Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 131 The Fox Girl Clan, A Race Comparable To Gods

"Boss Yang actually took the initiative to contact me, our research funding can be considered a complete solution.

"Recast the glory of high goblin technology."

"Let's build the edifice of technology together."

Inside the goblin hut.

Yugezi's sudden cry attracted countless glances from the goblins.

It seemed to this group of diminutive goblins.

Humans are such unreasonable creatures. They experience obvious emotional fluctuations because of a change in one thing.

"The lord's mind doesn't seem to be very smart."

"Compared to us high goblins.

"In the entire ten thousand races, there are no intelligent creatures."

The conversation between the two high-level goblins made Yugezi's expression a little embarrassed.

As expected of his own crouching dragon and phoenix.

Such a confident self-assessment.

Although a bit arrogant.

In the battlefield of all races,

Counting the forces of countless ethnic groups,

In addition to the top creatures such as angels and dragons, the high goblins are also one of the ten thousand ethnic forces that can establish the scale of the Holy Dynasty.

In terms of combat power alone, the higher goblins are at the bottom of the ten thousand races.

13 This is not difficult to see.

Goblin technology is such a terrifying existence.

However, at this moment.

Suddenly, a prompt message appeared in front of Yugezi's eyes.

[Tips]: Yang Chuan, Mu Yang Chuan, activates the guardian altar of the troll fortress and opens the teleportation permission to you.

A burst of aura appeared next to the goblin hut.

With the activation of the guardian altar.

Yugezi can enter the troll fortress through the teleportation array at any time.

After this.

A few minutes passed.

Yugezi, who didn't have ink marks for too long, gathered all the goblins in the territory together.

These high goblins.

This is the bargaining chip for Yugezi and Yang Chuan to cooperate.


The reason why Yang Chuan is willing to cooperate with Yugezi is that he looks at the technology of higher goblins.

Therefore, Yugezi is very self-aware.

Now she positions herself as a tool person for managing high goblins.

"Leave to Troll Fortress."

"There are countless magic spar there."

"There are also inexhaustible magical materials."

Yugezi is full of expectations for the troll fortress.

After all, this is the first time she has entered the battlefield of ten thousand clans since she obtained the qualification for hegemony of ten thousand clans.

"Those big-limbed, simple-minded trolls have nothing to be happy about.

"Yes, when the creator sees them, he must have forgotten the brain that created them."

"That's why they go crazy every day."

Accompanied by the Tucao of Wolongfengchu.

next moment.

The appearance of the towering beam of light shrouded everything around the goblin hut.

I saw Yugezi's eyes darkened.

When the screen appeared again, they had already arrived in the square of the troll fortress.

not far away.

The statue of Yang Chuan stands proudly.

The tall and mighty buildings brought a visual impact, which surprised Yugezi.

However, when he thought that he would see the legendary Yang Chuan right away, Yugezi's face turned crimson.

After the little hand touched it, I immediately felt a hot shyness.

"Girls, you must be reserved."

"We are allies, loyal allies in order to build the technology building."

Yugezi underestimated in a low voice.

And try to free yourself.

But at the same time, the appearance of a figure made Yugezi, who had just calmed down, froze in place again.


Yang Chuan is too handsome.

The four young ladies in the back are too beautiful.

When they stood together, they were a perfect match made in heaven.

"Wake up the pigeon."

Yang Chuan looked at it, and among the crowd of Wuyangyang, the petite Yugezi was the tallest.

Like Snow White and the Dwarfs.


"It's a shame, why let a woman with an abnormal mind be our lord."

When Yugezi came back to her senses, she found that Yang Chuan had walked to her side.


Yugezi lowered his head, and his heart beat faster, like a silly roe deer jumping around.

"The frost trolls have begun the work of gathering magic spar."

"These are the magic materials harvested after the capture of the troll fortress."

When the voice fell.

Yang Chuan took out the mountains of magic materials from the space ring.

Among them are the fur of unknown beasts, as well as bizarre horns and so on.

"The horns of the thunder rhino!"

"Great, with this magic material, the power of the magic cannon can be increased."

"Wait, there are dolphin bones, wind spirit ore..."

"My God, the boss is the boss, the magic materials you gave are too much!"

The appearance of magic materials made Yugezi instantly change into a person.

I didn't wait for Yang Chuan to say more.

The high goblins began to snatch these magic materials.


The emergence of such a situation.

I believe that it will not be long before Yang Chuan can see the products that come to Goblin Technology.


According to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

A troll hut that was vacated became Yugezi's research room in the troll fortress.

"Boss, I took a general look at these magic materials just now."

"The work of improving the magic cannon can be completed tomorrow."

"In addition, using these magic materials, you can also build goblin airships and goblin eyes."

Everything is in order.

The Yu 610 song, who has entered the working state, has a decent performance.

at the same time.

Another group of figures,

Appeared in Troll Fortress.

The people who came were the fox girls who had been rescued by Yang Chuan before.

They all looked around anxiously.

From the moment he stepped into the troll fortress, Chu Shantong was nervous and did not dare to look up.

This is troll territory.

For the weak fox clan.

There is only one possibility to enter here, and that is to become a plaything of a troll.

But from now on.

In the future, the troll fortress will be their safe place, and the weak fox clan will live here under the protection of Yang Chuan.

"Mother, will that lord accept the allegiance of our fox clan?"

Tu Shantong looked aside.

She is a woman of the fox clan.

Hear the daughter's inquiry.

Tu Shanya didn't answer immediately, but after taking out a drawing, she slowly said.

"In the former battlefield of ten thousand races.

"Our fox girl family, known as the fox fairy, has the power of the gods."

"And this inherited drawing represents the glory of the fox girl family."

"It's also the hope for our fox girl family to rise again."

"Hey, as long as you can awaken your bloodline and talent, that lord will definitely accept the thoughts of the orphan girl family.

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