Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 144 You And Others Are All, Shadow Servants, The Power From The Gods

After awakening the soul of a hero, Li Xiuning, while improving her combat power and basic attributes again, also unlocked her exclusive skills.

after each attack.

Every time the flames pass by.

A large number of dark trolls would fall beside Li Xiuning.


The speed at which the dark troll came back from the dead could not keep up with Li Xiuning's attack speed.


"I finally know why you are the strongest lord, boss. You are really hateful."

"All the lords think that Yanyun Langqi and Yubayashi Qingqi are your trump cards.

"What you don't know is that you have deceived all the lords."

"This group of beautiful ladies and sisters are not cheerleaders, but your strongest cards, right?"

The fisherman who knew it later.

As soon as he reacted, he turned his eyes to Yang Chuan who was at the side with a horrified expression.



It's like learning some shocking secret, but it's more curious.

Yang Chuan shook his head helplessly.

Speaking of this fisherman, he is good at everything, whether it is appearance, character, etc.

The only shortcoming is that it is immature and mentally incomplete.

When getting along with her.

Yang Chuan always has the feeling of an old father.

"It's really disgusting."

"I lied to people for so long."

"However, the fighting power of you, a group of beautiful young ladies like flowers, looks really scary."

See Yang Chuan is still silent.

Yugezi imitated Cai Wenji, pouted his mouth, and then continued to look at the battlefield, for fear of missing any scene.

next moment.

Bright light covers the battlefield.

Incomparably pure magical energy burst out from around Xi Shi, at first glance, she looked like a fairy from the sky, descending to the mortal world.

And in the case of magic energy condensing, it evolves into a crystal clear energy ball.

The magic ball flew out with the momentum of thunder.

Without exception, all the dark trolls they touched were enveloped and torn apart by huge magical energy.

at the same time.

While Zhao Feiyan was dancing, she slowly fell from the wall of the troll fortress.

The mirror field expands instantly.


Wan Ruolong.

Every slight swing of the posture.

It seems that there are thousands of sharp blades, killing all the dark trolls in the mirror field.

If Li Xiuning's fighting style can be described as fierce, then Zhao Feiyan used the hero's soul and awakened her exclusive skills.

Watching his battle can only be described as suffering.

That's right.

Located within the mirror area, Zhao Feiyan's figure seemed to be moving slightly, but in fact, it was so fast that it passed one dark troll after another with the afterimage.

The emergence of such a situation.

for a while.

On the entire battlefield, the immortal dark troll creatures seemed to be sandbags for training.

Not only did it not have any impact on the troll fortress, but instead it exercised the coordination combat ability of the arms and units, and allowed the hero units to master the proficiency of exclusive skills.

Yang Chuan didn't feel any pressure.

After taking a deep breath, he no longer looked at the battlefield, but looked at Miyue at the side,

At this moment, Yang Chuan is most concerned about Mi Yue's combat effectiveness.

after all.

As a hero unit with the power of a demigod.

Except for the powerful aura that Mi Yue burst out when she awakened, so far, she hasn't really demonstrated her specific combat power.

"Miss, why don't you go down and do some activities?"

Didn't wait for Yang Chuan to speak.

Yugezi on the side, after seeing the terrifying fighting power of the other four peerless beauties, is also full of curiosity about Mi Yue's fighting power.


At this time, Yugezi had just met Mi Yue.

Although she is accustomed to Yang Chuan's side, there will be peerless beauty accompanying her from time to time.

But compared to other peerless beauties, Yang Chuan has an affectionate attitude towards him.

Mi Yue's icy demeanor, speechless, gave people a feeling of being intimidated and at a distance.


I haven't waited for Mi Yue to speak.

I saw that on the field, another suffocating magical energy suddenly appeared,

When looking at.

Pale magical energy will be coated with Yamatoko.

Under the blessing effect of the tail of the nine celestial foxes, countless noisy magical energy changed into shock waves and flew towards the dark troll not far away.

this moment.

...asking for flowers...

Magical energy even twists the void.

More importantly, it is the pink light that sets the Xiqingqiu Domain away.

for a while.

The appearance of Qingqiu Domain made the dark trolls, who were eroded by darkness and had no soul, also be bewitched, and began to walk towards Tu Shantong continuously.

There seem to be thousands of dark trolls.

Even if it can be immortal.

But it was also unbearable. Five awakened heroic souls, activated heroic units with exclusive skills, and continuously launched attacks.

"It's terrifying."

"Boss, let my sister go down and show her hands?"

Looking at the energetic Yugezi, she became more curious about Miyue.

no way.

The combat power displayed by the main other hero units, although terrifying, is far from reaching the power of the gods.


According to the contents of the World Bulletin.

However, Yugezi knew that among the heroic units under Yang Chuan's command, there were heroic units with divine power.



Now only Mi Yue is left without a shot.

"Hachiko, end this meaningless fight.

"There are more important things to do next."

Yang Chuan opened his mouth softly,

Mi Yue nodded slightly.

Everything seems to be very tacit.

It looks like an old husband and wife who have been together for many years. They only need one look to understand what the other is thinking.

It's just that.

Mi Yue didn't leave Yang Chuan's side, she just raised her hand slightly.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom of the scarlet phoenix instantly appeared above the battlefield.



Endless divine might followed.

Look around.

One after another, the scarlet beams of light fell, placing the dark giant in it at the same time.

Painful howls resounded.

The dark troll who was eroded by dark energy actually got rid of the control of the dark energy little by little.

And accompanied by the swimming of the scarlet phoenix.

Dark trolls are tormented by heart-wrenching pain, they want to struggle, but there is nothing they can do.

One more important point.

After falling to the ground, the dark troll actually lost the ability to be immortal.

"Ups and downs with me!"

"You are all shadow servants!".

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