Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 119 Status Privilege, Activate The Guardian Altar

"Is this the effect of the hero's soul?"

Looking at Cai Wenji's information template, Yang Chuan couldn't help taking a deep breath, and the final result obviously exceeded his expectations.

The previous hero unit.

It's not weak. With the skills of generals and military instructors, he can easily fight against a team composed of units of arms.

However, the growth of basic attributes.

But it's not that different from the arms units - it's a lot.

Take the four peerless beauties who stayed in Tongquetai as an example, the growth of their basic attributes is only 10 points in the district-district.

To know so far.

The division of hero unit quality, the highest is the peerless hero.


The growth of 10 points of basic attributes is just 30 points of attack and defense.

At first glance, it is indeed a lot higher than the units of the arms, but this is when the hero quality reaches the peerless hero.

On the other hand, those hero units of third-rate quality and hero units of second-rate quality, the growth of basic attributes is almost the same as that of units of S-rank quality.

Under such circumstances, the cost of cultivating hero units is not as good as cultivating military units.

Fortunately, now with the emergence of the hero's soul.

The situation is naturally different.

In addition to the extra skills after awakening, the growth of the basic attributes of hero units has also been greatly enhanced.

[Army growth]: 35 points X3

[Intellectual Growth]: 70 points X3

[Physical Growth]: 40 points X3

[Ascension of the Royal Girl]: The basic attributes of hero units grow, and the increase is 3 times.

The above is Cai Wenji's heroic profession. After successfully awakening to the starry bard, the growth of basic attributes has changed.

The changes have been unbelievable.

"Could it be that without the use of the hero's soul, the recruited hero units, like the people of the territory, are a blank sheet of paper."

"Only after awakening the hero class, the combat power of the hero unit will be reflected."

Yang Chuan secretly guessed in his heart.


The people of the territory, before being trained as arm units, have almost no combat effectiveness at all.

And the hero unit,

It should be about the same.

Therefore, if you want a hero unit to exert its full combat power, you must use the hero's soul to awaken the hero class.

Just a few minutes passed.

The bursts of aura dissipated. In addition to the changes in the information template, after Cai Wenji awakened her heroic profession, a more powerful aura emanated.

When he raised his hands, the energy that burst out was no longer a restrained energy, but a clearly visible energy leakage.

Under Yang Chuan's gaze.

A radiant field of radiance appeared around Cai Wenji, standing in it, one could feel a fresh energy that was continuously integrated into the body.


Cai Wenji jade fingered the qin, and when the curling qin sounded leisurely, a sonic beam that ripped through the void came out of nowhere.

And at a speed invisible to the naked eye, it beats in Cai Wenji's light field.

This kind of energy is second only to the law, close to the power of ghosts and gods, and far above the power of qi.


Cai Wenji opened her eyes and whispered, "The slave family seems to be getting stronger again."

Yang Chuan heard this and nodded with satisfaction.

It did get stronger, and not a little bit.

It is no exaggeration to say that standing in Cai Wenji's domain at this time, unless he suffers fatal injuries, he is an immortal existence.

This is for the next race for hegemony.

Not bad news.

However, at this moment.

Accompanied by the early morning sun, it slowly rose to the highest point in the sky, and the energy barrier that originally enveloped the Kyushu region suddenly shook.

One after another crack.

Appears above the energy barrier.




"The struggle for hegemony of all races is about to begin."

Seeing this scene, Yang Chuan's expression was extremely calm, without the slightest ripple.

But in the next moment.

At the same time as the energy barrier disappeared, a beam of light suddenly appeared.

【Tips】: Do you want to activate the guardian altar?

【Prompt】: Do you want to activate the teleportation array?

A prompt message appears.

This is a prompt message that only lords with privileged status can see.

In the entire Kyushu region, there are only five lords.

Yang Chuan, who is Yongzhou Mu, is naturally one of them.

But unlike other lords.

At this time, Yang Chuan had some other prompts in front of him.

[Guardian of the altar]: Yongzhou

[Status]: Inactive

【Function】: Regional Core

【Tips Tips】: Occupy the guardian altar to occupy the area.

