Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 103: Rewards For Meritorious Deeds, The Newcomer Area, The Qualifications Of All Races For H


dark day.

Above the sky, the dazzling blazing sun disappeared, and it was replaced by a dim light.

At this moment, the earth began to shake.

At this moment, the sky is full of stars shining brightly.

Accompanied by the light of the stars, a huge energy burst out around Yutian Xingguan's body.

The energy seems to have the ability to tear the void apart.

Follow the changes in the light of the stars.

When Yang Chuan looked up.

A huge meteorite with radiant brilliance swept across the sky, and between the electric light and flint, it was shrouded in the deceit of the centaur creature army.

into despair.

fleeing everywhere.

Even the brave and fearless army of centaur creatures lost their desire to fight in an instant in the face of the meteorite that covered the sky.


Only three seconds passed.

He didn't give the centaur creatures a chance to escape, only to hear a loud noise that shook the sky, and the meteorite was already close to the earth.



The huge impact, like a gust of wind, spread to a distance of several kilometers around.

In an instant, the meteorite fell to the ground, violent shaking followed, and even the steep mountain wall not far away began to collapse.

The dust even flew to a height of 100 meters.

In the face of such a grand event,

Yang Chuan involuntarily took a deep breath, and at the same time felt a little fortunate in his heart, fortunately, this Royal Star Officer is a military unit that he cultivated.


No matter how strong the lord and the strongest territory, there is absolutely no chance of survival under the coverage of the Legion’s technical field.

It is no exaggeration.

The power of this earth-blasting star.

Enough to easily wipe out a territorial force.

The support army of the Centaur Dynasty is the best proof.

when it's over.

When the dust dissipated, it was vaguely seen that the huge meteorite had disappeared, leaving only a crater the size of a football field.

Similarly, the traces of centaur creatures, at this moment, are even more rare, and the mighty army before has long since vanished.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge City, for raising the progress of the task in the Yongzhou area to 53100%!

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: The progress of the tasks in the Yongzhou area is the first to surpass half. According to the contribution, all the lords of Yongzhou can get rewards.

【Tips】: Special architectural drawings (requires identification)

[Tips]: Special equipment drawings (requires identification)

[Tips]: 100,000 units of spirit stones, special items (requires identification)

That's right.

The stars went down in one shot, although they were not able to kill all the centaur creatures who came to support them.

However, the progress of the tasks in the Yongzhou region has been improved a lot, and the cumulative breakthrough has just exceeded 50%.

And according to Wanzu's announcement.

For the Yongzhou regional task, the reason why more than half of it was completed first, and thus began to discuss the merits of the reward, according to the contribution of each lord of Yongzhou, different rewards.

But obviously.

The so-called reward for meritorious deeds, I am afraid that Yang Chuan alone will take 99% of the reward.

As for the remaining 1%, it is estimated that only a few Yongzhou lords can claim it.

After all, from the beginning to the end, there are not many people who fight centaurs and kill centaur lords.

at the same time.

Back when Yang Chuan won the gambling deal.

The chat forum has already exploded.

Now, with the increase of tasks in the Yongzhou area, the entire chat forum has rarely fallen into silence for a long time.

"Strict investigation, it must be strictly investigated, this is too fake, Yang Chuan is definitely open."

"It only took a few hours to increase the progress of the task in the Yongzhou area to 35%. It's incredible enough. It's only half an hour later, and it's more than half completed??"

"It's not cheating, I even seriously doubt that Yang Chuan may be a child, otherwise he really can't explain it."

"Agree with the point above, 1.

"Comparing to your well-founded analysis here, what I am very envious of at this time is that Yongzhou was selected as the lord of the region to which the territory belongs."

"I regret it, why did I not choose to go to Yongzhou to hug my big (bdeh) legs in the first place!"

"Envy a hammer, do you know how many rewards I have distributed?"

"How much, you say."

"I vomited for 1 unit of spiritual stone resources, but I really didn't do anything. It's understandable to take such a small reward. It's better than nothing."

"Damn, according to what you said, Yang Chuan won't really use a group of beautiful female troops to complete more than half of the progress of the task in the Yongzhou area?"

"I'm afraid to think about it, can it be said that the four peerless beauties who have conquered the city and the country are four heroic units?"

In the chat forum, after a brief silence, it fell into a lively discussion.

After all, the contrast is too great.

Share the traces of Yang Chuan well in the morning.

Now, the progress of the Yongzhou region has been increased to 50%, and more importantly, it is still a group of beautiful women's troops.

Is this the legendary eating soft rice?

Don't feel too fragrant!

But the more you talk about it, the easier it is to make people think about it.

The reason is also very simple.

Since the beginning of the rookie trial, Yang Chuan has been leading the other lords with absolute dominance, which cannot be explained by luck alone.

Once, twice, it's okay.

After such a long period of time, what kind of combat effectiveness did the troops formed by this group of beautiful women have.

That's the most concerning issue right now.

At this time, the content of the chat forum has also undergone different changes.

"If it is said that Yang Chuan's trump card is really a beautiful female unit, whether it is golden-quality equipment or A-level quality mounts.

"I think the quality of this group of women's arms, at least above the S rank, weapons, equipment and mounts, can only play the role of icing on the cake."

"Indeed, the strength of combat effectiveness depends on the quality of the arms and units."

"How about we let the brothers in Yongzhou go test it?"

"I think this method is feasible. Didn't you say before that Cao Thief was by my side and wanted to kill Yang Chuan to cover up Xi Shi?"

