Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 9 Bloody Dragon Guard, S-Class Arms

"Wood: 3500 units"

"Stone: 980 units"

"Food: 880 units"

"Gold: 48 taels"


"Red Fire Ore: 310 units"


In a trance, the morning passed quickly.

Under the acquisition efficiency of 10 increments.

In Yang Chuan's territory, although Zhang Xiaomu and Li Moyu are the only people who actually work, it doesn't mean anything.

on the contrary.

In just one morning, Zhang Xiaomu collected a full 1,000 units of wood by himself.

"My lord, there are so many red fire ores!"

"To build an arrow tower, to build an arrow tower, only 100 units of red fire ore are enough."

Zhang Xiaomu who returned to the territory to rest.

After seeing the red fire ore, he was a little surprised and a little happy.

"But if you want to build a territory wall."

"According to the size of our territory, we may need at least 500 units of red fire ore."

That's all for now.

Yang Chuan had a rough idea of ​​how much red fire ore the territory currently needed.

But the good news is according to Li Moyu's appraisal.

Although there are not many red fire ores near the territory, there are still 10,000 units.

So it is enough for the development needs of Yang Chuan territory in the early stage.

"Then you can build the arrow tower first after the meal."

"Strive to build more than two arrow towers in each direction of the territory before today's bandits invade."

"As for the city wall, there should be no problem with the thorn fence."

Yang Chuan spoke.

After Zhang Xiaomu heard about it, he was a little confused.

Why build so many arrow towers?

Is the lord a little too cautious?

According to the fighting power of the invading bandits yesterday, Master Wen Ji alone is enough to easily resist.

But thinking of my mother Zhang Mingyue's teaching, don't ask questions that shouldn't be asked, just do things.

So Zhang Xiaomu just nodded: "Understood."


After dinner.

There are currently 7 people in the territory, including Yang Chuan and Cai Wenji.

The amount of food was reduced again.

But enough to last for a while.

In addition to completing the daily new trial, you can get food.

At present, there is no need to worry about the food problem in the territory.

And Zhang Xiaomu followed Yang Chuan's arrangement.

Start using red fire ore to build arrow towers in the territory.

It was at this time.

Accompanying Yang Chuan to the side of the Dragon Guard barracks.

The system prompt appears again.

"Reminder: After training, the subject Mu Chengxue has been transferred to Dragon Guard."

"Reminder: After training, the subject Mu Chengxue was transferred to Dragon Guard."


【Twilight Chengxue】

Identity: Arms

Occupation: Dragon Guardian (S-Class)

Skills: Loyal Lord Protector, Bloody Dragon Guard

Archery: 666 (Grandmaster)

Attack power: 55

Defense: 60

Range: 300+1000


Loyal Lord Protector (Level A): When adjacent to the lord, the defense power is increased by 25%, and the lord will share the damage for the lord.

Bloody Dragon Guard (Level S): Increase attack power by 25%, and permanently increase attack power according to the number of enemies killed.


When sisters Mu Chengxue and Mu Rushuang walked out of the Dragon Guard barracks.

Yang Chuan also learned about the information template of the Dragon Guardian.

The two sisters are still exactly the same attributes.


As a unit, the dragon guard's combat effectiveness is also abnormal enough, and it can switch between close combat and long-range attack.

And because of the existence of the Bloody Dragon Guard skill.

Although the Dragon Guard is a unit, it can also continuously improve its combat effectiveness.

And after being transferred to Dragon Guard.

The dresses of the two sisters also changed from commoner clothes to golden battle armor.

Around his waist is a slender and sharp saber.

Behind him is a longbow with jet-black patterns.

At first glance, although she is a woman, she is equally heroic.

"it is good."

"From now on, you two sisters will follow me."

Immediately made an arrangement, Yang Chuan was very satisfied.


"The two of us, sisters, swear to the death to protect the safety of the lord."

Uniform movements and vocalizations.

After training, the arms are indeed different from when they were citizens.

Even under Yang Chuan's gaze, the two women still stood upright without fear.

Perhaps this is the so-called regular army.

If a team of dragon guards can be formed, the safety of the territory, or their own safety, can be guaranteed in the future.

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan began to expect more refugees to join the territory.

And this is the joy of territory discovery.

"Number of subjects, territory buildings, fortifications, resource production, etc."

"In the development of the territory, there are too many tasks that need to be improved step by step."

"Now my biggest advantage is to use the territory characteristic of Yu Nu Feisheng to speed up the development of the territory to the greatest extent."

After the above summary.

It is not difficult to see that the quantity and quality of the people can play a decisive role in the development of the territory.

Because of this.

Although the people in Yang Chuan's territory are all beautiful women.

However, due to the existence of the territory characteristic of Royal Maiden Ascension, these beauties are all equipped with unique skills, and they are not empty vases with good skins.

Another hour passed.

With Zhang Xiaomu's efforts.

The first arrow tower built with red fire ore was finally completed.

"Reminder: The construction of the Red Rocket Tower is completed, Zhang Xiaomu's talent is triggered, and the Red Rocket Tower is upgraded to the Red Flame Arrow Tower."


The first time you receive the notification message.

Yang Chuan couldn't wait to take the two sisters, Mu Chengxue, to check the situation of the Red Flame Arrow Tower.

Unlike the wooden Phantom Arrow Tower.

Walking along with Yang Chuan, he looked carefully.

I saw the red flame arrow tower built with red fire ore.

Its appearance is red, presenting a strange scarlet color. And after approaching, a heat wave hits the face.

"Territory Building: Red Flame Arrow Tower"

"Building Quality: Grade B"

"Building effect: It can release flames to attack the enemy, and has a chance to cause a burning effect."

"Attack Power: 100 Points"


As expected of a B-grade building.

The attack power is as much as four times that of the phantom arrow tower.

Looking at the information from the Red Flame Arrow Tower, Yang Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

But not long after.

The announcement of the newcomer trial will come again soon.

[Announcement: Attention all lords, the newcomer trial will start the next day. 】

[Trial Rules]: Bandits will invade the lord's territory from all directions.

At least 10 or more thieves appear each time.

【Countdown starts】




It's still a ten minute countdown.

However, the number of thieves who invaded this time is no longer fixed.

Also from a single intrusion.

Changed to start invading from all sides.

This certainly does not increase the difficulty of resistance.

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