Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 118 Hero's Soul, Cai Wenji - Starry Bard

[The third stage of the newcomer trial is over! 】

[Currently, all the regional missions in the entire Kyushu have been completed. Congratulations to the surviving lords. You have passed the test of newcomers and obtained the qualification to fight for hegemony among all races. 】

[Through the regional teleportation array, you can enter the vast world full of thousands of races, where resources are abundant, but it is also full of countless crises and challenges! 】

【Congratulations to Yang Tian, ​​the lord of Chaoge City, who ranked first on the gold list of meritorious service. 】

[Next, ranking rewards will be issued according to the ranking of the meritorious gold list. 】

[Ranking Reward]: Soul of Epic Hero (Unique)

The night passed quickly.

next morning.

With the rising of the sun, the newcomer area of ​​Kyushu finally returned to its former tranquility.

As the world announcement said, all regional missions have been fully completed so far.

The sun was shining, and after a night of fighting, expressions of exhaustion, excitement, etc. appeared on the faces of most of the lords.

This moment is the glory of the rest of life.

It is also the beginning of the struggle for hegemony among all races.

At this moment, Yang Chuan, who was sleeping, was awakened by the world announcement.

The battle with the centaur elite army last night lasted until the early morning.

However, Yang Chuan didn't wait all night for the end of the newcomer trial, but after completing the regional tasks in Yongzhou, 197 turned around and entered Tongque Terrace to sleep.

As for the final development of the matter.

As he guessed.

On the other hand, the heated discussion in the chat forum has continued until now.

All the surviving lords are like leeks waiting for the game version to be updated.

Some lords are secretly glad that they can survive the newcomer trial.

There are also lords who are worried about how terrifying the next ten-thousand races struggle for hegemony will be.

In short, in the final analysis, there is one sentence. All the lords are looking forward to the beginning of the struggle for hegemony among all races, but at the same time they are afraid of unknown race forces.

"The end of the newcomer trial, whether it is good or bad, it is still too early to discuss these things."

"That's right, we can enter the battlefield of ten thousand races through the teleportation array, and of course other races can also invade the Kyushu area."

"This reflects the value of regional blessings. Like the effect of regional blessings in Yongzhou, we will not be afraid of another invasion by racial forces."

"You should say that with Mr. Yang Chuan in charge, Yongzhou doesn't need to be afraid of racial forces at all."

"That's right, look at the final ranking of the Meritorious Gold List, Mr. Yang Chuan has accumulated more merit points than the bottom nine combined."

"Now that I say that Mr. Yang Chuan is the strongest lord, no one will come out to question him, right?"

"There is no doubt that even Sun Ziyu, who created the war machine, failed to complete the regional mission before Yang Chuan."

"This is enough to prove the terrifying strength of the boss Yang Chuan. It feels incredible to take down the Centaur Dynasty by one person."

"Hey, both are lords, why is there such a big gap."

"Actually, I am more envious of the military units trained by Mr. Yang Chuan. They are all beautiful and beautiful."

"Especially those four peerless beauties, I can confirm with 100% now that they are definitely the four legendary beauties.

"The most irritating point is that it doesn't matter that these units are as beautiful as flowers, but their combat effectiveness is astonishingly terrifying.

"Damn it, stop talking, the more I think about it, the angrier I get!"

At this moment, as the content of the chat forum discussion changed, the originally lively discussion suddenly quieted down.

Indeed, the more I think about it, the more annoying I get.

Ever since they learned that the units under Yang Chuan's command were all beautiful and beautiful women, the mentality of all the lords was completely broken.

I can't stand it anymore!

What tiger and leopard cavalry, what black Xuanjia army, what giant halberd warriors, all stood aside.

For the lord who is a stranger in a foreign land.

I am afraid that only a beautiful woman can soothe the homesickness in my heart.

at the same time.

After washing up, Yang Chuan smiled and closed the chat forum.

On the other hand, there was an extra item in his hand at some point.

Looking at it, this item is crystal clear, similar in appearance to fruit, but exudes colorful light.

[Consumables]: Soul of Heroes

【Type】: Auxiliary class

[Quality]: epic

[Effect]: After the hero unit uses it, it can awaken the corresponding type of professional skills.


"This is the reward for being number one?"

After checking, Yang Chuan's brows furrowed together, and he can only say that the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

He originally thought.

This time the number one reward will be at least similar to the previous Human Sovereign transfer scroll.

Unexpectedly, it is just an epic hero's soul.

But in general, this hero's soul is not without any effect, at least it can raise the combat effectiveness of hero units to a new level.

"The soul of an auxiliary hero."

"At present, there seem to be only Cai Wenji and Xishi in Chaoge City, who are suitable to use this hero's soul."

"Then let them decide for themselves.

While thinking of this.

The silhouettes of the four peerless beauties slowly appeared with their tangy body fragrance.

They were talking and laughing, and the pictures of Yingying and Yanyan made it hard not to let people stop and watch.

"This is the soul of an auxiliary hero."

"It can help you awaken the corresponding professional skills and improve your combat effectiveness."

"You discuss it, who will use it properly."

When the voice fell.

Yang Chuan handed the hero's soul to Zhao Feiyan.

I thought it might take a long time to discuss.

I didn't expect that only three or five sentences would pass.

The four peerless beauties discussed their candidates.

"Let's leave it to Miss Wenji to use it.

Zhao Feiyan said, and handed the hero to Cai Wenji beside him.



After Cai Wenji took over the hero's soul, she did not hesitate.

Obviously, for them, the key to improving their combat effectiveness is to develop towards Songcheng.

Therefore, with her eyes flickering, Cai Wenji opened her cherry mouth and began to enjoy the delicious hero's soul.

[Tips]: Cai Wenji used the hero's soul to successfully awaken her profession - Starry Bard!

【Cai Wenji】

Status: Hero

Level: Level 5

Occupation: Star Bard (Epic)

Bloodline: Ehuang Nuying (SSS level)

Talent: Elegy of Lonely Sadness (SSS rank) Stunning Beauty (S rank)

Force: 158


Constitution: 159

Glamour: 999

Introduction: Although my fate is sad and angry, those who hurt me will suffer the same hurt.

【Military Skills】

Catching Fire (Level 5): +35 Intelligence

Great Heavenly Saint (Level 2): ​​+100 Intelligence

Thunder Strike (Level 1): +10 Intelligence

【professional skills】:

Long Song Xing: If you are injured, you can quickly recover from the injury.

Si Wuxie: Healing allies' wounds in a continuous area

Hu Jiale: The sound of the piano curls, stuns the enemy

Song of Forgetfulness: Increases the defense of allies (Intelligence attribute X5) and purifies any negative status.

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