Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 125 Violent Troll, Use Violence To Control Violence, That Is, Fight Until The Server

Troll Land, on the east side of the Empty Plains.

According to Bruce's introduction.

The open plains are large and appear desolate and barren on the surface. But in fact, the resources here are very rich.

It's just that the resource-rich areas are occupied by the powerful forces of all ethnic groups.

Such as the troll land occupied by the troll dynasty.

I heard that there is a waste energy ore resource point at the core location.

at this time.

After an hour long journey.

Yang Chuan led the team and finally approached the edge of the land of trolls.

Along the way, after Bruce's explanation, Yang Chuan also had a preliminary understanding of this troll dynasty.

"A greedy troll always likes to plunder everything."

"They are known for their rage abilities."

"I heard that Zul'jin, the king of trolls, has broken through the tenth rank and has been promoted to the king rank powerhouse."

Bruce stopped and pointed to an area not far away.

Yang Chuan heard the words and looked at the situation.

I saw hundreds of green-skinned creatures, they were wandering there, just like the original centaur dynasty, these troll creatures on the edge should be the most common cannon fodder in the "Tujia".


One command.

At this moment, Yang Chuan's tone was extremely firm, without any hesitation.

After all, there is a gambling agreement.

He must race against time, before the Cherry Blossom area, under a dynasty-scale force of all ethnic groups.

next moment.

The battle officially started, and Huo Qubing took the lead, killing the nearest troll almost instantly.

Followed by the mighty Yulin Qingqi.

After being given the name of Fengzi Army, in addition to the improvement of the marching speed, the damage when charging into the battle has also been greatly enhanced.

In just the blink of an eye, the offensive of the wind and clouds was staged, and the sound of countless tiger roars was overwhelming, and around each Yulin Qingqi, a looming white tiger phantom appeared.

As a SSS-level quality mount.

The mount effect of the Great Cool White Tiger was vividly displayed at this moment.


Compared to the mighty troll creatures on the battlefield.

The combat power displayed by Yulin Light Cavalry should be even more terrifying.

Looking around, the troll's huge body of three or four meters, and the outer skin of reinforced iron bones, was unable to stop the charge of the Great Liang Baihu.

"Damn intruder."

"Your behavior will completely ignite the troll's anger and smash it to pieces!"

"Go ahead, trolls, and let these ignorant invaders teach us our hammer!"

On the battlefield, as one troll fell one after another, an angry roar sounded immediately.

Facing the fierce attack of Yulin Qingqi, the troll did not take a step back, but opened his mouth wide and chose to face the edge.

They hold thick hammers as weapons and look at death. However, it is said that it is a hammer, and its appearance looks no different from an iron rod.

more importantly.

The troll creatures, known for their ferocity, have no tactical planning at all for them. To put it bluntly, they are like a group of sick lunatics.

With every swing of the iron rod, the group of troll creatures became more excited.

"As expected of the troll dynasty."

"The combat power of this troll creature is far greater than that of the centaur elite."

"But unfortunately, if brute force alone is not enough to resist the invasion of Chaoge City.

Yang Chuan looked further afield.

These hundreds of trolls,

But it's just an appetizer.


As Yang Chuan guessed.

With the troll creatures at the edge of the troll land, while being cleaned up.

Then there are hundreds of troll creatures running out of the troll land one after another.

They are tall, and without exception, they are like a group of giants.


Just at this time.

Another large number of troops rushed towards the battlefield.

"Lord Lord, you won't be humiliated."

"The fox clan girls were all safely returned to the tribe."

"However, compared to the task of escorting, Yanyun Wolf Rider prefers to fight on the battlefield.

A team suddenly appeared.

It was the late Yanyun Wolf Rider.

Before, because of the reason of escorting the fox girl, some time was delayed.

But now, the Yanyun Wolf Rider, who came later, quickly entered the battlefield.

On the other hand, the combat mode of Yanyun Wolf Rider is different from the uniform and orderly Yulin Light Rider.

According to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

The Yanyun Wolf Rider was given the name of the Fire Army.

