Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 113 Habayashi Qingqi, Exclusive Building, Elite Centaur

"Chen Huo Qubing, see Lord Lord."

Huo Qubing, a young man with a heroic appearance and high spirits, dressed in silver light armor, walked into the dynasty hall.

Four eyes facing each other.

Yang Chuan didn't find any fear in Huo Qubing's eyes, instead, apart from awe, there was more arrogance.

Perhaps for a young hero, looking at Huo Qubing's achievements, it is the pursuit of countless heroic units in this life.

Sealing wolves to live in Xu, drinking horses and vast seas and so on.

Just ask each of these things, if you pick one at random, it is enough to make people admire, but it is a pity that heaven is jealous of talents.

"From now on, the Beiliang Dynasty will be handed over to you to take charge, whether it is to fight against the outside world, or to develop steadily, I will give you sufficient rights."

"In addition, you have to be fully prepared for the upcoming Ten Thousand Clans Contest for Hegemony.

"Of course, I still have a big gift."

If you want the horse to run fast.

Good wine and good meat are indispensable.

Especially with the appearance of Huo Qubing, the fighting power of the Northern Liang Dynasty will definitely be raised to another level.

As a result, Yang Chuan had one more hole card in his hand.

And it is very likely that in the next period of time, the combat effectiveness of the arms of the Northern Liang Dynasty will be the main force of Yang Chuan's struggle for hegemony.

Therefore, when Yang Chuan's voice fell, another blueprint appeared in his hands.

This is the exclusive architectural blueprint that was rewarded when completing the epic achievement task of Fenglangjuxu, 180.

Only the forces of the dynasty scale level can build exclusive buildings.

before that.

Before the Northern Liang Dynasty was established, Yang Chuan was unable to view the content of the exclusive architectural drawings.

But now with the establishment of the Beiliang Dynasty, the contents of this exclusive architectural drawing appeared before Yang Chuan's eyes one by one.

[Exclusive Building]: Habayashi Qingqi Barracks

[Building quality]: A grade

[Building function]: Training A-level arms - Habayashi Qingqi.

[Upgrade requirements]: According to the influence of the dynasty.

[Quality cap]: Mythical level

According to the content of this blueprint, it is not difficult to see that the upgrade method of the so-called dynasty exclusive building is not the same as that of the special building.

Special buildings only need to meet the upgrade conditions to upgrade the building level.

And the upgrade conditions of the dynasty's exclusive buildings.

It is based on the influence of the dynasty.

In other words, it is linked to the fighting power of the dynasty.

The influence of the dynasty increases, and the combat effectiveness increases.

The quality of the dynasty's exclusive buildings will also increase accordingly.

The current quality of the Habayashi Qingqi barracks (bdab) is A-level, and it can train people into A-level units, Habayashi Qingqi.

As the influence of the Beiliang Dynasty continues to increase, the quality of the Habayashi Qingqi barracks will continue to improve, preferably to the mythical level.

"Mythical unit."

"It is indeed the exclusive building of the dynasty."

"It is indeed enviable, and the way to improve the quality is not too difficult."

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan handed over the blueprint to Huo Qubing without much hesitation.

Acting as a vassal force of Chaoge City.

The loyalty of the Beiliang Dynasty will never betray.

The same is true for Huo Qubing.

Therefore, instead of leaving it to Chaoge City to build.

It's better to build the Habayashi Qingqi barracks directly in the Beiliang Dynasty, which is an exclusive building for this dynasty.

After all, use light.

At present, in the Beiliang Dynasty, there are indeed no arms units that can be sold.

If the Habayashi Qingqi barracks were built, it would be able to maximize the population advantage of the Northern Liang Dynasty.

"I thank the lord for the gift."

After receiving the drawing, Huo Qubing responded respectfully.

Yang Chuan continued: "The task of the Northern Liang Dynasty these days is to train Xilin Qingqi as much as possible.

"And the taming of the Beiliang white tiger is a top priority."

"After obtaining the qualification to fight for hegemony among all races, it will be the time when the Beiliang Dynasty will show its strength."

Huo Qubing nodded heavily upon hearing this.

"Please rest assured, my lord."

"In just one day, I will train 10,000 Habayashi Qingqi, equipped with the Great Liang White Tiger to show my supernatural power in Chaoge City."


Under the arrangement of Yang Chuan, Huo Qubing officially became the leader of the Northern Liang Dynasty.

With the passing of time,

Another few hours passed quickly.

At this moment,

As night fell.

Yang Chuan has left the Northern Liang Dynasty and returned to Chaoge City.

Look around.

At this time, Chaoge City, compared to the tranquility of the past, has become somewhat dignified.

The Yutian star officials were divided into two rows, and they were concentrated on the top of the Vajra city wall.

The Detachment of Women and Miao Nv of Wushan, ready to go, rode the Northern Border Dragon Riders and blocked the entrance of Chaoge City.

The reason why this happens.

The reason is very simple, because tonight at twelve o'clock is the time when the blood moon comes.

At that time, all Kyushu areas will be available.

The combat effectiveness of all race creatures will be strengthened.

The situation among the lords, more or less, will also undergo some changes.

So just in case.

Every lord did not dare to neglect at this moment.

Especially after the emergence of an army of elite creatures in the Centaur Dynasty, Chaoge City had to make sufficient preparations in advance due to the endless hostility.

To deal with the possible invasion of the centaur elite army tonight.

"Master, you are finally back."

"During your absence, the territory has not been invaded."

The first time Yang Chuan returned to Chaoge City.

Cai Wenji reported on today's situation with a serious expression.

On the side, Zhao Feiyan stared at the returning Yang Chuan with tender eyes.

Is this how the master felt when he was waiting for the triumphant return of the slave family?

Suddenly, a sense of security occupied Zhao Feiyan's heart.

To know before that,

Basically, Zhao Feiyan went out to fight and stayed in Chaoge City.

Today Yang Chuan left suddenly.

Let a few peerless beauties stay out of their minds for a whole day, and they didn't calm down until Yang returned.

"Tonight's blood moon is very critical."

"As long as we can survive, the Centaur Dynasty can be wiped out tomorrow.

Yang Chuan spoke softly.

According to his plan, when the blood moon comes, if the centaur dynasty sends an elite army to attack Chaoge City.

Then tonight is very likely to be a decisive battle.


Best to be safe tonight.

After all, so far, Yang Chuan still doesn't know the combat effectiveness of the elite army of the Centaur Dynasty.

However, at the same time.

The friend message sent by Yu Gezi made Yang Chuan helplessly smile.

"Boss, look at the chat forum."

"The elite army of the centaur dynasty has appeared in the Yongzhou area. At present, several unlucky lords have disappeared from Yongzhou."


"The progress of the task in the Jingzhou area has reached 69%."

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