Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 10 Big Waves Wash The Sand, Kill A Hundred

"Come on, the next day's newcomer's trial is coming as scheduled."

"Invasion from all directions?"

"This difficulty has not increased a little bit!"

"I feel like this is targeting me. I just arranged for the people to build eight arrow towers in one direction, and now my mentality has completely collapsed."

"Who is not, everyone is in this situation, thinking that the thieves will only invade from one direction, but I didn't expect that they will come from all directions in the end."

"It seems that the first day of the newcomer's trial is just to warm up us in advance."

"Mom, I can't play anymore, I don't play anymore, I want to go home!!!"


After seeing the rules of the newcomer's trial on the second day.

Can't say anything about it.

All I can say is that the mood is completely broken.

The difficulty of the rookie trial is gradually increasing.

This is a very normal thing, but for the vast majority of lords, they have not used their heads and have plans for a rainy day.

and this.

Perhaps it is one of the reasons why only the strong can survive in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Although Yang Chuan plunged into the gentle township.

However, many arrangements and plans have been made for the development of the territory.

Just like the red flame arrow tower built.

"Lord Lord is really wise."

"Fortunately, I obeyed the Lord's arrangement and built the Red Flame Arrow Tower at the four entrances of the territory in advance."

The figure of the invading thief quickly appeared.

Looking at the territory that was surrounded by enemies on all sides, Zhang Xiaomu felt extremely shocked in his heart.

That's right.

With the opening of the second day of the trial of newcomers.

Zhang Xiaomu, who was in an orderly manner, also successfully built eight Scarlet Flame Arrow Pagodas at the four entrances of the territory.

Plus the previously built Phantom Arrow Tower.

At present, in Yang Chuan's territory, there are already ten arrow towers for fortifications alone.

In addition, there is Cai Wenji, and two S-rank arms.

Under such fighting power.

Even if Yang Chuan is directly rotten, lying on the bronze sparrow platform and sleeping, it is impossible for the invading thieves to break into the territory.


"Wen Ji, you go to guard the east gate of the territory."

"Mu Chengxue, go to Ximen."

"Mu Rushuang, the South Gate is handed over to you."

"Zhang Xiaomu, go to the north gate and use the arrow tower to defend against the bandits, don't take the initiative to attack."

Under a single command.

Going to Tongjak Terrace, Yang Chuan, who is condescending, made arrangements.

next moment,

Cai Wenji took the lead and went to the East Gate to resist the enemy.

A hurried piano sounded.

A deadly burst of energy.

Although the number of thieves has increased, it is fortunate that the combat effectiveness has not improved.

He was still dressed in coarse cloth, his arms were rusted with iron knives, and there were only a few dozen people.

How could it be possible that under Cai Wenji, they would break into Yang Chuan's territory.

In addition, there is a red flame arrow tower swept array.

A shower of rockets and rockets fell from the air.



A tragic scream followed.

The living thieves sacrificed themselves in the flames.

Yang Chuan looked from afar.

East Gate, with Wenji there, is impregnable.

On the other hand, look at the two places in the southwest of the territory.

Sister Mu Chengxue and Mu Rushuang, who fought for the first time, also brought surprises to Yang Chuan.

Standing under the Red Flame Arrow Tower.

It looks like the Golden Armored God of War.

A thousand meters away, holding a pitch-black longbow, spinning like a full moon, the sharp arrow flew out instantly.

With thunder.

With traces of afterimage.

Just the blink of an eye passed.

Immediately, he was a thief, his body was pierced by a sharp arrow that broke through the wind, and his eyes fell into a pool of blood.

no doubt,

Under the blessing of Houyi's blood.

The twin sisters, as troops with long-range attacks, are like nightmares on the battlefield.

Range of more than a thousand meters.

It can be said that he did not see him, only to see the rain of arrows taking his life.

As for the north gate guarded by only one of Zhang Xiaomu's people, the battle situation was still very easy at this time.

Although Zhang Xiaomu has no ability to respond to the enemy.

But at the north gate, there are four arrow towers.

The Phantom Arrow Tower and the Red Flame Arrow Tower can easily kill a thief every time they attack.

And there are fences of thorns to keep off thieves.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaomu only needs to consume wood resources, and urgently replenish the durability of the thorn fence.

"bring it on."

"Let the storm come harder."

"It's better to have some more thieves, these are all resources and ranking rewards."

Finally after looking around.

Yang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.


The trial leaderboard appeared before his eyes.

【Trial Ranking】

1st place: Yang Chuan, kills: 98.

Second place: Li Mu, kills: 47.

The third place: Li Changfeng, the number of kills: 43 people.


! ! !

This is more than twice the number of kills for the second place in the territory.

After Yang Chuan saw it, he had an incredible feeling for a while.

Am I too strong?

Or other lords are too weak.

It feels like the difference is too big.

And that also means.

If nothing else, Yang Chuan can still easily win the ranking reward of the rookie trial on the second day with an absolute advantage.

And at this time, the newcomer trial starts.

Only ten minutes have passed.

Therefore, with such a terrifying killing efficiency, Yang Chuan can reap massive resource rewards in the rookie trial.

"Brothers, I'm going one step ahead."

"Enemies are coming from all directions. The people of my territory have not yet changed their occupations, so they can't resist the invading bandits at all."

"Oh, so am I."

"Sisters, if it collapses, the territory will be occupied by bandits immediately, and I will leave without saying goodbye."

"Everything came so suddenly, it seems that the big waves are washing the sand, and this is the beginning."

"Don't say these depressing words, as long as the original wooden house is not destroyed, there is still hope for everything."

At this time in the chat channel.

There is no hot discussion in the past, only the parting message that appears intermittently.



The original wooden house collapsed.

In various circumstances, some people were eliminated.

As for the territory that is still being defended, the situation is also very difficult.

"There is a gap between each lord, which is acceptable."

"But why is Yang Chuan able to be so smooth?"

"Fuck, the number of kills has already exceeded 100!"

"Is this a hack? I beg the big guy to share the hack, but you can have a face-to-face relationship. I'm a big dick and cute girl."

"Are they all so honest?"

"Attention, attention, self-exploding trucks are infested, everyone please be careful to avoid."

Under Yang Chuan's leisurely review, these innocuous contents of the chat channel.

It is also fully regarded as an after-dinner entertainment project.

It's like brushing jokes in the blue star world.


According to the information shared in the chat channel.

Yang Chuan was still vaguely aware of it.

It is so difficult to obtain the qualification to enter the battlefield of all races.

As you can imagine.

What a terrifying existence on the battlefield of all races.

"It seems that this newcomer is trying."

"To put it bluntly, let all the lords do everything they can to improve the combat effectiveness of their territory."



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