"I agree, brothers of Yongzhou, I won't rob you of the four beauties. I wish you success here!"

"We really watch the fun and don't think it's a big deal."

"The tens of thousands of troops in the Centaur Dynasty can't stop this group of beautiful female troops. Do you think I can do it?"

"No, but a man can't say no."

"That's right, especially when it comes to dealing with women, men are definitely inferior. [011111213170452470]

"No, this is not a female soldier, this is simply the reincarnation of Jiutian Xuannv, the fairy in the sky washing the world."

"So, what needs to be careful now should be the short-lived Beiliang Alliance."

"This statement is very correct, why haven't the Beiliang Alliance come out to advertise?"

"@Beiliang Alliance, I want to join you, why didn't I come out to promote it."

Some are happy and some are sad.

According to the changes in the content of the chat forum, for a while, various speculations appeared.

But more of curiosity and worry.

Although the atmosphere of the chat forums has not changed much, in fact, every lord is scheming with each other.

They eagerly wanted to know the specific combat power of Yang Chuan at this time.

Good for curious purposes.

Just for precautionary purposes.

This would be equivalent to Yang Chuan's sudden outburst, breaking a certain balance.

Although everyone was introverted before.

But they are still on the same level.

Now that it's good, Yang Chuan directly turned the table to a showdown, and he was just about to say the last sentence. With all due respect, everyone here is garbage.

In short, once this balance is broken.

It is easy to change from envy and jealousy to hatred.

But for Yang Chuan at this time.

The content that appears in the chat forum will not have much impact on his completion.

In the face of absolute combat power.

Ants can kill elephants.

An introverted lord could not defeat Yang Chuan at all.

The fate of Sun Ziyu is the best proof.

"Prepare to retreat, Your Highness."

"Follow the marching route of the Centaur Dynasty to support the army, and look for the specific location where Yanyun Wolf was killed in battle.

This moment.

After the end of the Earth Blast Star Legion technique.

With an order from Yang Chuan, the mighty team began to move quickly.

Centaur creatures march quickly.

However, compared with the A-level quality Beijiang Longqi, it is still a lot worse.

As for why not directly return to Chaoge City.

The purpose of Yang Chuan's arrangement is to resurrect Zhang Niujiao.

People cannot be resurrected from the dead.

This is an eternal thing.

But in the battlefield of ten thousand races, because of the appearance of Xishi, this rule was broken.

Xishi possesses the Mother of Yaochi, the bloodline of SSS level, although the combat power is the weakest among the four peerless beauties.

Can have the ability to resurrect the dead.


This ability can only revive one person at a time, and after using it, it will enter a one-month cooldown.

But as long as Zhang Niujiao can be resurrected.

That's enough, the Yanyun tribe still needs Zhang Niujiao to lead.

After this battle, Zhang Niujiao also proved his worth.

Relying only on fighting to the death, he led the Yanyun Wolf Rider with a few thousand people to block the support army of the Centaur Dynasty.

Yang Chuan had no reason to give up Zhang Shengyu.

after all.

In this war-torn battlefield of ten thousand races, it is not an easy time to cultivate an absolutely loyal confidant.

After this,

Another ten minutes passed,

The army of the Centaur Dynasty has been successfully thrown off by Yang Chuan.

Now he only needs, according to the marching route of the Centaur Dynasty's support army, to find the specific location of Zhang Niujiao's death in battle.

Yet at this moment.

The obscuring situation suddenly appeared.

Looking around, I saw that above the sky, bursts of dark clouds suddenly appeared.

It's raining!

That's right.

In the ten thousand clan battlefield, it was actually pouring rain, and this was the first time that the weather had changed.



A terrifying mad thunder exploded in the dark cloud.

In an instant, a scarlet thunderbolt pierced the entire sky and smashed into the ground, forming an extremely terrifying scene.

Its thunder is tens of thousands of meters above, connecting the whole world, and a deafening sound erupts, slowly entering the ears of every lord.


Another scarlet thunderbolt appeared.

Repeatedly, countless thunders appeared, forming a world-shattering grand scene.

"what's going on?"

"Is it

A new enemy has appeared?"

Yang Chuan looked directly at Lei Ting, full of doubts in his heart.

However, with the fall of every thunderbolt, some changes have taken place in every area of ​​Kyushu, among which the change in Yongzhou is the most obvious.

But fortunately, this process.

It didn't last long, just like a thunderstorm, it came and disappeared quickly.

After a moment.

Then everything stopped, the pouring rain ended, and the thunder gradually fell silent.

In the grassland after the rain, there is a fragrance of soil and fresh air.

and at the same time.

The ten thousand clan announcement suddenly appeared, explaining the vision of heaven and earth just now.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: This is a vast world with ten thousand ethnic groups, and Kyushu is just a newcomer area.

Please pay attention to all lords, the progress of the regional task is more than half, and the battlefield of ten thousand races is about to start.

[Special reminder]: When the progress of the regional mission increases to 100%, the seal of the enchantment protecting Kyushu will be broken.

At that time, the newcomer's trial will be automatically ended, and they will be eligible to compete for hegemony among all races, as well as the opportunity to enter the battlefield of all races.

There are more abundant resources and tens of thousands of ethnic forces.

[Special reminder]: Kyushu is not the only newcomer area. When entering the battlefield of all races, it is possible to meet lords from other newcomer areas.

Friend or foe,

Ally or plunder.

You will face countless unknown challenges, please prepare in advance.


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