Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 104: No. 1 On The Gold List Of Merit, Thunder Ballista, Tiger And Leopard Riding

Seeing the announcement of Wanzu, Yang Chuan looked up and saw a looming energy barrier appearing above Yongzhou.

No wonder there are not many racial forces in the Kyushu region.

Take Yongzhou as an example, the centaur dynasty is the main one, and other scattered ethnic forces are basically no threat.

It turned out that Kyushu was only a newcomer area.

Even according to the content of the special prompt, there are many areas for newcomers, and Kyushu is only one of them.

These newcomer areas are enveloped by the energy barrier, and even the powerful Ten Thousand Races forces are blocked in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield by the energy barrier.

[Newcomer area protection enchantment]

[Function]: Invincible BUFF

[Blood Moon Comes]: 1 day 13 hours~hours

【Large Invasion】: 5 days 13-hours

【Regional task progress】:-50%

Like a countdown, this information all floats aside the energy results.

"In another day, the blood moon will come, and the combat power of the racial forces will be strengthened."

"The relationship between Chaoge City and the Centaur Dynasty has declined to the point of death."

"At that time, when the large-scale invasion begins, Chaoge City will definitely be the first target to be attacked.

Seeing this, Yang Chuan was filled with a sense of urgency.

With the continuous improvement of the task progress in the Yongzhou region, he has already weakened the combat effectiveness of the Centaur Dynasty by half.

But this does not mean that the Centaur Dynasty has lost its threat, if it waits for the blood moon to come.

With the fighting power of the Centaur Dynasty.

It is still enough to easily swept the entire Yongzhou region, all the lords' territories.

In short.

If only before the blood moon came, the combat power of the Centaur Dynasty, or the progress of the mission in the Yongzhou area, could be increased to 90%.

Only so.

The Centaur Dynasty completely lost its threat.

"It seems that it is necessary to use the stars falling from the sky again to kill centaur creatures in a large area."

"Before tomorrow at the latest, it is still necessary to revive Zhang Niujiao as soon as possible."

Yang Chuan led the team and continued to move forward along the marching route of the Centaur Dynasty to support the army.

After the pouring rain just now.

After the marching route was washed away by the rain, it was difficult to distinguish.

So, it took a few hours.

Yang Chuan barely found it, a messy place.

Looking around, it should have been a battlefield before, with corpses scattered everywhere, and the environment was messed up.

But after just one glance, Yang Chuan discovered Oh Zhang Niu Jiao.

The general died in a hundred battles and remained independent, but he did not close his eyes and fell down, still holding the war blade tightly in his hand.

With Yingying aura condensed here.

Xi Shi stretched out his white jade fingers.

Under the flash of aura, all of a sudden, Zhang Niujiao's body moved slightly, and the battle strength also fell to the ground at this moment.

"Welcome to the big boss!"

Kneeling down on one knee, eyes firm.

After being resurrected by Xi Shi, although Zhang Niujiao was full of horror, the first time he saw Yang Chuan, he let out a roar like Hong Lei.

"Get up."

"As long as you are here, the cloud wolf will not be destroyed.

"The five wild forces are still waiting for you to conquer."

Yang Chuan patted the horn on the shoulder.


Aunt Su Cheng.

Inside the Town Hall.

All the core lords of the Moshang Alliance gathered here. Sun Ziyu sat firmly in the middle, and beside him was the white-haired Xun Yu.

"Brother Yu, all the required materials and resources have been collected."

"If we start construction now, we should be able to make the first batch before the blood moon comes."

"Can't delay any more time, pressure!"

As the strongest alliance force in Jingzhou.

At this time, except for Sun Ziyu, the other twelve core lords of the Moshang Alliance began to speak.

It seemed that the most important thing in business, they looked anxious, frowned tightly together, stared at Sun Ziyu, waiting to make a decision.

As for the gambling agreement.

As if the chapter had been turned over, the twelve lords did not mention a word.


The reason for this dramatic change is definitely something extremely precious in the hands of Sun Ziyu.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Moshang Alliance, which was originally a mess of sand, to become so united.

"Since the resources and materials have been collected, there is no reason not to work."

"However, everyone is the brothers of the Moshang Alliance, and I think there are some things that need to be made clear in advance before starting the construction.

"I will provide the drawings, the manpower, and the resources and materials, but in the end, we will score seven or three."

Without making a sound, Sun Ziyu looked around with a confident look.

But as the voice fell.

The twelve lords present were stunned for a moment, and after taking a deep breath, they appeared restless.

Seven to three points.

good appetite.

However, this is like a high-tech core component, or a patented technology.

Although resources and materials are valuable, in the absence of blueprints, they are just a pile of resources and materials.

After a long silence.

One of the lords hammered the table: "Seven or three points is seven or three points."

"But one thing must be guaranteed."

"That is to ensure that I can use the Thunder Ballista before the blood moon comes.


After Sun Ziyu spoke decisively, he glanced at the lord.

The lord of the hammer table blinked.

