Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 137 The Taiyin Clan—Miyue, The Mother Of The World

"Black Feather represents the Black Crow Clan, and I would like to thank Master Yang Chuan for his willingness to help.

"If there is no accident, our Crow Clan will launch an attack on the night elves in three days' time. At that time, Lord Yang Chuan only needs to send reinforcements."

After some seemingly harmonious exchanges on the surface, in fact, each has their own ghosts.

When bursts of dust were flying.

The black feather soared into the sky and left directly with the black crow creature.

Come lightly.

walk gently.

It didn't take long to stay in the troll fortress.

After watching the departure of the envoy team of the Black Crow Dynasty, Yang Chuan turned his gaze to Bruce at the side.

"Oh, I bought it!"

"By the time I slept, you, Mr. Yang Chuan, became the king of trolls, and what happened to the Golden List of Ten Thousand Races?"

"You rank fifty-sixth among them!"

"The Black Crow Dynasty actually ranks 63rd in the Ten Thousand Races Gold List."

"Is this the world of high play?"

Before Yang Chuan could speak, Bruce was a little incoherent.


Since meeting Yang Chuan.

The proud Bruce was deeply shocked by Yang Chuan's fighting power.

Even if he didn't see the process of attacking the troll fortress, the final result is right in front of him.

That's enough to explain everything.

"Tong Tong, Bruce will be handed over to you, just don't die.

Yang Chuan, who was gentle and gentle last second.

After hearing Bruce's chatter, he immediately lost his patience.

The reason why Yang Chuan can keep Bruce alive until now.

the reason is simple.

It is to arrange traitors in the Western Union area to deal with the next changes.

next moment.

When Tu Shantong heard the words, he immediately raised his slender hands slightly, and before Bruce could react, the huge energy fluctuations had already been promoted to a domain.

The energy field spreads instantly.

Cover Bruce directly.

His eyes are dull and his face is expressionless.

Bruce, who was quiet, looked like a walking dead at this moment.

Fortunately, with the disappearance of the energy field.



Slaps one after another.

It hit Bruce's face.

That's right.

To vent my anger.

After Bruce was bewitched.

Tu Shantong only needs to move his mind, and he can control Bruce as he likes.

"Master, from now on,"

"Bruce is your most loyal lackey.

When Bruce spoke again, he had already recovered, and he didn't look like a normal person.

Even at this time, Bruce's thinking has returned to normal, but deep in his heart, there is an extra command to be absolutely loyal to Yang Chuan.

"Go back to your Western League area and continue to be your Western League gentleman."

"As ordered!"

"If there is any disturbance, the servant will definitely report it to the master immediately."

Without any hesitation.

The first time I received Yang Chuan's arrangement.

There were bursts of spiritual light around Bruce, and then his body began to blur until it disappeared completely.

This is the area teleportation array,

The specific effect of one key return.


Yang Chuan can also use one key to return, leaving directly from the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield and returning to Chaoge City.

But before returning to Chaoge City.

The violent trolls and sand trolls who just joined the troll fortress, all arranged by Yang Chuan to enter the magic spar resource point.

Together with the Frost Troll, speed up the progress of collecting the magic spar.

"It's been a long time, my Chaoge City."

"No! No! No!"

"Master, you should say this, it's been a long time, my sister Lin."

"It's been a long time, my beautiful girl.

"It's been a long time, my little Twilight!"

Now that it has been a day since he left Chaoge City, Yang Chuan just sighed, but it attracted the playfulness of four beautiful beauties.


face such a situation.

Yang Chuan immediately had a simple idea.

However, there are more important things to do next, so we can only stop there.

at the same time.

Lin Shu also came to Yang Chuan at the first time.

"Lord Lord."

"One day passed, and a large number of refugees joined Chaoge City."

"Besides that, all the resources needed for the upgrade of Tongquetai have been met."

Listen to Lin Shuyi's report.

Yang Chuan's eyes lit up for a moment, and this was exciting news.

In fact, the rare resources needed to upgrade Tongquetai are not many, 50,000 units of jade and 1,000 units of spiritual stone resources.

These requirements have already been met, and the only poor resource is 100,000 taels of gold.

This is also the reason why, after so long, the Bronze Sparrow Terrace has not been upgraded.

Now that the conditions required to upgrade Tongjak Terrace are met, Yang Chuan naturally cannot wait.

Just under a minute passed.

On the occasion of striding meteors.

I saw Yang Chuan's figure, appearing next to the Tongquetai.

【Meet the upgrade requirements of Tongjae Terrace, whether to upgrade the building level?】

【Yes or no】


At the moment when the choice was made, colorful rays of light appeared, and there were pictures of beautiful women in the country, covering the entire Tongquetai.

Yang Chuan's eyes narrowed.

He kept his eyes on the changes of the Tongjak Terrace.

The upgrade process didn't last long.

With the colorful rays of light disappeared, replaced by a beautiful, dignified beauty.

Looking around, I saw that the beautiful lady Liu Ye had pale and green eyebrows, dressed in light green sleeves, and swaying a Hunan skirt.

And under this beautiful appearance, the expression that is as cold as frost, like anger and anger, makes people look at him and can't help but feel fear.

An absolutely beautiful woman.

There is such a powerful aura.

If it wasn't for Yang Chuan's blessings from the mighty Tianlong and the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, it would be impossible for him to remain calm.

".々The slave family Miyue, see the master!"

The jade lips moved slightly, and her voice was as cold as frost.

Yang Chuan heard the words, and his heart was still calm.

No wonder the beautiful woman in front of her has such a powerful aura, unexpectedly it is Yi.


Status: Hero (to Zhao)

Level: Level 1

Bloodline: Taiyin (SSS level)

Talent: Muyi World (SSS-level) Stunning Beauty (S-level)

Force: 99


Constitution: 99

Glamour: 999

Brief introduction: The queen of the mother world, as a Chu girl, once stood at the pinnacle of power, played with power, and was the only one.


Blood quality: SSS grade

Effect: The basic attributes are comprehensively improved. When night falls, the basic attributes are increased by 2 times, and exclusive skills are activated.

[Exclusive Skills]: Moon Silver Blade, Crescent Strike, Pale Waterfall, Moon God Dash, Moon God Advent

"Mother of the World"

Talent quality: SSS level

Effect: The forces of all ethnic groups will never betray, and they will rule over any forces of all ethnic groups, and will not reduce morale and cause civil strife because of differences in race.

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