Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 112 Champion Hou, Huo Qubing, Great Liang Baihu

As with the previous situation of upgrading Chaoge Village to Chaoge City, the first lord to break through the territory scale level will complete a hidden achievement quest.

And it will also trigger follow-up achievement tasks.


Yang Chuan made the choice without hesitation.

Then, the information about the follow-up achievement task appeared in front of him.

[Achievement Mission]: Treasure of the Emperor

[Quest Requirements]: Conquer a pilgrimage-scale racial faction

[Task Difficulty]: Mythical level

[Quest Reward]: Kongtong Seal

[Special reminder]: Angels, elves, high goblins, etc. are all racial forces of the pilgrimage scale. They are extremely powerful, so please be prepared.

Another mythical achievement task.


The difficulty of the mythical achievement task of the Supreme Treasure of the Human Emperor is enough to make people stop and sigh.

For Yang Chuan, who has not yet obtained the qualification to compete for the hegemony of all ethnic groups and has not come out of the newcomer area of ​​Kyushu, to conquer a racial power of the scale of the Holy Dynasty.

It's simply an impossible thing to do.


Now, there is only one condition left before Yang Chuan is transferred to the emperor, and that is to obtain the treasure of the emperor, Kongtong Seal.

The requirements of the myth-level task, after completing the God-given Dragon Vein, have already met this condition.

The requirement of establishing a dynasty's power, with the emergence of the Northern Liang dynasty, has also met this condition.

So currently.

As long as the Kongtong seal is obtained again, Yang Chuan can be transferred to the emperor.

"It seems that just after passing a mountain, we have to face a new mountain.

"But fortunately, there is no time limit for the achievement of the task, you can wait until you enter the battlefield of ten thousand races, and then consider the option of conquering the racial forces of the Holy Dynasty.

"In short, it's just a sentence, a man is born between heaven and earth, an elves are matched with black silk, an angel is a maid, and the regiment is the pursuit of a man."

How can an exotic experience be left behind?

Yang Chuan's hard work must have immediate effect.

thought here.

With the establishment of the Northern Liang Dynasty, and after checking the contents of the Mythical Achievement Mission, the Supreme Treasure of the Emperor.

Another information template appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

Saw through the content inside this info template.

Yang Chuan can easily know all the information about the Northern Liang Dynasty.

[vassal forces]: Northern Liang Dynasty

[Scale level]: Dynasty

[Subordinate population]: 28,000

[Subordinate Loyalty]: Never betray

[Territory Features]: The First Dynasty

[Characteristic quality]: SSS grade

【Characteristic effect】

Effect 1: Daily contribution increases by 10 times.

Effect 2: The population of the territory increases by 10 times.

Effect 3: When occupying a field resource point, the income is increased by 10 times.

Effect 4: When occupying a field barracks building, the recruitment limit is increased by 10 times.

Effect 5: The blood and talents of the people of the territory are increased by an additional level.

The five tribal forces were merged into one dynasty. First of all, in terms of the population of the people, the population of 28,000 was not too much.

But fortunately, the loyalty to Chaoge City is a state of never betrayal.

And the most important territorial feature.

As a reward for the Epic Hidden Achievement quest, the SSS-level territory of the First Dynasty has five effects.

And it is very useful to view the effect of each territory feature.

Of course, compared with Chaoge City's god-level territorial characteristic, the Royal Lady Ascension is still a bit different.

But what you need to know is that the Beiliang Dynasty is only a vassal force of Chaoge City, but it has surpassed most of the territories.

"Contribution increases by 10 times, territory population increases by 10 times, and when you occupy wild resource points or barracks buildings, you can increase by 10 times~"

"The effects of these territorial special effects are indeed in line with the development needs of a vassal force."

Yang Chuan took out a jade token while nodding in satisfaction.

Peerless Hero Recruitment Order.

Today's Beiliang Dynasty is ready for everything, it only needs an excellent leader.

However, before using the jade token, another message appeared that caught Yang Chuan's attention.

[Reminder]: The SSS-level exclusive resource Wood Lianghu appeared in the Northern Liang Dynasty.

【Mount】: Great Liang White Tiger

[Quality]: SSS grade

【Mount effect】

Effect 1: Increase marching speed by 2000% and increase defense by 300%.

Effect 2: When charging into battle, the damage is increased by 1000%, the attack power is increased by 300%, and there is a chance to trigger the effect of the roaring tiger.

Effect 3: The white tiger comes to the world, killing feast, after the battle starts, kill the enemy, increase the attack by 2%, until the end of the battle.

[Tiger Roaring Mountain Forest]: Gain the super body state, and have a 25% chance to cause range damage.

The sound of rattling horseshoes sounded outside the dynasty hall.

Yang Chuan's expression at this time was even more astonishment.

As another reward for completing the First Dynasty, this hidden epic achievement quest,

The SSS-level exclusive resources that appeared in the Northern Liang Dynasty were not rare ores, rare woods, etc.

It's an SSS-level mount.

Especially after seeing the information about the Great Liang White Tiger.

The improvement of the cavalry units of this team is undoubtedly the most critical existence.

without any exaggeration.

If Wushan Miaonv was promoted to Wushan Goddess, and then matched with the Great Liang White Tiger as a mount.

Even if the Centaur Gale is coming, Yang is not afraid.

".々Luck is coming, it is really unstoppable.

"I hope this peerless hero recruitment order will not disappoint me."

After Yang Chuan said to himself, he crushed the jade token in his hand without hesitation.

next moment.

The jade token disappeared, replaced by a dazzling golden light flickering incorrectly.

After a minute.

In front of Yang Chuan's eyes, a prompt message appeared again.

[Hint]: Use the Peerless Hero Recruitment Order to successfully recruit the hero unit —— Huo Qubing.

.....is it)......

【Huo Qubing】

Status: Hero

Level: Level 1

Bloodline: Champion Hou (SSS level)

Talent: Fenglang Juxu (SSS level) Champion Hou (S level)

Force: 160


Constitution: 150

Introduction: Drinking horses and vast seas, a born king on the battlefield, but unfortunately died young.

"Champion Hou"

Blood quality: SSS grade

Effect: The basic attributes are fully improved, and all units under the command will obtain the champion effect.

Champion: Passive growth skill, according to the number of enemies killed, the attack power and defense power will be improved.

"Seal the Wolf and Live in Xu"

Talent quality: SSS level

Effect: Anticipate the enemy first, drive straight in, 100% find enemy traps, 100% find enemy dawn, when performing surprise missions, it has an unexpected effect.

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