Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 128 Occupy The Troll Fortress, Frost Troll Allegiance

Billowing thunder hung in the air and fell.

Covering Zuljin, looking at it, Tianlei looks like a cage.

There were bursts of horrific howls.

As a king-level creature.

Zul'jin's combat prowess is unquestionable.

But unfortunately, the opponent it met was Cai Wenji who awakened the soul of a hero.

No matter how hard it struggles.

It is also impossible to escape from Yulei Tianshi.

The power of the sizzling thunder caused damage to Zul'jin all the time.


"Holy rank powerhouses are second only to gods."

"It's just a mere human, how can it have such terrifying combat power."

Zul'jin growled angrily.

But the endless painful torture has gradually torn its body apart.

Terrible power.

There was a moment when the surrounding void was distorted, and with the turmoil in the space, Zul'jin didn't last long.



In an instant, a sound that shook the sky resounded.

When looking at the battlefield again.

The figure of Zul'jin, the king of trolls, disappeared, replaced by a huge pit in the abyss, which appeared there impressively.

A picture of no bones left.

Let Yang Chuan involuntarily take a deep breath.

"It is worthy of the technology from the high goblin.

The power of the magic cannon is indeed shocking. "

That's right.

Seeing the battle situation is about to win.

Yang Chuan couldn't hold back, and 980 tested the power of the magic cannon.

It was a shot.

The huge energy leakage directly wiped out Zul'jin on the spot. Of course, the reason why it has such power is because of the addition of Cai Wenji's Heavenly Strike against Thunder.


Although the power of the magic cannon is amazing.

But there is still a downside.

That is, the magic cannon condenses energy and needs to wait for a few minutes.

If the enemy he meets has an extremely fast marching speed like Habayashi Qingqi, the magic cannon will be a pile of broken copper and iron, and it will not be able to exert its full power at all.

"It's okay for siege battles."

"If you encounter a battle in the wild, the power of the magic cannon will be greatly reduced."

"It seems that we need to give the pigeon some advice, which can properly reduce the power of the magic cannon and speed up the speed of gathering energy."

"In this way, the magic cannon can be used in various battle situations."

"However, compared to the magic cannon, I am still more looking forward to technologies such as goblin airships and goblin mechs.

With the death of Zul'jin, Lord of the Trolls.

The situation on the battlefield is naturally very obvious, or in other words, only the final finishing work is left.

The frost troll's formation completely collapsed.

It's like announcing the defeat of the troll dynasty.

Another few minutes passed, and looking around, on the entire battlefield, except for the Frost Trolls who surrendered, only Yang Chuan's units remained.

[Hint]: Successfully kill Zul'jin, the king of trolls, and gain the allegiance of the crystal troll.

[Reminder]: 5762 frost trolls, choose to be loyal to you.

[Tip]: Congratulations, you have become the new king of trolls.

This time Yang Chuan did not choose to kill them all.

Keeping these tall frost trolls is not a bad thing.

At least, in the troll fortress, there is a mana spar resource point.

And these frost trolls are obviously very suitable for mining magic spar.

In addition, with the opening of the Ten Thousand Races Contest.

The number of troop units.

Territory size level, territory technology level, territory population and other reasons.

These have become one of the factors for the rapid development of the territory, and Yang Chuan does not intend to take the alliance route.

So conquer the allegiance of the forces of all races.

For Yang Chuan, it is crucial.

"The supreme king of trolls."

"Please accept the allegiance of the Frost Troll clan.

"We would like to regard you as king, and we will never rebel and be loyal to you!"

Surrounded by Habayashi Qingqi.

Yanyun Langqi watched with murderous eyes.

The Frost trolls who chose to surrender their weapons fell to their knees one after another, and recited their oath in a respectful tone.

Faced with such a situation, Yang Chuan immediately nodded in satisfaction.

"Enter the troll fortress and take a look."

Now, the battle is over.

(bdcd) with Yang Chuan as the new king of trolls.

Next, they only need to occupy the troll fortress, even if they completely conquer the troll forces on the scale of the dynasty.

As such.

Yang Chuan will win the gambling agreement with Ichiro Yamamoto and obtain the status of Honshu pastor.

At that time, if you have nothing to do, you can go to Honshu to enjoy cherry blossoms and watch unique cherry blossom performances.

After thinking about this.

Yang Chuan quickened his pace.

As for Bruce, who fell asleep on the ground, he was completely forgotten.

Less than a minute passed.

Go through the massive gates of the Troll Keep.

The screen turns.

Yang Chuan has already led his troops and appeared in the troll fortress with four peerless beauties.

Look around.

Every house where a troll lives.

There are actually several floors in height.

The same is true for other buildings.

"Welcome to my king!"

"Welcome to my king!"

And amidst the cheers of the frost trolls, Yang Chuan came to the front of the troll hall.

As the core building of the Troll Fortress.

The troll hall is made of stones. Although it does not have the luxury of Chaoge City, it reveals a sense of majesty.

More importantly, it was while walking into the hall of trolls with Yang Chuan.

A text message suddenly appeared in front of Yang Chuan's eyes.

【Do you want to occupy the troll fortress?】

【Yes or no】


Yang Chuan said firmly.

next moment.

The soaring beam of light shines in the troll fortress.

Statue located in Troll Square.

It was originally Zul'jin, but changed after Yang Chuan captured the Troll Fortress.

[Tip]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the shepherd of Yongzhou, for successfully occupying the troll fortress.

[Hint]: The troll dynasty has become a vassal force of Chaoge City.

[Tip]: Start settlement and harvest.

[Harvest 1]: Mana spar resource points (ownership)

[Harvest 2]: Magic materials, 500 units of void spar

[Harvest 3]: Battlefield Blueprint

[Harvest 4]: Troll Crown (King Rank)

[Harvest 5]: 10,000 National Luck Points, 1,000 Air Luck Points

Look at the reminder messages that appear one after another.

Yang Chuan was all smiles.

This is the glory that belongs only to the victor.


Without waiting for Yang Chuan to check in detail, when the specific reward information was revealed, a hot energy turned into a warm current and melted into his body handle.

[Congratulations to Yang Chuan, Mu of Yongzhou, whose luck points have exceeded 100,000 points, meeting the requirements for promotion to the godhead of luck. 】

【Three Thousand Royal Girls, Mythical Rank, First Rank Godhead】


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