Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 123 The Troll Dynasty, The Master-Servant Contract, The Backlash Of The Godhead

"Lords from other regions?"

"Tens of thousands of military units?"

"how is this possible?"

The harvested Bruce is silent in the rich joy.

This group of beautiful fox girls can be described as beautiful and moving. If they can be brought back to the area where they are located, they will definitely be able to make a fortune.

Even if it contributes to other forces of all ethnic groups.

You can also make a lot of money from it.

After all, even in the entire battlefield of ten thousand clans, the naturally charming fox clan girl can be said to be a beloved existence.

Described by killing some racial creatures.

Not at all.

However, just as Bruce looked up.

Suddenly, his face turned pale.

Fright, uneasy, and finally a trace of horror emerged.

Yulin Qingqi riding a Great Liang White Tiger.

Under the leadership of Huo Qubing, it was as fast as lightning.

And according to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

Wind Volcano Forest.

Among the four different blessing effects of this national policy.

The Yulin Light Cavalry was arranged as the wind-shaped army, and the marching speed was increased by 1000% again.

Just the blink of an eye.

Before Bruce could react, Huo Qubing led the Yulin Light Cavalry and surrounded the group of Western Union gentlemen.

"Oh Maiga, how is this possible!"

"I won't be so unlucky."

Bruce's pupils dilated, his face full of shock.

It's just like a ghost from the sky.

If he wasn't besieged by Yulin Qingqi, perhaps at this moment, Bruce still thought that he had hallucinations.

However, in Bruce's heart, there are still fantasies.

He thought he could still struggle.

The two armies meet.

Although 773 is not the lord of the same area, it is the truth that when they meet, they will go to war directly.

Bruce was the first to speak: "Welcome all friends from afar, I would like to share with you, these clan girls.

But who knows the next moment.

Yulin Qingqi immediately began to charge, the spear in his hand, without any mercy, penetrated and swept.

After only one round of offensive.

The units under Bruce's command were easily slaughtered.

It only took two or three minutes.

It was just a ruthless crush.

Looking at Yulin Qingqi who was pressing step by step, Bruce was completely stunned.


Contorted expression.

This is impossible, and the day is not scientific.

No matter how many enemies there are, how could the units under his command, the expeditionary great swordsmen of A-level quality, be killed so easily.

Could it be that.

The quality and combat effectiveness of these tens of thousands of arms units are also above the A-level.

If so, this is too fake!

You must know that even in the Western Alliance region, the A-rank expeditionary great swordsmen "are considered to be among the top tier units.

Although compared with the bright knight, the cross holy swordsman, etc., there are still some gaps in this category of top units.

But with more than a thousand expedition great swordsmen, Bruce is also a well-known existence in the entire Western Alliance region.

Otherwise, he would not have entered the battlefield of the ten thousand clans as soon as he obtained the ten thousand clan hegemony qualification.

But now, he was dumbfounded (bdbh) with an incredible expression on his face.

The sudden appearance of Yang Chuan completely subverted his understanding of the lord's power.

The expedition great swordsman he had trained so hard was like a flock of weak ants in front of Yulin Qingqi.

On the other hand, the terrifying combat power of Yulin Qingqi just now.

The only explanation, really as Bruce guessed.

The Yulin Light Cavalry is a Class A unit.

And it can still grow into a mythical unit.

Thinking of this, Bruce was completely messed up in the wind, looking at Huo Qubing who was approaching step by step with helpless eyes.

【Tips】: Your team is attacked by the enemy, please respond as soon as possible.

[Hint]: Huo Qubing, the enemy commander, killed your expedition great swordsman!

A series of prompt messages appeared.

For Bruce, who fell into despair, it was like announcing the countdown to death.

However, at this moment.

Huo Qubing stopped not far away, as did Yulin Qingqi.

Is this going to let me go?

"Thank you my friends, these fox girls are all gifted to you, as long as you..."

Bruce opened his mouth with joy.

But the words just stopped halfway through.

I saw Yulin Qingqi disperse consciously and make way, and Yang Chuan walked in slowly.

