Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 142 Ranking Upgrade, Improved And Upgraded Magic Cannon

This moment.

Inside the Troll Fortress.

There were three pillars of light reaching the sky in a row, exuding a strong flow of energy, making people feel suffocated.

That's right.

Immediately after finishing the chat with Bruce, Yang Chuan took Mi Yue and returned to the Troll Fortress again.

"This is the power after awakening."

"It feels so comfortable."

"Master, I'm stronger again."

Looking around, the three beautiful women surrounded by rays of light began to advance step by step.

Devoured the hero's soul of epic quality.

They will awaken their own heroic power, and their combat effectiveness will be enhanced again.

Fortunately, this process did not last long.

After a moment.

With the sound of Yingshengyanyu's playfulness, the light of promotion gradually disappeared.

In front of Yang Chuan's eyes, three peerless beauties appeared, respectively, and the information templates after promotion.

【Zhao Feiyan】

"Occupation: Ice Blade Mirage"

[Professional Skills]: Casting Mirror, Opening the Front, Seeing the Shadow in the Sky

【Li Xiuning】

"Occupation: Ying of Red Flame"

[Professional Skills]: Spear Intent, Breaking the Moon, Chasing Clouds, Chasing Stars


"Occupation: Returning to the Virtual Dream"

[Professional Skills]: Girl's Trick, Seal of Yarn, Spirit of Illusion, Return to Void Domain

Looking at the information templates in front of him one by one, Yang Chuan took a deep breath and was silent for a long time with an excited expression.

The current fighting power of the Chaoge Dynasty.

With Mi Yue becoming a demigod, and four peerless beauties, awakening the soul of a hero, the accumulation finally reached a peak.

At this moment, the ranking of the Ten Thousand Clan Gold List.

has also changed.

The Chaoge Dynasty was promoted from the 56th place at the beginning to the 27th place.

The huge improvement in the rankings shows that the combat power of the Chaoge Dynasty has not been enhanced by a little bit.

But the same is.

Even though the Chaoge Dynasty possessed Mi Yue, the demigod hero, they were not able to make it to the top 20 in the ranking of the Ten Thousand Clan Gold List.

"It seems that the forces of all ethnic groups are far more terrifying than I imagined.||."

"The forces of all ethnic groups that can be ranked in the top 30 of the Golden List of Ten Thousand Clans are absolutely protected by divine power."

"But fortunately, half of the ten thousand ethnic forces in the top 30 are neutral forces."

Like Pandaria inhabited by pandaren, Kalimdor inhabited by tauren and so on.

This is a force of all races that can accept the lord.

It can be understood as an absolutely neutral force. As long as you don't kill yourself or invade these ten thousand ethnic forces, you will not be attacked by these forces.


In general, if these absolutely neutral forces of ten thousand races are excluded, the only ones who can really pose a threat to the Chaoge Dynasty are the giant dragons and Beamon, the top creatures in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

These top-level creatures, built by the forces of ten thousand races, have dominated the battlefield of ten thousand races for a long time, and it is obviously impossible for them to want to surpass them for a while.

One more important point.

On the other hand, in the intricate environment of the Ten Thousand Races battlefield, there are even many Ten Thousand Race forces with powerful combat power, who are the vassals of the top creatures.

Just like the Cyclops in front of Chaoge Dynasty, they are Beamon's vassals.

If the Chaoge Dynasty launched an attack on the Cyclops now, it would definitely attract Beamon's anger.

This kind of situation that affects the whole body will inevitably take a step closer and limit the follow-up development of the Chaoge Dynasty.

"It's better to take the land of trolls as your own, and then consider these things."

"After all, the immediate threat has not been eliminated, and the dark trolls are about to attack the city."

"There are also wild resources such as the Griffin Treasure House."

Eat one bite at a time.

The way is to go step by step.

Today, the speed of Yang Chuan's development is enough to amaze the forces of all ethnic groups.

Time passed by minute by minute.

There are less than ten minutes left until the dark trolls invade the troll fortress.

Armed units awaiting battle.

Row after row [Standing impressively under the gate of Kuku Fortress.

Arranged according to layout.

Among them, the top ones were Yulin Qingqi led by Huo Qubing, Yanyun Langqi led by Zhang Niujiao, and Wushan Beautiful Girl led by Li Xiuning.

In the middle area, the Qingqiu Fox Immortal led by Tu Shantong, the terrifying magical energy began to condense.

In the end, above the tall and spacious city wall of the troll fortress, Zhao Feiyan commanded the imperial star and waited.

Yang Chuan and Mi Yue stand side by side.

With Xi Shi and Cai Wenji, they observed the specific situation at the observation tower not far away.

Now, everything is ready.

Only the dark trolls came to die.

But who knows at the same time.



A series of deafening loud noises appeared inside the troll fortress.

powerful impact,

It directly shakes up layers of limestone.

While looking away.

The location of the explosion turned out to be Yugezi's goblin laboratory.

And under the gaze of thousands of eyes, Yugezi walked out in dismay.


Yugezi is fine.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief. After all, it is not surprising that an explosion occurred due to scientific and technological research.

At most, the study fails and starts all over again.

However, the next moment.

I saw Yugezi very excited: ".々Boss, it's successful, the magic cannon has been successfully improved and upgraded."

"The power hasn't diminished."

"The attack speed has increased dozens of times.

"If there is no accident now, the energy storage of the magic cannon can be calculated in seconds."

When the voice fell.

A brand new magic cannon was withdrawn by the short high goblins.

Yang Chuan heard the words and hurried over.

After some viewing.

After the improvement and upgrade of the magic cannon, the changes are not very big, but as Yugezi said.

It only takes thirty seconds (good promise).

Energy storage can be completed.

Moreover, without reducing the attack power of the magic cannon.

"Now the magic cannons finally have their place."

"Just take the dark troll and test the actual combat effect of the magic cannon."

"Definitely make your eyes shine."

After Yu Gezi wiped the dust on his face, he showed a surprised expression.

"Dark Troll?"

"It's those tireless creatures?"

"Boss, you are too cruel, you even thought of using them to test the power of the magic cannon.


Yugezi is not yet aware of the news that the dark trolls are about to invade the troll fortress.

Yang Chuan could only helplessly explain: "When you become an adult, I will show you what cruelty is.

"The dark trolls I'm talking about are troll creatures that have been eroded by darkness, and they will soon attack the troll fortress.

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