In this case, the Yanyun Wolf rides all the vicious, murderous mid-troll creatures.



The grand occasion of using violence to control violence suddenly appeared.

The predecessor of Yanyun Langqi was a group of bandits, and for them, the purpose was to kill the enemy.

Not crazy, not live.

Even if the enemy was a troll creature after the rampage, Yanyun Wolf Rider was still fearless, waving the sword in his hand, and went forward bravely regardless of his life.


The trolls after the madness are a bunch of lunatics.

Then the Yanyun Wolf Riding at this time is a group of desperate lunatics.

Directly ignoring the attack of the trolls, raising the blade and slashing it in the air, is just unreasonable rigidity.


Just hit.

If you can't beat it today, try again tomorrow.

If you can't beat it tomorrow, try again the day after.

All in all, it's all about beating the eye.

Facing such a desperate attack, the trolls were stunned.

Even Bruce, who was not far away, showed an expression of doubt about life.

Is this the death squad?

It's okay to be tough with a violent troll.

The most important point is that under the attack of Yanyun wolf riding to the death, the raging trolls are losing ground.

"Could it be that."

"Those tens of thousands of Yulin Qingqi are not Yang Chuan's trump card?"

"These desperate Yanyun wolf riders are the elite of Yang Chuan?"

Looking at the situation on the battlefield, Bruce's eyes turned to Yang Chuan again.


Early on the way to Troll Land...  

Bruce has been secretly observing the specific combat power of Yang Chuan's units.

Or rather.

Before that, Bruce once believed that Yang Chuan's trump card was the Yulin Qingqi with more than 10,000 people.

But now it seems.

It seems that the Yanyun Wolf Riding is stronger in combat.

"Yanyun wolf ride with more than 5,000 people."

"The quality of the troops is at least S-rank, which is too scary.

Bruce was stunned again.

after all.

At this stage, for all lords, the rookie trial has just ended, and the gap between the vast majority of lords is not too big.

But look at Yang Chuan at this time.

The units of the arms and the combat power it possesses are absolutely unmatched.


Follow Bruce's guess.

At present, the two ace cards in Yang Chuan's hands should be Yulin Qingqi and Yanyun Wolfqi.

There is also the white-robed teenager Huo Qubing.

Its quality should be at least a first-class hero unit, and even a peerless hero, it is not impossible.

As for the group of beautiful women's units, the combat effectiveness should not be feared.

And while thinking about it.

Bruce immediately opened the World Chat Forum.

"Crazy, crazy, this is definitely the strongest lord at this stage, in all areas, no one can surpass Yang Chuan!"

"Now I'm attacking the troll dynasty with Yang Chuan. There are pictures and truths."

"【a picture】"

"There are tens of thousands of Yulin light cavalry, all of them have A-level quality, are you afraid?"

"If Yulin's light cavalry is paired with an SSS-level mount, do you know what it means to destroy the world?"

"【a picture】"

"The troll creatures known for their ferocity will unexpectedly have a day of fear. That's right, these Yanyun wolf riders are the core units of Yang Chuan." 4.4

"I feel that even if the abyss demons come, they will be afraid of Yanyun Wolf Riders, because they are too cruel, they are not human."

"【a picture】"

"This group of women's troops can be seen from a distance, but not to be played up close. As the cheerleader of Yang Chuan, although they have no fighting power, they are all beautiful as flowers."

"@All lords of the sakura area."

"Are you ready to be dominated by Yang Chuan, don't struggle, you have no chance of winning in the face of absolute combat power."

"Finally, I would like to add that Yang Chuan is a very good man. He took me to attack the troll dynasty, and he will cover me in the future. Please be careful when you talk to me.

After doing all this, Bruce felt more satisfied than ever.

It was as if he had taken down the troll dynasty.

Thanks to the book friend [Black Duck Loves Aya Forever] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friend [Zhenshifu] for the monthly pass.

Thanks to the book friends [Review the monthly pass of being alone for a lifetime].

Thanks to the book friend [Niu, Xiaoge] for the 588 point reward.

thanks for your support. .

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