Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 133 Qingqiu Contract, The Tail Of The Fox, World Rank Promotion

Is this a hero unit with the awakened hero soul?

Looking at Tu Shantong's information template, Yang Chuan was very surprised.

A powerful aura burst out from Tu Shantong's body, exactly the same as when Cai Wenji awakened the hero's soul before.

The emergence of such a situation.

It is no exaggeration to say that at this moment, Tu Shantong is no longer a helpless fox girl.

"It turned out to be the ancient inheritance of the Qingqiu clan?"

"Impossible, only those with great luck can fully activate the Qingqiu altar."

"Could it be that………………"

Tu Shanya was completely lost in thought.

That's right.

According to Tu Shanya's prediction, once the Qingqiu altar is built, the fighting power of the fox girl clan will be significantly enhanced.

But unexpectedly.

Yang Chuan actually has the great luck to completely activate the Qingqiu Holy Altar.

As such.

Not only the power in Tu Shantong's body will be activated.

The other fox girls will also awaken the power zone of Qingqiu's inheritance.

next moment.

With Tu Shantong as the center.

I saw that every fox girl, including Tu Shanya, was surrounded by layers of aura.

Immediately, 130 huge energy leaked out, and even more noisy filled every corner of the troll fortress.

under the flow of energy.

All kinds of heaven and earth visions appeared.


This process didn't last long.

Three minutes passed.

All the changes were over, when Yang Chuan looked at the orphans again.

Look around.

Unexpectedly, behind every fox girl, the number of sky fox tails increased to two.

"My king."

"It is our honor that the Fox Maiden Clan can serve you loyally.

"From now on, the fox girl clan will be promoted to the Qingqiu clan.

Under the excited explanation of the voice.

As the patriarch of the fox girl clan, Tu Shanya came to Yang Chuan's side respectfully.

At this moment, she was already weeping with joy.

With the swaying of the tail of the sky fox behind him, a magic circle suddenly appeared.

The magic circle is located at the foot of Yang Chuan.

before that.

It was the same situation when signing the master-servant contract with Tu Shantong.

[Reminder]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the shepherd of Yongzhou, for successfully signing the Qingqiu contract.

From now on, the Qingqiu clan will be loyal to you, and the general (bdcg) will swear to the death.

The contract magic circle inherited from ancient times.

Once signed.

It will be an indelible existence.

this moment.

Yang Chuan became the king of the Qingqiu clan.

All the fox girls of the Qingqiu clan will become citizens of Chaoge City.

And according to Tu Shanya's explanation.

Regarding the past of the Qingqiu clan.

Yang Chuan gradually understood.

It turned out that the Qingqiu clan was an ancient race.

The reason for the decline.

The reason is that because of the destruction of Qingqiu's holy altar, the fox girl clan cannot be activated even though they still have Qingqiu's blood.


After Yang Chuan completely activated the Qingqiu Holy Altar by relying on his luck.

The surviving fox girl clan once again had the opportunity to activate Qingqiu's bloodline.

Hitomi Tu Shan is so far.

The only one in the fox girl family, who has the blood of the Qingqiu fox girl, so after the activation of the Qingqiu altar, she can directly awaken the hero's soul.

And other fox girls, including the patriarch Tu Shanya, need to awaken the tail of the sky fox.

Only when the number of Fox Tails increases to nine.

All fox girls will awaken the requesting blood in their bodies.

"So Tu Shantong is not your daughter?"

"That's right, she is the last Qingqiu Sky Fox, possessing the Qingqiu Secret Art, has gone through countless reincarnations, and has survived since ancient times."

"The slave family is still in perfect condition."

Yang Chuan asked the most concerned question.

Tu Shan beside him smiled.

good guy.

As expected of an ancient race, the lifespan of the Qingqiu clan can be compared with the immortal angel clan.

It can only be said to be extremely terrifying.

at the same time.

The number of Sky Fox Tails has increased, and under the power of the Qingqiu Holy Altar, every fox girl has been transferred to Qingqiu Fox Fairy.

【Tu Shanya】

Status: Soldier

Grade: first grade

Occupation: Qingqiu Fox Fairy (SSS level)

Bloodline: Qingqiu's (inactive)

Talent: Tail of the Sky Fox (Two Tails)

Skills: Shockwave, Magic Surrounding, Sky Fox Awakening

Attack Power: 350+100 (Growth: 50)

Defense: 350+100 (Growth: 50)

[Talent: Tail of the Sky Fox]

Effect: Every time a sky fox tail is awakened, (level X100) points of basic attributes will be added


Shockwave: magic area damage

Magic Surround: Increases magic damage

Sky Fox Awakening: When you have nine Sky Fox tails, you can awaken as a mythical unit——Qingqiu Sky Fox

Look at the information template for Tu Shanya's job change.

Yang Chuan took a deep breath, good area!

As such.

The types of units under his command have been increased to three.

Miao Nv of Wushan, as an assault cavalry.

Yutian Star Officer, as a remote output.

Qingqiu Fox Immortal, output as a law.

Everything is just right.

And without exception, they are all beautiful and beautiful female arms units.

"It's getting late now."

"What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Yang Chuan coughed eagerly, and everyone present blushed instantly, understanding what was going on.

Another night passed quickly.

next morning.

The troll fortress was empty and silent, very quiet.

Busy Frost Troll,

Under the leadership of the commander Ice Axe, located in the underground of the troll fortress, they continued to mine the mana spar.

In the majestic troll hut, Yu Gezi is still adding bricks and tiles to the technology building.

Before Yang Chuan woke up from his sleep.

world bulletin

Suddenly appeared in front of every lord.

【World rank promotion!】

[Congratulations to all the lords, you have obtained the qualifications to fight for the hegemony of all races. As lords, you will lead the people under your command and step into the battlefield of all races. 】

[Establish a dynasty and create a supreme dynasty. 】

【Or end up at the top of all living beings and become the supreme Lord of the God Realm!】

[All the powers of the sleeping races are awakened, dimensional illusions, ancient ruins are waiting for your exploration]

[Wanzu Announcement]: The Wanzu Gold List is open!

[Wanzu Announcement]: The alliance system is open

[Wanzu Announcement]: Field resources are activated!

[Announcement from Ten Thousand Races]: Field barracks activated!

[Announcement from Ten Thousand Races]: Neutral forces appear!

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