Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 135 Exploring Troll Land, Griffin Treasure House, Dark Trolls

"The alliance function has appeared, which can be regarded as a legitimate alliance to form an alliance, and distribute the rewards of the alliance according to their respective contributions.

"Anyone going to Pandaria together?"

"Count me in, I want to see the pandaren!"

"These pandaren are very bad, everyone pay attention, after arriving in Pandaria, don't send emojis indiscriminately.


"Because of the fear of pandaren charging royalties."

"Gan, your cold joke, to be honest, embarrassed me and lost money!"

"Fuck, brothers and sisters, come to Pandaria quickly, there are hidden achievement tasks, it seems that after completing them, you can get a certificate of transfer."

"After changing jobs, you can join Pandaria and get Pandaria's asylum."

"real or fake?"

"Really, it is absolutely true, the lord of Kyushu does not lie to the lord of Kyushu."

"What I'm more concerned about now is the Moshang Alliance, are you still recruiting alliance members?"

"Speaking of which, the Moshang Alliance is the strongest alliance force in our Kyushu region, but it is only ranked 95th on the Ten Thousand Clan Gold List. "317"

"After hearing what you said, I noticed with hindsight that Yang Chuan is worthy of being the strongest lord, and Chaoge City can even be ranked fifty-sixth."

"This is the official real hammer, the first person of the strongest lord, justifiably!"

"It's a pity, it's a pity that Yang Chuan does not form an alliance force, otherwise I will definitely contribute everything and join it.

Looking at the information content that appeared one after another in the Kyushu area chat forum.

Yang Chuan shook his head with a helpless smile.


A very large number of lords,

There are always a few lucky lords who can achieve unexpected results by chance.

First lord to enter Pandaria.

You can trigger hidden achievements.

This kind of surprise, which is both reasonable and expected, can of course attract the envy of countless lords.


What surprised Yang Chuan most at this time was the news that the lord's transfer certificate appeared.

"Human Sovereign's job transfer certificate, at present, it is only necessary to obtain the seal of the emperor's most treasured Kongtong to meet the requirements of the job transfer."

"Although I have already received the Supreme Treasure of the Emperor, this mythical achievement quest, the condition for completing it is to conquer a force of ten thousand ethnic groups on the scale of a pilgrimage.

"With the current combat power of Chaoge City, I am afraid that it will be difficult to obtain the Kongtong Seal in a short period of time."

As early as when he completed the second stage of the rookie trial, Yang Chuan had already obtained the Human Sovereign transfer certificate.

until now.

The newbie trials are all over.

Three requirements for a transferable emperor.

First, the capture of a dynasty-scale force of all ethnic groups has now been completed.

Second: Complete a mythic achievement task, which has also been completed.

There are only three remaining, and this is the most difficult requirement to obtain the seal of the emperor's most treasured Kongtong.

Just one step away.

But it is also the hardest step.

However, just when Yang Chuan sighed slightly.

The sudden prompt message made him instantly excited.

【Special Tips】: The cooldown time of simulation development is over.

It is possible to create mock copies again for mock development!

【Optional mock copy】

Chaoge City Development

Battle of Ten Thousand Races

Loulan Ancient City————Ancient Ruins

The Emperor's Treasure————Mythic Achievement Task

Three days passed.

Yang Chuan can do simulation development again.

Whether it is to speed up the development of Chaoge City, or to simulate the development of the system, to simulate the battlefield of all ethnic groups, and so on.

Even if the final simulation development fails.

However, in the process of simulation development, any rewards obtained will be embodied in Chaoge City.

As for Yang Chuan, you only need to consume the National Fortune Points, so it is obvious that simulation development is a business that can make a profit without losing money.

"The development of Chaoge City is not in a hurry now."

"I can't believe that the ancient city of Loulan is still an ancient relic. However, at present, we should focus on exploring the battlefield of all ethnic groups."

"As for the achievement task of the Supreme Treasure of the Emperor, given the gap in absolute combat power, it is impossible to complete even through simulation development."

After a brief contemplation, Yang Chuan quickly had the goal of creating an analog copy in mind.

That is to explore the battlefield of all races.

