Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 127 The Realm Of The Holy Order, The Horror From Zul'jin, The King Of Trolls

The Troll Dynasty has finally declared war!

Yang Chuan was not surprised by this result.


After nearly hours of fighting.

Yang Chuan's location has already advanced from the edge of the troll land to the center of the troll land.

Look around.

not far away,

There was a fortress looming in sight.

Obviously, as long as this fortress is captured, it can basically be announced that the troll dynasty has disappeared from the battlefield of all races.


The news of the arrival of Zul'jin, the king of trolls, made the troll creatures that had collapsed once again regain their strength.

The unprecedented battle was staged again.

Tens of thousands of troll creatures appeared one after another from the fortress, as if they were inexhaustible.

Even this time.

The original green-skinned violent trolls are gradually decreasing, replaced by blue-skinned frost trolls.

They hold battle axes.

While roaring loudly, his eyes were scarlet.

This is a withdrawal that is completely in a state of frenzy.

In such a state, the combat power of the Frost Troll will be greatly enhanced.

Whether it's marching speed or attack power.

But the same is, after falling into a state of complete rage, the frost troll's defense will be reduced.

"Master, it's time for the beautiful girl of Wushan to appear."

"And Yutian Xingguan!"

Facing the appearance of the Frost Troll, Zhao Feiyan moved her eyes.

Li Xiuning on the side.

At this moment, it is even more ready to go.

It was only a matter of Yang Chuan's order.


Wushan Maiden, Yutian Xingguan, is Yang Chuan's strongest trump card so far.

Now is not the time for exposure.

Otherwise, all the lords except the Kyushu region will definitely try their best to build an alliance army.

So before that.

Bruce had to disappear.

Fortunately, at this time, Cai Wenji seemed to have guessed Yang Chuan's concerns, and she immediately saw her fingering the qin, and the sound of the qin curled leisurely.

The sound of the piano seems to have a demagogic power.

Just a moment's work.

Bruce, who had been extremely excited for a second, suddenly became confused, with a sleepy demeanor.


Haven't waited for Yang Chuan to check it out.

Bruce fell to the ground drowsily, as if he jumped off the wall and went out to play games last night, and a strong snoring sounded.

"Master, the lullaby of the slave family is enough to make this strange guy sleep for a few hours without any problem."

"He won't wake up unless he's hurt."

Hear Cai Wenji's explanation.

In this way, Yang Chuan has no worries at all.

Immediately, he raised his Xuanyuan sword and looked at the battlefield not far away.

"Army attack."

next moment.

The beautiful girl of Wushan, who was dubbed the "Shanzi Army", rushed to the battlefield first.

After the blessing effect of the Shanzi Army.

The defense ability of the beautiful girl of Wushan has been greatly enhanced.

Even in the face of the axe of the frost troll, he is not afraid.

I saw that they were holding the black yao long spear, and after just one round of sweeping attack, they forcibly tore a hole in the formation of the frost troll.

"Give up the struggle."

"Give up resistance.

"Accept the trial of Chaoge City!"

"That is the only way for you to survive in this battle."

Li Xiuning was holding the dragon-patterned spear, which was already covered by golden light at this moment.




The shooting of the Vermilion Bird spirit arrow.

It became the last straw that overwhelmed the Frost Troll, and the Yutian Xingguan directly pulled the Tianwei longbow and shot a rain of arrows all over the sky.

Frost troll after being hit by a Vermilion Bird arrow.

Although the damage caused.

Not enough to kill them.

However, this is only the first stage of damage.



A deafening explosion sounded.

While piercing through the Frost Troll, the Vermilion Bird spiritual arrow suddenly burst, forming a path of Vermilion Bird spiritual flames that could not be extinguished.

The blue fire soaring to the sky was extremely hot.

Devoured the raging frost troll without mercy.

for a while,

Along with Yutian Xingguan and Wushan Miaonu joined the battlefield.




The last second was the brave and fearless Frost Troll.

In the next second, they were directly killed and collapsed.

Even, in a state of complete rage, some frost trolls have begun to retreat towards the fortress behind them involuntarily.

"They are a bunch of demons."

"Is this God's punishment?"

The situation that seemed to be evenly matched just now has undergone earth-shaking changes at this moment.

The scale of victory fell to Yang Chuan.


at the same time.

In the fortress not far away.

An angry growl came.


"Troll power, rampant power, unstoppable!"

I saw a purple-skinned troll creature, roaring furiously.


The creatures of all races who have entered the royal rank.

the entire troll dynasty,

It was created by it.

In a trance.

The frost trolls who fled back to the fortress were all shredded by it - at the same time, Zul'jin walked out of the fortress.

Tall and mighty physique.

Looking around, it is as high as several floors.

",々Damn intruder."

"You are unforgivable!"

When the gust of wind blew, the huge impact force instantly swept the entire battlefield.

With the sound of the explosion, a two-meter-long mace smashed heavily towards the nearest Huo Qubing.


Huo Qubing held a long spear and resisted heroically, but he was still repelled by Zulkin dozens of meters away.

Although it is a collision of swords.

But when Huo Qubing stabilized his posture, he still received an injury.


It is indeed a king-order creature.

As the king of trolls, Zul'jin is indeed extremely powerful.

In just one round of offensive, Huo Qubing was unable to resist, and then retreated one after another.


At the same time.

A brilliant light suddenly appeared.

Yang Chuan looked at it.

The leisurely piano sounded again.

When Cai Wenjiyu was stroking the qin, a field of colorful light appeared under her feet.

And with the endless stream of piano sounds.

The field began to spread around, and only within a thousand meters of the surrounding area was covered by the field.

On the other hand, look at (Wang Dezhao) Huo Qubing at this time.

The original injury disappeared.

"how is this possible."

"This is the power of the Holy Order field."

In the face of such a situation.

Zul'jin, the king of trolls, froze in place for a moment.

The hideous gaze disappeared.

With unbelievable eyes, she looked at Cai Wenji, who was playing the piano with her jade finger.

Immediately after.

Another burst of holy light fell from the sky.

Military Master Skill————The Great Heavenly Saint Triggered.

However, what was different from before was that this time, the effect of the Great Heaven Sage was only added to Cai Wenji.

"Are you ready for death?"

Cai Wenji spoke softly.

Lin Laiquanyun's voice sounded, and the piano stopped.

But above the sky.

Rolling thunder roared.

It seems to have power.

Destroy everything!

Without waiting for Zul'jin to turn around and flee.

When the thunder falls in the air.

A terrifying force that ripped through the void instantly drowned Zul'jin in it.

【Royal Thunder Sky Attack】!.

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