Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 122 Sakura Empress, The Open Plains, Enters The Battlefield Of All Races

Cherry blossom area.


Countless territorial buildings, intricately gathered together, looking around, it looks like a huge city-state, and it is also like a war fortress.

Compared with the Kyushu area.

There are not many lords in the Sakura area.

few people.

Then it means that we must be more united in order to survive in the battlefield of all races.

Similarly, when the number of lords is not large, it is relatively easy to involute and manage.

Hence, the trial of the new man begins.

The lord of the cherry blossom area began to choose the method of holding a group to keep warm, and face the test of the newcomer's trial together.

Even allocating and harvesting various resources together.

The emergence of such a situation, it is no exaggeration to say that the entire cherry blossom area can be said to exist for the war, and for the next race for hegemony, it came into being.

Because of this, Ichiro Yamamoto dared to attack Kyushu and used gambling tokens to force Yang Chuan to sign a gambling agreement.

"Yanyun Dynasty, interesting."

"It seems that the water in Yongzhou is much deeper than we thought. Fortunately, we are well prepared."

"Iga ninjas and shoguns, with the existence of these two elite units, our Sakura area is invincible.

"And our supreme Sakura Empress, who can definitely make the forces of all ethnic groups submit to the rule of the Sakura region."

"For the cherry blossoms to bloom!"

An impassioned and firm tone resounded in the state's parliamentary hall.


I saw Ichiro Yamamoto, standing upright on the steps.

Below him is a mighty lord.

The number of this group of lords is in the hundreds, and their morale is unprecedentedly high under the voice of Ichiro Yamamoto.

The Wanzu announcement that just appeared.

News about the establishment of the Yanyun Dynasty.

As early as this moment, it disappeared, not only did it not have any impact on the lords of this state, but it inspired their battle fort.


As Yamamoto Ichiro said.

In the Honshu region, and even the entire Sakura region, all the lords, without exception, were occupied by the invincible belief in their hearts.

And accompanied by Yamamoto Ichiro's voice fell.

next moment.

A female voice of Lin Laiquan rhyme came out from the wooden house behind Yamamoto Ichiro.

"Sakura Empress, everything is ready."

"Next, you can enter the battlefield of ten thousand clans and strive for three days to capture the power of ten thousand clans on the scale of a dynasty."

Looking around, the wooden house is antique, and under the shroud of smoke, it has the appearance of a temple.

at the same time.

in the Kyushu area.

The chat forum, which had just quieted down, once again had unprecedented heated discussions.


Because of the unlocking of the world chat forum appeared.

The chat forums in the Kyushu area are no longer as lively as they used to be.

But because of the sudden appearance of the Yanyun Dynasty.

some discussion.

Discussions can only take place in Kyushu's regional chat forums.

"My God, in the Yongzhou area, a second dynasty-scale force was born, and it is still not the Chaoge City of Yang Chuan."

"The Beiliang Dynasty that was established before, I once thought that the Beiliang Alliance suddenly rose. But now, it seems that the Beiliang Alliance has disappeared."

"I have a wild guess."

"Let me tell you, the Northern Liang Dynasty and the Yanyun Dynasty should both be vassals of Yang Chuan.

"Fuck, is it true?"

Estimates, it seems, almost should be the case. "

"Brother upstairs, I think you can be bolder and more confident."

"Please remove the words estimate, seemingly, almost, should, and so on."

"I am willing to use the punishment of all the lords in the Yongzhou region to be single for ten years, to make a bet with you, the Northern Liang Dynasty and the Yanyun Dynasty are definitely the vassal forces of Yang Chuan.

"Fuck your uncle, you've only been single for ten years."

"Is there something wrong with what I said?"

"You have Yang Thief in Yongzhou, do you dare to marry?"

"Jian'an style, Wei Wu legacy!"

"Crooked, completely crooked, at this moment of righteousness, what are you talking about.

"Brothers, look at the world chat forum, Asan and the stick are biting together again."

According to the content in the chat forum.

It's not hard to see.

At this time, the establishment of the Yanyun Dynasty was like Ding Hai Shen Zhen.

Let the lord of Kyushu, who was a little worried, take a reassurance.

You can always trust Yang Thief.

Thief Yang, yyds!

With the emergence of various slogans.

Jian'an style.