Now Yang Chuan has become the king of trolls and occupies the troll fortress.

But look at the exploration of the entire troll land.

But only one-fifth.

without any exaggeration.

In the entire land of trolls, are there any other forces of ten thousand races, are there any wild resource points, and so on.

Now Yang Chuan is not clear.

next moment.

After confirming the goal of simulation development, an information template similar to that in the game appeared in front of Yang Chuan's eyes.

【Successful creation of simulated copy】

"Simulation Copy: Explore the Battlefield of Ten Thousand Races"

"Exploration Area: Troll Land"

"Simulated Consumption: 20,000 National Fortune Points"

【Create a mock copy successfully!】

[Simulation time-consuming]: 2 hours


[With the land of trolls as a copy, the exploration of simulation development is just beginning! 】

【Land of Trolls —————The first day】

Zhao Feiyan led Shanzi Army (Wushan Miaonv) and Lin Zijun (Yu Tianxingguan) left the troll fortress and began to explore the west side of the troll land.

Tu Shantong led Qingqiu Huxian, left the troll fortress, and began to explore the east side of the troll land.

Zhang Niujiao led the Yanyun wolf to explore the north side of the land of trolls.

Huo Qubing led the Yulin Qingqi to explore the south side of the land of trolls...


On the west side of the troll fortress, Zhao Feiyan discovered a wild resource—a dilapidated truck!

Harvest: 10 units of void spar, 103 units of brimstone

【Land of Trolls - Day 2】

Zhang Niujiao discovered a field facility - the tree of wisdom!

Harvest: Level +1

Huo Qubing discovered a field facility —— Arena!

Harvest: +20 Strength

【Land of Trolls - Day 3】

Huo Qubing discovers a treasure chest in the wild - a hidden treasure chest!

Harvest: Walking Boots (Battlefield Treasure)

Tu Shantong found the Griffin Hut.

Toyama Hitomi begins to explore the Griffin Treasure House.

Hitomi Tu fights with a group of gryphon creatures.

【Land of Trolls - Day 5】

After a day-long battle, the griffin creatures guarding the Griffin Treasure House wiped out the Qingqiu Foxxian team led by Tu Shantong.

Sadly, the exploration of the Griffin House failed.

Zhao Feiyan, who was located on the west side of Troll Land, finally found a two-way teleportation formation.

After entering the teleportation array, Zhao Feiyan's team was teleported to the dark jungle.

Huo Qubing found a wild barracks on the south side of the land of trolls - Berserk Camp

Rampage Camp: Can recruit Rampage Trolls (Tier 7 units)

【Land of Trolls - Day 6】

Zhang Niujiao found a cartographer on the north side of the land of trolls, and he needed 10,000 taels of gold to buy the topographic map of the land of heavy demons.

Zhang Niujiao intends to prostitute for nothing.

It's a pity, although the topographic map of Troll Land and Mirkwood has been snatched from the cartographer.

However, the relationship with the Draftsmen's Association has been reduced by 20 points and is currently in a hostile relationship.

Huo Qubing discovered the rampant troll tribe on the south side of the land of trolls, and successfully conquered the tribe.

Earn 4.8: Rampage Troll joins Troll Fortress.

【Land of the Trolls - Day 7】

Zhao Feiyan found the traces of the Black Crow Dynasty in the dark jungle.

The Black Crow Dynasty took the initiative to show favor to Zhao Feiyan's team.

Congratulations, the relationship with the Black Crow Dynasty has increased by 20 points and is currently in a friendly relationship.

Zhang Niujiao found the Sand Troll Tribe on the north side of the Troll Land and successfully conquered the Tribe.

Harvest: Sand Trolls join Troll Fortresses.

Huo Qubing found the exiled dark troll on the south side of the land of trolls, and a fierce battle took place.


In the end, the dark troll defeated Huo Qubing.


The mighty dark trolls will make a comeback again, please, Yang Chuan, the king of trolls, prepare to resist the invasion of dark trolls.

For the troll fortress.

To gain the power of the troll shrine.

The dark trolls, eroded by dark forces, will stop at nothing to invade the troll fortress.

Thanks to the book friend [Long Xiaoyao Zaizai] for the monthly pass. .

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