[Transmission Array]: Yongzhou

[Status]: Inactive

【Function】: One key to send, one key to return

【Tips Tips】: Bind with the guardian altar.

This is Li Moyu's unique ability effect after he was transferred to Tianji Captain.

Prompt through the sky machine.

Yang Chuan can learn some hidden hints.

Check out these tips.

Yang Chuan quickly understood the collective role of the teleportation array guarding the altar.

The first is to guard the altar.

It can be regarded as a symbol of Yongzhou's belonging.

Whoever occupies and guards the altar can become the pastor of Yongzhou.

And, with the beginning of the race for hegemony.

Protecting the altar will no longer be limited to Yongzhou.

Whenever a force of all ethnic groups is captured, it can be within the coverage of the guardian altar.

Second, is the teleportation array.

As the Tianji prompt shows.

All within the range covered by the guardian altar, with the permission of Yongzhou Mu.

Every lord in the Yongzhou area can use the power of the teleportation array to teleport with one click.

As for the so-called Yongzhou Mu status privilege.

After Yang Chuan opened his personal information, he suddenly appeared in front of him.

[Identity]: Yongzhou Mu

[Effect]: Regional Privilege, Exclusive Privilege

【Regional Privileges】

Privilege 1: Activate the teleportation array, close the teleportation array

Privilege 2: Open Teleport Area

...asking for flowers...

Privilege 3: Set Guardian Shrine Coverage

【Exclusive Privilege】

Privilege 1: Increase the population growth of the territory by 100%

Privilege 2: Increase territorial resource harvest by 100%

Privilege 3: Regional declaration of war, regional alliance

【Tips Tips】: As the coverage of the guardian increases, more identity privileges can be unlocked.

have to say.

The effect of status privileges is still very important after Ten Thousand Races for Hegemony is activated.

Especially the last alliance and declaration of war perks.

Basically it can be said.

Yang Chuan has the right to command all lords in the Yongzhou area.

Declare war once an area is selected.

Even the other lords in Yongzhou would be involuntarily helpless if they were reluctant.

after all.

It's like the Alliance vs. Horde relationship.

In a hostile situation, the enemy will attack you even if you don't take the initiative to attack.

"Activate the guardian altar!"

"Activate the teleportation array!"

After understanding what was going on, Yang Chuan made a choice.

Immediately afterwards, the beam of light reaching the sky connected with the earth of Yongzhou.

This is the power to guard the altar.

Originally, Yongzhou, which was only a newcomer area, officially became an area in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

and at the same time.

A regional prompt appears.

Every lord in the Yongzhou area has received a reminder message.

【Regional Tips】: Yang Chuan, Mu of Yongzhou, activate the guardian altar, this is the moment of celebration in the whole world.

[Area Tip]: Yang Chuan, Mu of Yongzhou, activate the regional teleportation array.

One-click transmission function, unlock!

One-click return function, unlock!

World Chat Forum, Unlocked!

"I just fell asleep, and Yang Chuan activated the guardian altar and the regional teleportation array, which is the rhythm to keep us working overtime.

"You can continue to sleep. Anyway, it will take a while. Even if you enter the battlefield of ten thousand clans, you will not necessarily gain anything."

"Even if there is gain, it may not be useful. Even if it is useful, it may not necessarily speed up the development of the territory. Even if it can speed up the development of the territory, it is absolutely impossible to surpass Yang Chuan."

"The upstairs is very reasonable, then let's continue to lie down and sleep."

"This kind of battle against the forces of all ethnic groups and the improvement of the coverage of the guardian altar should be left to the big boss Yang Chuan. y

"That's right, I think we just need to be honest and not cause trouble to Yang Chuan."

"I look forward to Yang Chuan's capture of an elf force, so that we can use the teleportation array to see the legendary elf girl."

"This proposal is good, I agree!"

"Yang Thief, come on!"

"Yang Thief, come on!"

"Yang Thief, come on!"

"Fuck, I'll destroy the team, look at it, it seems that there is a world chat forum, and there are even foreigners."

"What are you talking about, the little shrewd calf, the little Baga, has also obtained the qualifications of the ten thousand races?"

"No, the ancestral power in my body has awakened, and I'm going to declare war!!".

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