Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 120 Sitting On The Mountain To Watch The Tiger Fight? Guarding Kyushu Is Everyone's Res

Yesterday was a night destined to be extraordinary.

Therefore, most of the lords in the Kyushu region chose to stay up all night.

There was a lively crowd watching.

There are also those who choose to fight all night in order to complete regional tasks.

In short, most of the lords at this time were in a state of sluggishness and lack of sleep.

But with the world chat forum unlocked.

Without exception, as if the power of the ancestors in the body was ignited, all the lords in the Kyushu region had high fighting spirit.

It turned out that the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races was merged with the Blue Star World.

Not only the lords of Kyushu.

Divide by area.

Kyushu is just an area in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Except for Kyushu.

There are also newcomer areas such as Sakura State, Ximeng State, and Lighthouse State.

Now with the end of the newcomer's trial, the world chat forum is unlocked.

All the surviving lords have joined the world chat forum.

this moment.

All kinds of mutual greetings and beautiful language emerge one after another.

Lord of Kyushu: "A friend is coming from afar, and it's calling every day!"

Lighthouse Lord "Nine Eight Zero": "We are the freest and most powerful region."

Lord Sakura: "Why is the area of ​​our area so small even if we come to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield."

The lord of the stick: "Because you are very short, I don't think there is a problem.

Lord Asan: "Agree with the statement above, but now we announce that the supreme ancient civilization is no longer sleeping."

Lord of the Western Alliance: "Are you talking about the Kyushu region?"

Lord Bangzi: "No, it's us, we are the supreme ancient civilization."

Lord Asan: "You wait for a group of barbarians, but you're too embarrassed to run out and be embarrassed."

Lord of Kyushu: "I think Bangzi Province's combat effectiveness is still very bat-like."

Lord of Kyushu: "Yes, once you wake up from a deep sleep, you will definitely not be underestimated."

Lord Asan: "Impossible, absolutely impossible, there is no area that can surpass us.

Lord of the stick: "@Lord Asan, your linden tree is ours, and your beliefs originate from us. Of course, except for the blue peacock."

Lord Asan: "On the contrary, I think that the blue peacock is quite suitable to describe you."

[World Announcement]: In the Asan area, Telugu State Shepherd-Amir, uses gambling tokens.

Forcing the stick area, Jeju animal husbandry——Park Dosi, signed a gambling agreement.

The lords of Kyushu have cultural heritage.

This moment.

Through the content of the world chat forum, it is vividly expressed.

But when.

The lords of Kyushu are always humble.

Even if we are the strongest area.

Sitting on the mountain to watch the tiger fight.

Two dogs fight, play off.

Waiting for the classic inheritance, it seems that it is engraved in the bones of the lords of Kyushu.

Art of war, strategy.

At this moment, it was vividly expressed by the lord of Kyushu.

The world announcement that appeared suddenly.

is the best proof.

As for the final result of the gambling agreement.

who knows?

Is it important?

At least for now, you can say anything casually, as long as it doesn't affect the actual interests of the Jiuzhou region.

It's hard to be in the world chat forum.

It was found that there were lords of the Kyushu region, and they were arguing with the lords of other regions.

This is an all-out strategy to kill.

Already in a quiet moment, an initial unity has been formed.

Yang Chuan burst into laughter, silently watching the content of the World Chat Forum.

However, he did not join the team of killing, because next, there are more important things to do.

"The reward for the third stage of the newcomer's trial is enough to raise the scale level of Chaoge City again."

"There are also architectural upgrade drawings, and the vassal upgrade drawings are not used."

"Before entering the Wanzu battlefield, these rewards must be used to improve Chaoge City's combat effectiveness.

After thinking of this, Yang Chuan immediately closed the World Chat Forum.

Yet at this moment.

The World Bulletin appears again.

and checked.

Yang Chuan's name appeared in it impressively.

[World Announcement]: In the cherry blossom area, Honshu Maki - Yamamoto Ichiro, uses gambling tokens.

Forced the Kyushu region, Yongzhou Mu—— Yang Chuan, to sign a gambling agreement.

