Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 124 Qingqiu Clan, Magic Cannon, Good News And Bad News

【Tu Shan Hitomi】

Identity: Holy Lady of the Fox Clan

Race: Fox Girl

Level: Level 1

Bloodline: Qingqiu's (unawakened)

Talent: Sumeru Mantra (Unawakened) Peerless Beauty (S Grade)

Force: 65


Constitution: 52

Glamour: 999

Introduction: The only remaining Qingqiu Baihu in the battlefield of ten thousand clans, but because of its long history, it is unable to activate the bloodline and cannot use the natural power.

【Current Status】:Master-Servant Contract———— Yang Chuan

When the heavens entrust people with great responsibilities, they must first induce their minds, observe their concentration, and deplete their bodies.

How can this script have an inexplicable familiarity.

Chaoge City.

Nine-tailed white fox.

What about Jian'an's character and Wei Wu's legacy?

In any case, Yang Tian would never have thought that his unintentional operation would not only know the exact location of the Troll Dynasty.

In the end, by chance, he forced the fox saint to sign a master-servant contract with himself.

"Let them all go."

Yang Chuan said.

Zhang Niu's horn on the side immediately cut through the rope net.

The fox girls who were released did not choose to run away, without exception, they all turned their eyes to Tu Shantong.

On the other hand, Tu Shantong remained silent, staring at Yang Chuan with straight eyes, without speaking.

When this happens,

Cai Wenji, who was provoked by the side, pouted.

"Ha ha."

"The master has the goddess of luck and luck of the imperial daughter 3000, and it really takes everything.

"Yes, regardless of race or age.

A pleasant laughter sounded, Zhao Feiyan as the leader, Li Xiuning and Xishi couldn't help but roar and frolic.

Yang Chuan smiled disapprovingly: "Has your territory been destroyed?"


Tu Shantong opened his mouth slowly, touched his little hand, and lowered his shy forehead the moment he came back to his senses.

"If the master wishes."

"The scorpion can take you there."

When the voice fell, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and Zhang Niujiao smiled even more honestly.

Lord Lord, it really is a bullshit.

In just a few minutes, this frail little fox clan girl called out to her master.

"Zhang Niujiao, you can send them away."

"After the troll dynasty is captured, they will be relocated.

Yang Chuan thought for a moment, then looked at Zhang Niujiao.

"As ordered."

After Zhang Niujiao nodded heavily, he muttered plausibly: "These fox clan girls are all weak.

"It's not as good-looking as the leader of the Yuezhi tribe before, and I don't know that the lord, Xihan, attaches so much importance to it."


Looking at Zhang Niujiao's back when he left.

Yang Chuan immediately gave a thumbs up.

As expected of Zhang Niujiao, who came from a bandit, his taste is really different.

Thinking about it before, the sturdy and burly figure of the leader of the Yuezhi tribe, I am afraid that he needs a tiger tank driver's license, and the regiment can barely control it.

at the same time.

As Yang Chuan led the team and continued to move forward behind Yulin Qingqi, a friend message suddenly appeared.

Yugezi: "Boss, I have good news and bad news, you have to listen to that one first.

Yang Chuan: "Bad news."

Yugezi: "Your traces on the battlefield of ten thousand races have been exposed, and now in the world chat forum, you can feel your dominance."

This is really bad news.

Seeing the friend message sent by Yugezi, Yang Chuan was not surprised, and there was no expression on his face, as if everything was what he expected.

In contact with other lords, it is inevitable that the combat power will be exposed.

Obviously, in just a few minutes, Bruce has posted Yang Chuan's information on the World Chat Forum.

Tens of thousands of Yulin Qingqi, the famous Huo Qubing, and even the fierce Yanyun Wolf Cavalry and so on.

With such a terrifying combat power, it is difficult not to attract the attention of other regional lords.

Actually, before that.

Yang Chuan has already made plans to be exposed.

After all, the opening of the Wanzu battlefield, in addition to contact with the Wanzu forces, will also contact with lords from other regions.

