Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 129 Heaven And Earth Divine Power

Because of the existence of Xuanyuan Sword.

The increase of luck points has the effect of a hundred times increase.

As such.

At the same time as becoming the king of trolls, the luck points gained just meet the requirements for promotion of luck ~ godhead.


Yang Chuan was decisive - making a choice.

next moment.

At the same time as the warm current in the body completely disappeared, a divine power from heaven and earth spread from all around Yang Chuan's body.

[Hint]: The imperial daughter 3000 was promoted to the second-order Qi Luck Godhead.

[Luck Godhead]: Three thousand royal daughters

[God rank]: Second rank

[Effect 1]: Three thousand royal daughters, attaining the Tao and ascending

[Effect 2]: Divine power of heaven and earth, ignoring suppression

After the upgrade, the Qi Luck Godhead has another effect again.

At first glance, this effect seems to have no effect.

But know.

With the start of the race for hegemony.

The powerhouses among the ten thousand ethnic forces will appear one after another.

For example, Cai Wenji's Saint Rank field.

This is the only heaven and earth suppression of the strong.

After being blessed by the effect of the goddess of luck and luck, Yang Chuan can not only ignore these heaven and earth suppression, but also allow all the units under his command to enjoy this effect.

at the same time.

With Yang Chuan becoming the king of trolls, the troll fortress became a vassal of Chaoge City.

Did not wait too long.

The prompt information for the victory of the bet appeared together with the announcement of the Wanzu.

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, Mu of Yongzhou, for beheading Zuljin, conquering the troll dynasty, and winning the gambling agreement.

【Special Note】: In the bet with Honshu Makiyama Benichiro, you won the final victory.

[Gambling Rewards]: Privileges of the state pastoral status

Hear this moment.

Yang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Finally won."

"You can go to Honshu to enjoy cherry blossoms and watch performances."

"From now on, Honshu will be one of the regions of Kyushu."

After thinking of this, a rare smile appeared on Yang Chuan's face.


The changes in the occupation of troll fortresses are not completely over.

What followed was the message template of Troll Fortress, which appeared in front of Yang Chuan's eyes.

[vassal forces]: Troll Fortress

[Scale]: Dynasty


[Occupy resources]: Magic spar resource point

【Wanzu Technology】:No

【Wanzu Architecture】: No

[Identity reminder]: Are you in this area, activate the guardian altar and activate the teleportation array?

After activation, other lords in the Yongzhou area will be able to teleport here.

According to the content in the information template, Yang Chuan can clearly see all the information in the troll fortress.

Looking at it, the rest of the content is quite satisfactory.

On the contrary, the identity reminder that appeared at the end made Yang Chuan's eyes light up involuntarily.


Once the Guardian Shrine is activated in Troll Hold.

in the battlefield.

The troll fortress will become a gathering place for the lords of Yongzhou, or a sanctuary.

With the opening of the teleportation array.

There will definitely be many Yongzhou lords entering the troll fortress.

"It's not too late to activate again."

Yang Chuan was lost in thought.

the other side.

In the dark forest.

The battle between Ichiro Yamamoto and the Crow Dynasty is not over yet.

I saw the black crow creature, relying on the favorable terrain of the dark dense forest and the advantage of flying, it is simply an invincible existence.

The shogunate samurai were unable to attack the black crow creature at all, and even the elusive Iga ninja lost its former fighting power at this time.


"The Iga Ninja is an S-class unit, how could it lose to the Crow Creature.

"I implore Sakura Empress to make another move."

When the expression is ferocious.

Yamamoto Ichiro looked at Sakura Empress behind him.

However, it didn't take long for him to struggle.

The appearance of Wanzu Announcement,

Immediately, his face was extremely pale, and he collapsed to the ground without strength.


I failed?

Could it be that the content shared in the world chat forum before is all true!

Start by forcing Yang Chuan to sign a VAM agreement.

But now it's over, it's just less than a day's time for the tour fee.

But in such a short period of time.

Yang Chuan actually captured a dynasty-scale force of ten thousand races.

...... ask for flowers ......

say this,

Flowers are like a fool's dream.



The appearance of various expressions made the last trace of pride in Ichiro Yamamoto's heart disappear.

Very important point.

It was Yang Chuan's combat power that made him unacceptable.

This moment.

Ichiro Yamamoto gathered all the strength of the entire Honshu, while Yang Chuan was alone.

Under the circumstances of such a comparison.

The gap between the two became more and more obvious.


this moment.

The emergence of the Wanzu Announcement.

The reaction of the lords in the Kyushu area was not too big, as if they were used to it.

The only thing that makes them happy.

Perhaps it is possible to go to the Honshu area to feel comfortable through the teleportation array.

It can be used for lords in other regions.

Today's expression.

Compared with Ichiro Yamamoto, there is not much difference, without exception, everyone is terrified.

Lord of the Lighthouse: "My God, in less than a day, you have conquered a dynasty-scale force of thousands of races. Is this an April Fool's joke?"

Lord Bangzi: "There's an old saying that goes well, stealing chickens doesn't pay off. I don't have any sympathy for the cherry blossom area's self-indulgence."

Lord Sakura: "You should take care of your own situation, @阿三区, come on, we will be allies from now on."

Lord Ah San: "Don't worry, we are the strongest region, and we won't be so unpromising as you are to give up the Honshu region to Kyushu.

Lord Stick: "Who loses and who wins, I don't know yet, don't be too happy too soon."

Lord of the Lighthouse: "Everyone stop arguing, it's time for us to discuss how to deal with the rise of the Kyushu region."

Lord of the Lighthouse: "Especially Yang Chuan, the shepherd of Yongzhou, with such a powerful combat power, he should have been responsible for all the lords, but he didn't expect to bully the weak cherry blossom area in the end."

Lord Cherry Blossom: "That's right, it doesn't mean that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Yang Chuan's path is narrowed, and he should give up his status as a shepherd in Honshu."

【World Announcement】

[Honshu pastoral lord Yang Chuan, activate the guardian altar of Honshu, and open the teleportation array to any area. 】

[From now on, the lords of any region can enter the region of the state through the teleportation array. Ten thousand】.

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