[Content of the agreement]: Capture the power of the dynasty

Within seven days, in the Ten Thousand Clan Battlefield, capture any dynastic force and you will be victorious.

[Failure Punishment]: Identity Privilege

As the old saying goes, dogs can't stop eating shit.

The lords of the cherry blossom area cannot change the habit of recognizing their ancestors.

Even in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

The lord of the cherry blossom area is still so ambitious.

Look at the gambling agreement that reappears in front of you.

Yang Chuan didn't appear surprised.

This sudden bet was not a disaster, it was reasonable and Yang Chuan expected it.

Looking at the development of Kyushu.

All foreign invasions and threats.

Without exception, they all start from Yongzhou.

And Yang Chuan is now in the prerogative of Yongzhou Shepherd, so he naturally needs to guard Yongzhou without leaving any room!


When seeing the emergence of the gambling agreement.

Yang Chuan not only did not have any anxiety, but instead had a hint of joy.

The cherry blossom area was the first to attack.

As a result, Yang Chuan became famous, and he could justifiably do some things that he could not do before.

At the same time, for Yamamoto Ichiro's desperate operation.

Yang Chuan was a little surprised.

After all, identity privileges are crucial to area discovery.

without any exaggeration.

If the bet fails.

In the end, Yang Chuan was granted the status of the state shepherd.

Shut down the teleportation formation and hinder the development of the lords in the state area. …

It's all a breeze.

More importantly, as long as Yang Chuan wants to.

Honshu, which originally belonged to the cherry blossom area, will also be covered by Yongzhou.

At that time, any lord in the Yongzhou area can be teleported to this state.

"Looks like it's time for Huo Qubing to appear in the battlefield of all races."

"I'm looking forward to Yulin's light cavalry's combat power.

"If Chaoge City deploys all its forces, will it be able to occupy a place in the battlefield of ten thousand races?"

But really want to say something.

With the emergence of the gambling agreement, Yang Chuan still has a little sense of urgency.

After all, the price of failure is unbearable for any Kyushu lord.

Moreover, the ten thousand clan forces standing in the ten thousand clan battlefield, their combat effectiveness is not the centaur dynasty, can be compared.

Although the same size of the dynasty.

But you must know that the environment of the newcomer area and the environment of the battlefield of ten thousand races are not the same level at all.


in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield.

The ten thousand ethnic forces of the dynasty scale are definitely far above the centaur dynasty.

But compared to Yang Chuan's concerns.

Today, the chat forum in Kyushu is already full of laughter.

"Forgive my unkind smile. Regarding Yamamoto Ichiro's choice, I can only say one sentence, if you don't die, you won't die!"

"They even forced Yang Chuan to sign a gambling agreement, they really did it because of the effect of the whole show. y

"It's time to @Sun Ziyu and let him express his feelings of failure. I hope Ichiro Yamamoto can learn from it."

"Is there such a possibility, because of the regional location of Yongzhou, if the lords of other regions want to attack Kyushu, they must defeat the big boss Yang Chuan."

"This guess is not unreasonable. After all, in the world announcement that appeared before, Yang Chuan is the first place in the Kyushu region, and the meritorious gold list." 3.5

"Now discussing what these useless things are for, it is better to analyze, Yang Chuan can conquer a dynasty-scale force of ten thousand ethnic groups within a few days."

"I'll be conservative in my analysis. It's estimated that it will take two to three days. After all, it is the forces of all ethnic groups."

"I feel like one day is enough."

"How about we support Yang Chuan? It's okay to contribute some basic resources."

"Yes, I haven't seen Mr. Yang Chuan for a long time. He is selling goods on the trading platform. Anyone who has a friend of Mr. Yang Chuan, please hurry up."

"Boss @ Yang Chuan, I beg for any equipment, any quality."

"@Yang Chuan boss, be a little more sloppy and a little more agile, I dare to say "I hope you don't know how to praise."

"Hahaha, what I said upstairs is not wrong, then I also dare to say something, quickly take this state, let us go and show the exotic style."

Thanks to the book friends [、Passing by from your world] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friends [If you swear to follow!] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Sixteen Nights] for the monthly pass.

thanks for your support. .

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