It seems as if he is telling Sun Ziyu that I am a professional when it comes to childcare.

The money of the tyrants was returned in full.

The money of the leek is divided into thirty-seven.

To put it bluntly, this meeting is a conspiracy arranged in advance by Sun Ziyu, for the purpose of being a white wolf with empty gloves.

As for results.

Just as Sun Ziyu expected.

"Seven or three points, seven or three points. We only need the Thunder Ballista."

"In a batch of ten, we're going to take three."

The threat of a blood moon is imminent.

In order to be foolproof, the lord present had no reason to refuse at all.

They rushed to hand over the materials and resources needed to make the Thunder Ballista.

after all.

The powerful combat power of the Thunder Ballista is enough to surpass any unit of arms.

"Don't worry, everyone."

"My grandson Yu promises that before sunset tomorrow, everyone can get the main Thunder Food Truck."

Hearing this, the lord who was kept in the dark did not know that he had been cut leeks by Sun Ziyu.

Thank you in succession.

But in fact, in the dense forest outside Gu Su Cheng at this time, a thunder ballista processing factory had already started construction.

The thunder ballistas produced one after another were placed there in an orderly manner.

Look around.

There are already dozens of them.

If this is all pulled out, I am afraid that in the entire Jingzhou area, there is no lord who can resist the offensive of this Thunder Ballista.

But obvious.

Sun Ziyu's ambition at this time was not limited to Jingzhou.


Inside Daliang City.

Rows of elite cavalry are ready to go.

The jet-black armor, the jet-black warhorse, and the weapons in their hands are all long swords of the moon.

...asking for flowers...

Such a brave cavalry team.

Looking at the number of people, there are more than 2,000 people.

Looking at the combat power of the rank, it is even more surprising that, without exception, the ranks of military skills are all around the sixth rank.

Even the leader of the front row, the level of military merit reached the seventh level.

such a situation arises.

Shock can no longer be described.

You must know that Yang Chuan's Star Royal Commander, after killing a large number of centaur creatures, barely managed to level up to the seventh rank.

This is enough to see.

The fighting power of this valiant cavalry team can be seen from its elite.

"Tiger and leopard riding, all the world knows!"

"I Wei Wushuang, how can I live in Qingzhou?"

"Listen to all orders, change your clothes!"

Just listening to Wei Wushuang's voice like Hong Lei's voice just sounded, the tiger and leopard riding in front of him moved uniformly, and it only took ten seconds to complete the order.

However, the so-called dress-up.

It turned out to be wearing commoner straw sandals and changing into a thief, Tian's dress.

As a dark horse that was once killed in the second stage of the newcomer's trial.

Wei Wushuang was silent for a long time in Qingzhou.

Now with the passage of time, most of the lords seem to have forgotten this name.

Even on the gold medal list at this time, Wei Wushuang's name was not seen.


Wei Wushuang spoke again: "Clear any obstacles, especially the enemies near Daliang City."

"Whether it is a lord or a racial force."

"Everyone can be killed without mercy!"

Under the ruthless eyes, the tone is very cold.

next moment.

Disguised as bandits and thieves, the tiger and leopard cavalry slowly left from Daliang City under the watchful eyes.

"I would rather lose the world."

"Don't let the world blame me!"

the other side.

In Chaoge City.

Yang Chuan has led the team and returned safely.

"Congratulations, Lord.

All the people who are beautiful and beautiful.

Standing on both sides of Chaoge City, as if welcoming the hero's return, he was about to throw flowers for Yang Chuan to celebrate.

This moment.

It's sunset.

Under the afterglow of the sun, Yang Chuan looks like a golden armor, and with the imposing manner that is not angry and self-possessed, it is difficult not to make people intoxicated.


After a day of fighting.

Encountered the baptism of pouring rain again.

Therefore, the first time he returned to Chaoge City, Yang Chuan first went to Tongquetai to cleanse under the service of Zhang Mingyue.

And while taking advantage of the bath.

The gold medal list appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

Looking at it, I saw that great changes had taken place in the Gold Medal List.

Gold List]

1st place: Yongzhou, Yang Chuan, 32.05 million merits

Second: Jingzhou, Sun Ziyu, 6.57 million meritorious deeds

Third: Jizhou, Li Mu, 150,000 meritorious deeds

Fourth: Yuzhou, Li Changfeng, 2.25 million meritorious deeds

Fifth: Liangzhou, Lan Xinyue, 2.13 million merits

Yang Chuan still occupies the first position in the Merit Gold List with an absolute advantage.

Second and third, the changes are not too big.

Grandson Yu Wannian's second child.

Instead, Li Mu, who had been counterattacked by Wei Wushuang before, returned to the third place again.

As for the fourth and fifth places, they have been replaced many times.

After the sixth place, let alone.

"It seems that the level of involution between the lords is still very intense."

"It's good in this way, at least it can ensure that the Kyushu region has enough combat power to meet the invasion of the ten thousand clans after the battlefield of ten thousand clans is opened."

Yang Chuan muttered to himself disapprovingly. .

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