Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 134: Ten Thousand Clan Ranking, Top Creatures Appear

The emergence of the World Bulletin.

It seems to be announcing the advent of a new era, and the improvement of the world level means that the difficulty in the following will be greatly increased.

almost at the same time.

The world chat forum exploded.


Holy Day!

Lord of the Gods!

The road ahead is very long.

The forces of all races sleeping in the battlefield of all races are about to wake up, the angel of immortality, the terrifying Beamon, the greedy dragon and so on.

These top-level creatures will appear in the Wan-zu battlefield.

no doubt.

The real test has only just begun.

The end of the newcomer's trial means that all lords must leave their area and come to the battlefield of all races.

after all.

Dimensional illusions, ancient ruins, etc. that exist in the battlefield of ten thousand races have now become crucial existences.

There are also field resources and field barracks.

These resources, which seem to be of little use in the newcomer's trial, will become the key to everyone's snatch in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

In short, one step behind will lead to a step-by-step backward situation.

and at the same time.

With the disappearance of the world announcement.

The dazzling brilliance was revealed in the sky of the battlefield of ten thousand races, pure white energy, when the sky was obscured, a terrifying angel phantom was faintly visible.

The tearing roar was deafening, shrouded the entire battlefield of ten thousand races, the earth shook ceaselessly, and a mountain-like Beamon phantom was extremely terrifying.

On the top of the mountains, the vast coast, the dark jungle and other areas, the phantom of the giant dragon that appeared from time to time made the forces of all ethnic groups feel fearful.


The power of all ethnic groups on the scale of the Holy Dynasty!

All the top creatures sleeping in the battlefield of ten thousand races came one after another, and perhaps only the forces of ten thousand races on the scale of a dynasty could deal with their arrival.

this moment,

Sleeping Yang Chuan,

Also woke up from the dream.

In front of him, the Golden List of Ten Thousand Clans appeared.

[Golden List of Ten Thousand Clans]

"Lord: Yang Chuan"

"Identity: Pastor of Yongzhou, Pastor of Benzhou"

"Power: Chaoge City"

"Vassal: Northern Liang Dynasty, Yanyun Dynasty"

"Race: Frost Troll, Qingqiu Clan"

"Alliance: Yugezi (Higher Goblin)"

[Ranking of all ethnic groups]: 56

Check it out.

According to the content of the Ten Thousand Clan Golden List, it is easy to know what kind of existence Yang Chuan is in the entire Ten Thousand Clan battlefield.

"I'm only 56?"

"Have the ten thousand ethnic forces before me all reached the scale of the Holy Dynasty?"

Yang Chuan was a little surprised.

After all, before that, it only took him less than a day to capture the Troll Dynasty.

Coupled with the allegiance of the Qingqiu clan.

As well as the Northern Liang Dynasty and the Yanyun Dynasty, these are the vassal forces of the scale of the two dynasties.

All together, although I dare not say that it can be compared with the forces of all ethnic groups on the scale of the Holy Dynasty.

But to be called the strongest lord, there must be no doubt.

Unexpectedly, even so, Yang Chuan's ranking on the Ten Thousand Clan Gold List can only be ranked 56th.

"The power of all ethnic groups on the scale of the Holy Dynasty appears, and the appointment of the world class."

"It means that the battlefield of all races will be completely shrouded in terror, and the involution between the lords is likely to escalate again.

"After all, wild resources and dimensional illusions, etc., are very limited."

"Whether it is between the lords, or the forces of all ethnic groups, it is difficult to be in a peaceful state, and it is only a matter of time to capture each other.

"And above Chaoge City, there are at least fifty-five ten thousand ethnic forces that need to respond to the enemy."

The Ten Thousand Races Battlefield is an environment where the strong eat the weak.

Therefore, among the tens of millions of forces of all ethnic groups, the combat power possessed by the lord is not strong.

Even if Yang Chuan is the lord.

In the face of the powerful forces of all ethnic groups, it is also necessary to make adequate preparations.

Thinking of this, Yang Chuan continued to check the specific ranking of the Wanzu Gold List.

【Ranking of all ethnic groups】

"First Place: Sanctuary of Angels"

"Second Place: Mystery Dungeon"

"Third Place: Greed Dragon Cave"

"Fourth: Magic Tower"

"Fifth: Battle Academy"

"Sixth: Deep Sea Naga"

"Fifty-Fourth: The Undead Gargoyle"

"Fifty-Fifth: Exploding Goog"

"Fifty-sixth: Chaoge City"

According to the specific content of Wanzu ranking.


Although Chaoge City is powerful, the same is true of other ten thousand ethnic forces.

...asking for flowers...

Even the ten thousand clan forces ranked in the top ten of the ten thousand clan rankings are all holy dynasties.

and in it.

There are also neutral forces.

Like pandaren's Pandaria.

This neutral force of all ethnic groups is the closest to the Kyushu region, and all lords from the Kyushu region can enter Pandaria through the teleportation formation.

In Kalimdor such as the Tauren.

This neutral force of all ethnic groups is the closest to the Western Alliance region, and the lords of the Western Alliance can enter Kalimdor through the teleportation formation.

These neutral forces, without exception, are all forces of all ethnic groups on the scale of the Holy Dynasty.

As such.

It can be regarded as the initial shelter for all lords in the Ten Thousand Races battlefield.


Lord Sakura: "Top creatures appear on the battlefield of ten thousand clans, everyone should take this opportunity to go fishing in troubled waters in the battlefield of ten thousand clans."

Lord Hairy Bear: "The battlefield of all races is too terrifying, let's go to the Honshu area to enjoy the cherry blossoms."

Lord of the Stick: "Form a team and enjoy the cherry blossoms together."

Lord Asan: "Take me one, Yamamoto-san, the cherry blossoms in Honshu are blooming again."

Sakura Emperor Ji: "Everyone is welcome to come to the Honshu area as a guest, but please don't take away every needle and thread of Honshu."

The lord of the top tower: "Please don't worry Di Jisang, we will not take away a single thread."

Lord of Ximeng: "That's right, anyway, the battlefield of the ten thousand races is not peaceful. We are just visiting the local area to experience the exotic customs."

Inside the World Chat Forum.

Not because of the emergence of the World Announcement, and great changes have taken place.

Take the state's, eat the state's, save your own.

At this time, it became the target of the lords of other areas except the cherry blossom area.


There is also some discussion of forming alliance forces.

However, these discussions are more in regional chat forums.

After all, the old saying is good.

Those who are not of our race must have different hearts.

Moreover, there are many inconveniences in forming alliance forces across regions.

Especially the neutral forces, after appearing on the battlefield of ten thousand races, directly dispersed all the lords once again.

Regardless of the Kyushu area.

Or the Western Union region and so on.

Between the lords, or according to the different regions of the newcomers, they form different alliances and forces. .

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