Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 143 Troll Witch Doctor, Immortal

Less than ten minutes passed quickly.

This moment.

Outside the troll fortress, majestic dark energy burst out, and from a distance, the army of trolls exuding a black aura slowly approached.

That black aura contained the power of death.

Dark trolls, once a member of the troll clan, were banished from the land of trolls after being eroded by dark forces.

Now it can make a comeback.

Absolutely rely on, or obtain a more powerful combat effectiveness.

"The number of dark trolls is not very large."

"The combat power seems to be almost the same as that of the Frost Troll.

"That's weird."

"Even if you have already been exiled, why do you continue to fight the troll fortress obsessively.

"Does it make me feel like a bully when I become the king of trolls?"

Yang Chuan stands inside the watchtower.

For a time, countless doubts deeply occupied his mind.

The number of the dark troll army is not large, although the number is more than 10,000, but it is compared with the defensive power of the troll fortress.

as an active attacker.

At this time, the number of units under Yang Chuan's command was even ahead of the army of dark trolls.

What's more, the weirder point is that after Yang Chuan's observation, these dark trolls are of the same rank as the frost trolls.

They are only about the combat power of the seventh rank.

To know the frost troll, in Yang Chuan is seriously not a tired tool person.

It's better now.

I thought that the army of dark trolls was extremely terrifying, but in the end, there was only a configuration of tool people.

"No, there must be something tricky."

"Only with this group of dark trolls, it is impossible to defeat the Yulin Qingqi led by Huo Qubing during the simulation development.

"If not overthinking it."

"This army of dark trolls will never be as simple as it seems on the surface."

Yang Chuan was slow to speak.

As a result, all the units under his command did not move, and in this case, the dark troll army approached the troll fortress step by step.

The tall and mighty body looks incomparably dark, holding a mace, giving a terrifying visual impact.

At first glance, the appearance of this group of dark trolls has the aura of a dark cloud overcoming the city.

"Boss, don't be squeamish."

"Let's give this first shot to the pigeons."

Yugezi on the side couldn't hold it any longer, and wanted to test the power of the magic cannon after being improved and upgraded.

Seeing Yang Chuan turn around slightly.

Yugezi immediately turned the magic cannon to prepare the dark troll army.

Bang! (bddb) Bang!

With the smoke of gunpowder,

A deafening voice sounded.

The dark troll who just approached the troll fortress was blasted away from the formation, and the huge energy shock blasted out a deep pit the size of a basketball court.

But the next moment.

The army of dark trolls continued to advance.

They are like a group of walking corpses who have lost their souls. Approaching the troll fortress and capturing the troll fortress is their only consciousness.

Fel cannon attack.

It didn't stop the troll army from attacking.

at the same time.

Yu Tianxingguan's bow was like a full moon. After the dark troll entered the range, he pulled the bowstring of Tianwei's longbow and shot a row of sharp arrows.




After being blessed by the effect of multiple attacks, the sharp arrows form a rain of arrows that covers the sky and the sun, covering the nearest dark giant.


And when the Vermilion Bird spirit arrow pierced through the dark troll, an explosion occurred in an instant.


What followed was the appearance of the Vermilion Bird spirit flames, and after connecting with each other, a scorching sea of ​​spirit flames was formed.

"Boss, the attack distance of your unit is too far."

"Given the equipped weapons and equipment, it doesn't feel inferior to goblin technology."

"After hitting the enemy, it can even generate a blue sea of ​​fire, causing secondary damage.

Yugezi, who paid close attention to the battle, suddenly became interested.


The effect of the Vermilion Bird spirit arrow made Yugezi, a research-based lord, deeply interested in his heart.

But at this time, Yang Chuan didn't have time to explain it.

Right behind the dark troll army.

I saw hundreds of tall figures with formation flags appear, they are also dark troll creatures.

But unlike dark trolls.

This group of dark trolls holding array flags, their eyes are scarlet, and their mouths make strange sounds.


The dark trolls who died in action all stood up, and the ability to come back from the dead.

even the next moment.

The wounds of the dark troll began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a group of undead legions.

"Those creatures are troll witch doctors?"

Yang Chuan frowned.

It was a one-sided battlefield just now, but with the appearance of the troll witch doctor, an earth-shaking change has taken place.

The immortal dark troll.

Under the heavy offensive, they approached the troll fortress.

"It seems that this group of troll witch doctors should be the reliance of the dark trolls.

"After the erosion of dark power, this group of dark trolls have the ability to be immortal."

"And the effect of activating the resurrection from the dead lies in the troll witch doctor.

After Yang Chuan's observation.

Everything seems to be explained.

After this.

Yang Chuan naturally had no worries.

If nothing unexpected happens,

Kill the last troll witch doctor, and the dark troll will lose the ability of immortality.

As long as there are no reinforcements, these seemingly immortal dark trolls do not pose any threat.

after all.

In general, the difference in combat power between the offensive and defensive sides is the difference between heaven and earth.

"Army attack."

Yang Chuan, who had been silent for a long time, finally spoke.

After this.

Holy rays of light descended from the sky, turning into bursts of aura, covering the surroundings of all units.

According to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

Since the dark troll army is immortal.

At this time, Cai Wenji's role should be reflected.

And the blessing of the military teacher, the great heavenly saint.

Just getting started.

Followed by the radiance of the field, it appeared from Cai Wenji's feet and began to spread around.

【Si Wuxie】

A field effect with quick recovery.

Although it is not as perverted as immortality and immortality, as long as the unit is not fatally injured, it can quickly recover its injuries within the field.

And compared to Cai Wenji's bells and whistles.

At this time, Li Xiuning had already taken the lead in entering the battlefield.

Gun intent!

Grab the fire!

In an instant, Li Xiuning's dragon-patterned spear was covered with flames, and every time he stabbed it, a flame visible to the naked eye appeared.

"Within six feet, the slave family is invincible!"

"The heart of the gun is like fire~"

"Gun is like my heart~".

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