Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 130 The Effect Of The Troll Altar And The Technology Tree

A sudden world announcement.

It was like a thunderclap on the ground, and the lords of all areas were stunned.

It was fine the last second.

In the next second, the bet is lost.

That's right.

Just less than a day.

Yang Chuan has already captured a dynasty-scale force of all ethnic groups at an amazing speed.

And after seeing the content of the world chat forum, Yang Chuan directly used the identity of the pastor of the state to open the state area to all lords.

As such.

All lords can enter the state area through the regional teleportation array.

This is for the lords of the region of the state.

Simply a disaster.

for a while.

The lords in the Honshu region, without exception, began to criticize Ichiro Yamamoto in the regional chat forum.

They cannot accept this result.

This is equivalent to the door of one's own house, which is always open to other "Seven-Five-One" lords.

But Yang Chuan is the local shepherd.

No matter how reluctant they were, it was of no use.

"It's over, from now on our state area will become a shared area for all lords.

"Damn, damn Yang Chuan, we're going to lose to the Kyushu region."

"What's the use of talking so much now? I still think about how to face it, and then the arrival of other regional lords.

"Form alliance forces to distract the attention of other regions and territories, and let everyone deal with Yang Chuan together."

"But until then, our state region needs a competent representative."

"Obviously, for this job, Ichiro Yamamoto has no ability at all."

"Kneeling and begging Sakura Empress, come out and preside over the overall situation."

Compared to the wailing in the Honshu area.

the other side.

Inside the Troll Fortress.

Looking at the content of the information in the World Chat Forum, Yang Chuan smiled disapprovingly.

He would take a look.

Under the temptation of regional opening of the state, can the so-called regional alliance be established?

This is a very real thing.

If the desired resources can be obtained from other areas, this can have a multiplier effect on the development of any lord.

One more important point.

Whether it is the lord of the Western Alliance region or the lighthouse region, doing this kind of thing is very experienced for them.

"I hope you all unite and don't let me down."

"The task of destroying the region of this state is also a good choice to complete through your hands.


Yang Chuan's arrangement is to use a knife to kill.

Leverage the hands of other regional lords to limit the development of the state's region, or to accelerate the demise of the state's region.

After doing all this.

Yang Chuan looked up and looked at the dim sky in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

next moment.

I saw a blueprint and a crown in his hands.

This is the reward for taking down a troll dynasty.

Checked by Yang Chuan.

The informational content of the reward appears.

[Accessory]: Troll Crown

[Quality]: Wangjie

【Equipment effect】

Effect 1: The symbol of the troll king, with this item, the troll creatures under his command will never betray allegiance to you.

Effect 2: After the Berserk Domain is activated, the attack power of all units under its command will be greatly improved.

[Battlefield Blueprint]: Troll Altar

[Function]: Activate the technology tree

[Technology Type]: Combat, Auxiliary

【Battle class】

Berserk Evolution: After the troll creature turns on the Berserk state, its attack power is increased by 3 times.

【Auxiliary class】

Tireless: Troll creatures can work continuously for 24 hours and increase work efficiency by 250%.

"It seems that the way of growth of the creatures of all races is different from that of the human race.

"Need to activate the power of the technology tree."

"But then again, the technology tree of Wanzu can be regarded as the blood and talent of the people. [011111213170512490]

As for the effect of the troll crown.

Yang Chuan is not very surprised. Although there is a violent field, in the end, it still fits the setting of troll creatures very well.

Instead, it was the appearance of the troll altar.

Yang Chuan couldn't help but shine, especially the ability of the auxiliary technology tree to appear tirelessly, which is simply a boon for capitalists.


Before going to check the magic spar resource point, Yang Chuan first looked for an open area in the troll fortress, and then gently put down the battlefield blueprint in his hand.

Suddenly, he saw a building exuding spiritual light, appearing in front of him.

[Tips]: Successfully activated troll technology - not tired!

[Tips]: There are currently 0 technology points remaining....

【Tips Tips】: Consume void spar to obtain technology points.

With the prompt message reappeared.

After doing all this, Yang Chuan walked towards the resource point of the magic spar with satisfaction.

behind it.

An army of frost trolls headed by an ice axe.

"My king."

"The magic spar resource point is located in the underground of the troll fortress."

"It's extremely cold there."

As Yang Chuan, the leader selected from thousands of frost trolls.

Compared to other Frost Trolls, with that Tie Hanhan character, Ice Axe is considered to be more brainy.

I saw him walking beside Yang Chuan respectfully, and when he spoke, he did not forget to remind him of the specific situation of the magic spar resource point.


"That's right, the reason why the magic energy spar can circulate in the battlefield of ten thousand races is that the energy contained in it is very stable compared to other energy spar.

Three or two small talk time passed,

While listening to the introduction of Ice Axe, after passing through a corridor leading to the underground, a biting chill hits my face.

If it wasn't for Yang Chuan's great power Tianlong bodyguard.

I'm afraid I can only stay for a while in this environment.

Look around.

A light cluster like starlight appeared not far away.

[Resource point]: Magic spar


[Belonging]: Troll Dynasty


After Yang Chuan's inspection, the starlight cluster is the most primitive state of the magic spar.

"Currently in the entire Ten Thousand Races battlefield.

"There are only a few racial creatures that can resist the cold of the magic spar resource point."

"Fortunately, our Frost Troll is one of them."

Ice Axe spoke again with a proud face.

After Yang Chuan heard this, he nodded with satisfaction.

Now that everything is ready, the next step is to mine the magic spar.

at the same time.

Yang Chuan can't wait to open the friend list.

Click on Yugezi's avatar and send a friend message immediately.

"The problem with the magic spar has been resolved."

"Looking forward to your performance.

"By the way, there are still many magic materials in the troll fortress. If possible, it is best to optimize the magic cannon."

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