Wei Wu legacy.

Such high emotional intelligence evaluations have become words to describe Yang Chuan.

When Yang Chuan saw this scene, he also felt a lot of misery in his heart.

In Chaoge City, a hundred flowers bloom.

Do you need to inherit the legacy of Wei Wu?

However, due to time constraints, Yang Chuan did not choose to waste time on this.

And while closing the chat forum.

Eight hundred miles under his command,

Fifty strings turn over the outside sound,

The grand occasion of deploying soldiers on the battlefield in autumn appeared outside Chaoge City.

That's right.

The first time after upgrading the Yanyun tribe to the Yanyun Dynasty.

Yang Chuan returned to Chaoge City.

And to win the betting agreement.

This time,

Yang Chuan chose not to spare any effort and mobilized all the forces under his command.

"Northern Liang Dynasty, Huo Qubing.

"Lead 10,000 Yulin Qingqi and wait for orders!"

The iron hooves of the Great Liang White Tiger.

Step on the ground with a bang.


Along with Huo Qubing appeared in silver armor and white robe, riding a fine horse.

The entire Chaoge City was shaking slightly inside and outside.

So bold.

Such a scene.

Countless bold words and ambitions are indescribable.

Although Yang Chuan has never spoken, he is better than countless Ling Yun's ambitions.

Watch behind him.

Zhang Niujiao's eyes were awe-inspiring.

Leading more than 5,000 men, Yanyun Langqi was ready to go.

"Yanyun Dynasty, Zhang Niujiao."

"I would like to open up the territory and expand the territory for the lord."

The voice fell.

Yang Chuan nodded in satisfaction.

This is the full combat power of Chaoge City to this day.

"For the glory of Chaoge Village!"

"For the glory of Yongzhou!"

"Though he died a hundred times, he still has no regrets!"

Shouting in unison.


The captives should be terrified when they hear this,

It is expected that short soldiers dare not pick up.

When Yang Chuan was silent for a short time, he looked around for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "Your Dragon City Flying General is there, so why be afraid of mere cherry blossom barbarians.

"After entering the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield."

"There is only one goal."

".々Give all your strength and conquer the forces of thousands of clans on the scale of the dynasty, which is the final victory."

Immediately after.

The reply that shook the sky echoed between the sky and the earth.

After taking a deep breath, Yang Chuan no longer hesitated.

Accompanied by the flickering of the soaring beam of light.

[One-click transmission]!

Just listen to Yang Chuan's thought.

In an instant.

Outside Chaoge City, which was originally so powerful, there was no one there in an instant.

[Reminder]: Welcome to the battlefield of all races.

【Current Location】:Open Plains

[Regional stronghold]: None

The screen turns.

When Yang Chuan opened his eyes again, the surrounding environment had undergone earth-shaking changes.

look around,

The empty plains are extremely desolate.

A gust of wind blew by, rolling up bursts of yellow sand.

"This is the battlefield of all races?"

All kinds of doubts occupied Yang Chuan's mind.

After all, what you see in front of you.

It didn't match the killing feast he expected.

Even around this time.

As far as the eye can see, there are no creatures.

Except for the endless emptiness.

The rest is only the skills scattered on the ground.

and not far away.

A broken flag.

However, fortunately at the same time (Zhao's Zhao).

Mu Chengxue, who was beside Yang Chuan, suddenly pointed in a direction and said, "Master, there seems to be a team moving slowly over there."

After being transferred to Yutian Star Officer.

As an output unit.

Mu Chengxue's eyesight was also far superior to that of ordinary people.


According to the information provided by Mu Chengxue, Yang Chuan finally had his first goal.

"Set off."

One command.

The mighty team moved forward again.

One minute.

two minutes.

Soon, less than ten minutes passed.

All of a sudden, it was just like what Mu Chengxue said.

A team of thousands of people.

Appeared not far away.

However, this team is not a force of all races, but lords from other regions.

They are blond and blue-eyed, holding slender long swords. At first glance, they are very gentlemen in terms of clothing and appearance.

But in this team.

A group of fox girls were trapped by rope nets.

face such a situation.

Yang Chuan smiled involuntarily.

"Can library.

"This kind of inappropriate behavior deserves to be a gentleman from the West League area."

"Dogs can't change eating shit, what I said is really true.".

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