"

"You woman are so unreasonable! I gave you such a treasure and you actually scolded me..."

Fang Che threatened in a low voice: "When I come back, I'll beat you to death with a stick!"

"I'm afraid of you!"

Ye Meng raised her head proudly: "If you have the ability, I'll wait for you tonight, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow? I'll be waiting for you anytime within two months!"


Fang Che was furious.

This girl knew that she was leaving now and wouldn't be back for two months, yet she dared to provoke her!

With a slap on the back, Fang Che threatened: "Just wait! When I come back, I will make you unable to get out of bed for two months!"


Ye Meng suddenly turned pale.

This guy is extremely talented, but he seems to be really overwhelmed.

He rolled his eyes and said, "Let's talk about it when you come back..."

Then he worriedly said: "You should pay attention to safety when you go out, and be careful..."

He kept nagging for a long time.

Fang Che nodded in agreement: "You too, hurry up and practice at home. Don't be reluctant to part with the training resources I left for you. I must use them all before I come back, you know! It will be okay to be promoted to the Lord level in two months, right?"

Ye Meng wailed: "You think I am you, I am only the fourth level emperor now..."

"Anyway, you work hard."

Fang Che glared: "This is a task. If you fail to complete it, you will be punished."


Early noon.

Fang Che packed up everything, greeted Zhao Shanhe and others with a communication jade, and walked out of the inspection hall with a knife each.

Soaring into the sky.

The figure disappears.

Ye Meng and the two finally slowly returned to the room.

It just felt empty again.

Zhao Ying'er was a little listless. After waiting for three months, Fang Che came back this time and said no more than three sentences to her.

"Sister Ye Meng, this back office job is too boring."

"It won't be boring when those escort cars come every day."

"That's boring... I just sit here and practice every day, just like an idler. When I was in Baiyun Continent, I could still go out to patrol the streets every day."

"It won't be boring at night."

Ye Meng smiled mysteriously: "Come to my room at night, and I will give you a gift. I guarantee you will scream for a quarter of an hour."

Zhao Ying'er raised her eyebrows: "Screamed like Sister Ye Meng that night?"

Ye Meng suddenly blushed like blood, and rushed forward to suppress Zhao Ying'er: "Little Hoof, I think you are looking for a beating!"

Although Zhao Ying'er's cultivation level was much higher than Ye Meng's, she didn't dare to fight back at all. She could only kick her legs and beg for mercy: "Sister, sister, sister, I was wrong..."

"What the hell..."

"Hmph, I won't give it to you anymore."


"Let's see how you do tonight."

"My order! My brother-in-law is not at home, so I will serve my sister tonight!"

"Get out of here..."

Fang Che left the East Lake and entered a dense forest.

There was a whoosh behind him, and a circle of people caught up with him, and they just rushed into the forest with their heads down.

A flash of sword appeared.

It's like cutting the space in half.

With a pop, eighteen people were severed from the waist and abdomen, their upper and lower bodies separated, and blood spurted out wildly.

Before he even had time to scream, he was already in despair.

Sun Wutian appeared in the air with an indifferent expression, and said impatiently: "Where did they come from so many stupid and blind things!"

Fang Che floated out.

The faces of these eighteen people were examined.

Sigh softly.

Among them, there are five people whose names I vaguely remember, and they serve among the defenders, but their families were miserably purged by themselves.

As expected, I came to take action today.

"They are all people from the Southeast Headquarters."

Fang Che said.

"Hehe... I thought that this kind of cannibalism and assassination only happened in the Solipsism. The defenders were not much better."

Sun Wutian sneered and waved his hand, and the eighteen corpses turned into powder.

Disappeared without a trace.

Fang Che watched coldly, without any fluctuation in his heart.

There might have been a little bit of regret before, but now... it's like being in the Gu God's space, looking at the corpses of the demon cult.

Experienced in the world of mortals, the blade of the sword is cold, killing people in the world, walking alone between light and darkness.

Fang Che's heart became more and more determined.

But he is also becoming more and more indifferent.

Some unnecessary emotions can no longer affect his inner being at all.

"Let's go, Patriarch."

Fang Che said calmly: "It's just a few lives."

"Just ants."

Sun Wutian smiled coldly, opened the realm, and threw Fang Che directly in: "For two days and one night, if you don't get in with the flying knife, I will skin you!"

Whoosh, tearing apart the space and disappearing instantly.

There was a blood mist in the woods, and then it slowly fell.

Under the sun, it looks like a network of powder.

Fang Tu is back.

There was an earthquake in Donghuzhou.

Fang Tu then left again.

Donghuzhou was shaken again.

Then countless people breathed a long sigh of relief.

