Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 136 Simulated Harvest, A Gift From The Black Crows

【With the land of trolls as a copy, the exploration of simulated development is officially over!】

【The following is the harvest of this simulation development!】

[Day 1]: 10 units of void spar, 103 units of sulfur

[Day 2]: Zhang Niujiao +1 level, Huo Qubing +20 force points

[Day 3]: God Walking Boots (Battlefield Treasure)

[Day 4]: safe and sound

[Day 5]: Discover the Griffon Treasure House, occupy the wild barracks—the violent troll

[Day 6]: Harvest the land of trolls and the topographic map of the dark forest, the relationship between the Cartographers Association will drop by 20 points, and the violent troll will join the troll fortress

[Day 7]: The relationship between the Black Crow Dynasty increased by 20 points, the sand trolls joined the trolls, and dark trolls were found

[Time consumption of this simulation]: 2 hours

[Simulation Development Cooling]: 72 hours

With the passing of time.

The 2-hour simulation development ended successfully.

At this time, Yang Chuan was sitting in the troll hall, looking at the simulated information that appeared in front of him. 13

The expression on his face was alternately excited and sometimes surprised.

Especially the appearance of the dark troll at the end made Yang Chuan directly confused.

"The resources around this troll land are quite rich."

"Unexpectedly, the griffins guarding the griffin treasure house were able to wipe out the Qingqiu fox fairy led by Tu Shantong.

"Fortunately, the death of the units in the simulated development is not really dead."


The effect of simulated development is indeed abnormal enough, it is not an exaggeration to call it a plug-in.

Yang Chuan develops by doing simulations.

In just two hours, the exploration progress of the troll land has been improved a lot.

And a very important point is that any gains in the simulation development will be real.


After the analog development is over.

The berserk troll and the sand troll, as well as Bruce who had just woken up, all appeared outside the walls of the troll fortress.

"Rage troll, Zuraman, lead a clan of rage trolls, and serve the king of trolls—Yang Chuan!"

"Sand troll, Zulfar, lead a family of sand trolls, and serve the king of trolls—Yang Chuan!"

Under the shouting in unison.

The deafening sound passed through the troll fortress, even if Yang Chuan was sitting in the troll hall at this time, he could hear it very clearly.

On the other hand, Bruce, who was on the side, was stunned in surprise at this moment.

The battle between Yang Chuan and the troll dynasty has quietly ended?

In the end, the boss Yang Chuan won and became the king of trolls?

These troll creatures who look like Tie Hanhan all choose to be loyal to the boss Yang Chuan?

for a while.

Countless doubts occupied Bruce's mind.

Another long time passed.

Yang Chuan's figure did not appear for a long time.

On the other hand, the surrounding troll creatures still waited in place respectfully, staring at the troll fortress in awe.

and at the same time.

Bruce suddenly felt the sky darken.

Looking up, I found a black mass of flying creatures.

These black shadows flying above the sky are intricate.

At first glance, Bruce immediately felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

"Oh no!"

"The forces of all races are going to attack the troll fortress."

In the face of such a situation.

Bruce didn't think about it, he got up and ran towards the troll fortress.

But who knows the next second.

Dark shadows began to descend from the sky.


Come beyond the walls of the Trollhold.

After a close inspection, Bruce found that these flying creatures of all races actually looked like crows.

That's right.

The comer is the Black Crow Dynasty who just made friends with the Troll Fortress.

I saw that after they approached the troll fortress, they didn't break in directly, but waited for Yang Chuan to appear like berserk trolls.

"The Black Crow Dynasty, Black Feather, for the sake of the friendship between the troll clan and the Black Crow clan, hereby come to congratulate Master Yang Chuan on becoming the new king of trolls.

Another dynasty?

And the purpose of coming to the troll fortress is not to plunder.

Look at Kuroba's posture.

More like running to ally with the Troll Fortress.

Oh my God!

It's just a matter of sleeping, how can I feel like I missed countless important information.

More importantly, why did I fall asleep for no reason yesterday?

Bruce was puzzled.

But fortunately at this moment, Yang Chuan's figure slowly walked out from the troll fortress.


"Welcome to my king!"

"Welcome to my king!"

Simple minded troll creature.

The first time he saw Yang Chuan appear, he shouted in the most pious tone, wanting to express his loyalty by this.

On the other hand, Yang Chuan just nodded slightly.

After all, there is a Troll Crown.

In addition to the dark trolls eroded by darkness, whether it is frost trolls, berserk trolls, sand trolls, etc.

The loyalty to Yang Chuan is never betrayal.

next moment.

As the envoy representative of the Black Crow Dynasty.

Hei Yu was very self-conscious, before Yang Chuan could open his mouth, he took the lead in expressing his intention of coming.

"Dear Lord Yang Chuan."

"This is the Black Crow Feather, a magic material unique to our Crow Clan. Please accept it."

As the voice fell.

Hei Yu took out a jet-black treasure box, and then said again: "I have heard that the trolls and elves are sworn enemies.

"Now the Mirkwood where our Black Crows live is occupied by the night elves who came from behind.

"Please help our Black Crow Clan to destroy the hateful night elves together.

Hearing this, Yang Chuan accepted the 853 jet-black treasure box that Hei Yu handed over while remaining calm.

As for Kuroba's request.


Night elves are the same as dark trolls.

They are all creatures of all races corroded by dark energy.


Compared to dark trolls.

The fighting power of the night elves was even better the next day.

after all.

So far, looking at the entire Ten Thousand Races battlefield, among the Ten Thousand Races forces on the scale of the Holy Dynasty, except for angels, Beamon, etc., these top-level creatures.

A living forest built by high elves.

It is also a force of ten thousand races on the scale of the Holy Dynasty.

In addition, the high elves are one of the oldest creatures of all races in the battlefield of all races.

Its combat power is naturally not to be underestimated.

However, because the high elves have many branches and are neutral forces.

Hence the threat to the lord.

It's not even as good as the degree of involution between lords.

"The damned high elves have accepted the erosion of the Dark Power Emperor.

"This kind of crime that can be punished."

"I believe that there is no force of all races that will reject the request of the Black Crow Clan."

Yang Chuan said.

But they didn't agree to the request of the Black Crow Clan.

Even the words spoken.

It sounds like a promise.

However, Yang Chuan is the power of the lord, not the power of all races.

Not to mention nowadays.

Dark trolls will invade the Troll Fortress.

Even if Yang Chuan is willing to help, the current situation does not allow him to do so.

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