Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 138 Hidden Cloak, The Wealth Of Chaoge City

According to Miyue's information template, it is not difficult to see.

Without awakening the soul of a hero, relying on the power of Taiyin's bloodline.

Whenever night falls.

In addition to increasing the basic attributes by 2 times, Miyue can also obtain the exclusive skills from Taiyin's blood.

In addition to this, the more important point is the talent to rule the creatures of all races.

The emergence of Tiantian, the mother of talents.

Let Miyue be a natural queen in the battlefield of ten thousand races. No matter what race or creature, under her rule, there will be no civil strife.

The effect of this talent is at first glance.

It doesn't seem to have much effect.


The competition among the forces of all races is even less intense than the competition among lords.

Moreover, the competition between creatures of all races has lasted for thousands of years.

for example.

Trolls and high elves.

It is the inherent mortal enemy.

Another example is the Black Crow Dynasty, which will launch an attack on the night elves after three days.

In short, under such circumstances.

Even if Yang Chuan can conquer trolls and high elves, and become the king of trolls and king of elves at the same time, it is impossible to resolve the contradiction between the two.

And Miyue's 990 appeared.

However, it can effectively guarantee that the hostile creatures of ten thousand races will not have internecine strife after being loyal to Yang Chuan.

"Master, my servant's face is full of flowers, isn't it possible that there are flowers?"

"There are no flowers, but the beauty and fragrance of the country!"

Seeing Yang Chuan staring at her for a long time without speaking, Mi Yue smiled slightly.

In contrast to Yang Chuan's answer.

For a moment, Mi Yue, who was cold and frosty, showed a little bit of shame.

Another few minutes passed.

After a moment.

As Yang Chuan and Mi Yue chatted, a prompt message suddenly appeared.

[Reminder]: The hiding cloak is successfully manufactured, the talent effect of Yi Changge is triggered, and the hiding cloak is upgraded to a hiding cloak.

[Battlefield Equipment]: Hidden Cloak

[Equipment star rating]: Samsung

[Equipment Quality]: Gold Quality

[Equipment Special Effects]: Hidden (LV5)

Concealment (LV5): Completely hide one's own breath, and no creature below the king rank can know the existence of the wearer.

[Sky Tips]: Once a battle occurs, the hidden special effects will disappear automatically.

The materials for making the hiding cloak are black crow feather and golden velvet thread.

very lucky.

Today, the emissary team of the Black Crow Dynasty gave Yang Chuan a black treasure box, which happened to be the Black Crow Feather.

Coupled with the golden silkworms refreshed in Chaoge City, it can produce golden velvet yarn.

In this way, it just meets the need to hide the cloak.

And with the talent effect of Yi Changge, the hiding cloak is upgraded to a hiding cloak.

The purpose of Yang Chuan's return to Chaoge City was to make Tibetan cloaks.

Therefore, as soon as he returned to Chaoge City, Yang Chuan gave the black crow feather to Yi Changge.

Now the goal is achieved.

Watch the effect of the hidden cloak.

After Yang Chuan nodded in satisfaction, he planned to enter the troll fortress again.

After all, according to the development of the situation.

At this time, there are still many things in the troll land, waiting for Yang Chuan to deal with them.

The Griffin Treasure House with terrifying fighting power.

I believe that there must be a lot of resources and battlefield treasures.

There are also dark trolls, who may invade the troll fortress at any time.

All this Yang Chuan must deal with as soon as possible.

However, at the same time.

Lin Shuyi's figure came to Yang Chuan again.

I saw that in her hand, besides the hidden cloak, there was also a Hei Yao spear.

"My lord."

"After these few days of development, Chaoge City has accumulated a large amount of rare resources."

"Among them, there are more than 2,000 Black Yao long spears, and besides that, there are also weapons and equipment such as the Tianwei (bdda) longbow.

According to Lin Shuyi's report.

At this time, the wealth of Chaoge City exceeded Yang Chuan's expectations.

Because the scale level of the territory is upgraded each time.

In the vicinity of Chaoge City, new rare resources will be refreshed.

Also, when they captured the Centaur Dynasty, they harvested a large amount of purple-quality equipment.

Under such circumstances.

In the warehouse of Chaoge City, a large amount of equipment has piled up into mountains.

A unit currently under Yang Chuan's command.

Without exception, all are equipped with golden quality equipment.


For other lords, the rare purple quality equipment became useless garbage in front of Yang Chuan.

It's a pity to throw it away.

Put it in the warehouse and take up space.

"Continue to produce Tianwei Longbow and Black Glory Lance, there is no need to stop."

"After all, Habayashi Qingqi and Yanyun Langqi are not equipped with black Yao spears yet.

"As for purple-quality weapons and equipment."

"Through the trading platform, you should be able to exchange for a lot of spirit stone resources."

You need to know the level and scale of Chaoge City.

Raised to dynasty size.

At present, only 300,000 units of spirit stone resources are missing, which can meet the needs of upgrading.

As for the hundreds of pieces of purple quality equipment stored in the warehouse, if they can all be sold, it will definitely not be a problem to harvest hundreds of thousands of units of spirit stone resources.

After thinking about this.

Yang Chuan immediately opened the trading platform without hesitation, and a large amount of trading information immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

I saw these transaction information.

There are some transactions, which are information about the sale of purple quality equipment.

Check it out.

Nowadays, in the entire trading platform, the price of the cheapest purple-quality equipment is around a few thousand units of spirit stone resources.

That is to say.

If Yang Chuan could sell all the purple quality equipment in the warehouse, the spiritual stone resources he could harvest would definitely be more than one million.

[Selling Items]: Purple quality equipment

[Selling Price]: 2000 units of Lingshi resources

[Quantity sold]: 1500 pieces

【Seller】: Yang Chuan

In order to quickly obtain spirit stone resources.

Yang Chuan set the price of the transaction, and the black merchants definitely cried when they saw it, and the lord saw it looting.

But even so.

If all of them are sold, Yang can also harvest 3 million units of Lingshi resources.

can only say.

Unknowingly, the resources accumulated in Chaoge City are really too rich.

And after setting it up.

Yang Chuan didn't forget to open the regional chat forum and sent himself an advertisement.

"Clearance sale, real clearance sale, any purple-quality equipment, all of which are priced at 2,000 units of Libu resources.

*2000 units of spirit stone resources, you can't buy it to lose money, and you can't buy it to be fooled. No need to pick, no need to choose, the quantity is limited, first come first served.

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