Zhao Shanhe was furious. Because he found out that eighteen of his men were missing, and this was reported by the war hall master Xiong Rushan.

This Manggu Xiong himself was also dumbfounded.

The families of sixteen of his men were reorganized by Fang Che, and many people were killed. Xiong Rushan knew about this. So he has been working on it during this period.

And everyone also expressed understanding.

But just when Fang Che left the inspection hall, five of them disappeared. Even their most loyal brothers disappeared.

Xiong Rushan was numb on the spot, and he came to Zhao Shanhe to report as soon as possible. Zhao Shanhe also turned pale.

Immediately organize people to search.

And contact Fang Che.

But Fang Che couldn't contact them, and these eighteen people disappeared.

No one was alive, and no one was dead.

Zhao Shanhe rushed up in one breath, and he was so angry that he had a headache.

He covered his head and held a meeting with a sullen face and cursed.

"Fang Che is taking the blame for the world! He is really doing good things! Are you blind?"

"The rectification of the world, the changes in the Seventeen Continents, the changes in the headquarters, the wealth as big as a mountain, the establishment of Nirvana Martial Academy... How many things has he done? Didn't you see it?"

"You only saw that your child was killed?"

"Don't you have any idea what your child has done? Ah!?"

Zhao Shanhe covered his head with pain, and the muscles on his face were spasming and throbbing in pain, but he roared angrily: "Can I have a little conscience? Can I still have a little conscience?!"


That night.

In the night sky of Fang Wangfu, Zhao Ying'er suddenly screamed in surprise.

Ye Meng hurriedly covered her mouth.

Zhao Ying'er held the Qiongxiao Flower, and the whole person was dizzy with excitement: "For me? For me?"

"Of course." Ye Meng said: "I can use one. Who else should I give the other one to? Mom already has one."

Zhao Ying'er blushed.

Looking down at the crystal clear Qiongxiao Flower, the whole person was as happy as if exploding.

"Let's take turns."

Ye Meng said: "I will adjust the dosage first, and then I will protect you after the effect is unfolded."

Zhao Ying'er was a little entangled and said: "I won't take it first, I will keep it first... I have to wait for a few more levels before I can... restore my appearance to its peak. Then, I will take it again."

Ye Meng: "????"

"Oh, my good sister... don't worry about it." Zhao Ying'er hugged Ye Meng: "Anyway... this matter is very complicated. I can only promise that I will not change. You believe me!"

Ye Meng said: "In this case... it's fine."

Zhao Ying'er carefully put away the Qiongxiao Flower, her face full of happiness, and suddenly kissed Ye Meng on the face: "Sister Ye Meng, I will always be grateful to you! You are my sister in this life!"


Tiandu City.

On a mountain outside the city, there is a natural viewing pavilion.

From here, a thousand miles of land can be seen at a glance.

Steaming mist rises from the ground. The north wind whistles, and the clouds flow.

The stream clouds rise and the sun sinks into the pavilion, and the mountain rain is coming.

The pavilion has been weathered and looks like it has been renovated many times. But it maintains its original appearance.

Seven people are sitting in this pavilion.

"Another year has passed."

The first person to speak is the Dean of Tianren Wuyuan in Tiandu City, Tianxuan Lord, Qin Fengyun. Then there are the deputy Dean, Tianji Lord, Luo Hao; Tianquan Lord, Jiang Shangou; Yuheng Lord, Mi Wenqing; Kaiyang Lord, Yun Zaikong; and Yaoguang Lord, Meng Chuxing, who is sitting in a wheelchair, and Meng Chuxing's daughter, Meng Hejun.

There is also a string of small bells on Meng Hejun's wrist.

In terms of the Big Dipper, the only missing one is Tianshu Lord, who is the leader.

But the first seat on the table is always empty.

There are no wine glasses, bowls, or chopsticks, just empty seats.

Because if the tableware is set, it means that the six people admit that the boss is dead.

But they didn't believe that the boss was really dead. So they kept the seat vacant, waiting for the boss to return.

As long as the boss comes back, he can take this seat at any time.

Continue to command the six brothers to fight in the world again.

Qin Fengyun's thin face was slightly sad, and he sighed softly: "When we seven brothers went to the world together, we became sworn brothers here. Afterwards, we funded the construction of this Beidou Pavilion."

"It's been more than five hundred years... We gather in Beidou Pavilion once a year. Have you found it?"

The brothers shook their heads in silence.

Tianquan Lord Jiang Shangou buried his head deeply.

Qin Fengyun's eyes fell on Jiang Shangou, and he stared at him for a long time with an inexplicable meaning.

Then he slowly moved away, with a bit of thought.

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