"You can't kill me, although you are powerful, I have become an ally with the troll dynasty.

"Kill me, and you will endure the endless wrath of the troll dynasty."

"If you do this, no one will benefit."

Seeing Yang Chuan's appearance, Bruce suddenly spoke loudly, as if to say his last hole card.

As for true or false.

There is absolutely no way to prove it.

However, it is obvious that the battlefield of ten thousand races has just opened, and it is definitely a very difficult thing to gain the trust of the forces of ten thousand races and become their ally.

What's more, it is still a dynasty-scale force of ten thousand ethnic groups.

And the reason why Bruce said so, in fact, he was gambling.

Just bet that Yang Chuan fears a troll dynasty.

"Troll Dynasty?"

Yang Chuan frowned.

After seeing this detail, Bruce suddenly felt a little bit of joy in his heart.

He instinctively thought that the reason why Yang Chuan frowned was because he had some concerns, or even fear, about the troll dynasty.

But as everyone knows.

Yang Chuan's heart at this time is more excited.

It's really like stepping through the iron shoes and finding nowhere, and it takes no effort to get it!

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the battlefield of ten thousand races, he got the clue of the troll dynasty.

As such.

As long as the specific location of the troll dynasty is known from Bruce's mouth, there is still a lot of time left.

"It's much easier now."

"Let him lead the way to attack the troll dynasty."

Yang Chuan said excitedly.


Hearing this, Bruce stared at Yang Chuan with dull eyes.

Attack the Troll Dynasty?

Now the Battle of Ten Thousand Races has just begun.

It was going to attack the forces of all ethnic groups on the scale of the dynasty.

Is this crazy?

Bruce can't imagine what kind of changes will happen next.

But he didn't want to die.

On the other hand, there were tens of thousands of Yulin light cavalry around, and not far away, all the fierce Yanyun wolf cavalry.


Bruce suddenly woke up.

With such a powerful unit, the lord in front of him might really be able to defeat the troll dynasty.

"These fox girls are presented to you as a proof of our alliance."

"Those evil troll dynasties have long since deserved death."

Bruce changed his face fast, like flipping a book.

When he spoke again, he even used honorifics to Yang Chuan.

That respectful look.

Almost made Yang Chuan vomit.


Despicable villain is used to describe this gentleman of the Western Union, and he does not violate peace at all.

Bruce, who was the victim the last second, actually wanted to hug Yang Chuan's thigh tightly after his mentality changed.

When the voice fell.

Before Yang Chuan could continue to speak, Bruce grinned and started to lead the way.

In the face of such a situation, Yang Chuan was stunned for a moment.

"What a weird guy."

"The brain circuits of foreigners are indeed elusive."

After Yang Chuan shook his head.

He ordered Huo Qu Bing and followed behind Bruce.

And he turned his eyes to the fox girl trapped by the rope net.

The delicate and beautiful face, matched with a light pink short hair, looks playful and cute, especially the slender jade legs, which makes it difficult to refuse.

"Good guy, there are actually dozens of fox girls."

"It's really a disaster for the country and the people, and beauty is a disaster for the water."

"Like I'm here to endure these hardships."

After Yang Chuan said righteously, he took another step forward, wanting to see more clearly.

can be followed.

Suddenly felt a kind of dizziness.

[Tips]: Tu Shantong uses the charm skill on you——Master-Servant Contract.

[Hint]: The effect of the goddess of luck (three thousand royal girls) is triggered, and Shantong is backlashed by the luck.

[Tips]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, Mu of Yongzhou, for forcing Tu Shantong to sign a master-servant contract.

With the appearance of a prompt message.

Yang Chuan understood what was going on.

As the old saying goes, the more beautiful a woman is, the more dangerous she is. Fortunately, she has the power of luck.

Otherwise, I am afraid that I will fall down here today.

But then again, wealth and wealth are at risk.

I saw that after being attacked by luck, among the fox girls, a fox girl with pale short hair was staring at Yang Chuan with a crimson face.

Those affectionate eyes.

It was like seeing the lover of a dream. .

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