Therefore, it will be exposed sooner or later.

After a brief moment of silence.

Yang Chuan continued to reply: "Let's talk about the good news."

Yugezi: "The good news is that I have researched another great item, and I will give you one to express my admiration for you.

"[Item Information]"

After carefully sending the item information to Yang Chuan, Yugezi sat down.

He blinked, looking forward to Yang Chuan's reply.

Instead, look beside her.

Several dwarf goblins were chattering non-stop.

"Can you stop arguing?"

"I'm negotiating a big business. If we can negotiate, our research funds will be more than can be spent in the future."

Hearing Yugezi's words, the goblins stopped arguing, but they still looked like they didn't obey anyone.

Why stop arguing.

It seems to be in the face of research funding.


Yugezi received Yang Chuan's reply again.


The appearance of three exclamation marks is enough to show how surprised Yang Chuan was when he saw the item information sent by Yugezi.

【War Machine】:Magic Cannon

【Star】: One star

[Effect]: Consume the magic spar, causing a large area of ​​damage.

[Power]: 3000 points of attack power

【Tips Tips】: The technology from the higher goblins has the power to destroy the world.

That's right.

The so-called great item in Yugezi's mouth is this magic cannon.

That's why, Yang Chuan couldn't help but get excited. After all, the power of the magic cannon was comparable to that of the Tianwei Arrow Tower.

Yang Chuan: "How to sell?"

There is no beating around the bush.

Three simple words.

Shows Yang Chuan's attitude.

The first time Yugezi received the news, he immediately jumped up happily.

...for flowers...

"Finally solve the problem of research funding."

"My goblin hut can be upgraded, more magical props and more magical machines can be researched.

"No, you have to be reserved, girls have to be reserved.

As Yugezi slowly calmed down.

She shook her head, thinking for a moment.

Yugezi: "Giving it to you, Dove, as the lord of Yongzhou, these are all things that should be done."


Yang Chuan: "To be honest, if your vassal forces are high goblins, maybe we can cooperate."

Yugezi: "The boss is really the strongest lord. I can't hide my little thought in front of you."

"My initial building is a goblin hut, which can recruit high-level goblins. You pay, I will study, how about we build a technology building together?"

Good guy, turned out to be a tech giant.

No wonder Yugezi was able to rank in the top 100 and complete the second stage of the rookie trial.

By now, Yang Chuan understood.


Most of the lords were still in the age of cold weapons, and Yugezi had already started thinking about building a science and technology building.

In such a stark contrast.

This lead is not a little bit.

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan naturally has no reason to refuse.

The power of the magic cannon is enough to prove the value of Yugezi.

Yang Chuan: "Okay, if you need anything, you can just say it."

Yugezi: "There is magic material, any material will do."

Yang Chuan: "Understood, I believe that if you conquer the troll dynasty, you will be able to harvest a lot of magic materials.

With the passing of time.

Another ten minutes passed.

This moment.

After the chat with Yugezi, Yang Chuan received the magic cannon from Yugezi.


There are also 100 matching magic spar.

Next, it was time to arrive at the location of the troll dynasty and test the power of the magic cannon.

But before that.

Yang Chuan glanced at Bruce, who was leading the way.

I saw that he was still very excited.

Perhaps it is because he thinks that he has successfully embraced Yang Chuan's thigh.

But as everyone knows, Yang Chuan has already moved to kill at this time, if he still needs to lead the way, I am afraid that Bruce will disappear long ago.

Yet at this moment.

Zhao Feiyan on the side suddenly said: "Master, this strange guy may still have some useful value.

"The fox girls just now should have the ability to deceive people."

Yang Chuan's eyes lit up when he heard the words.

As expected of a woman from the palace.

This scheming is definitely the level of the empress dowager.

Thanks to the book friend [Five Elements Short of Money] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [wuqi2..] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Kuxingluo] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend 【Tianya Prodigal Son】 for the monthly pass.

Thank you all for your support.

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