Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 145 Troll Totem, Establishing Alliance Forces

This is the power from the gods!

This moment.

Outside the troll fortress, all the eyes can see are covered by scarlet rays of light.

In the sizzling sound, the dark energy that eroded the dark troll was expelled by Mi Yue's divine power.

Painful howls continued.

Not far away, the troll witch doctor put down the flags in his hands, and they finally broke free from the erosion of the dark power and recovered their original sanity.

"Trolls are never slaves!"

"Trolls are never slaves!"

The roar continued,

The howling slowly disappeared.

What followed was ups and downs.

The troll witch doctor who was the first to break free from the erosion of the dark power, looked at Yang Chuan, and walked towards the troll fortress with a respectful gesture.


The rest of the dark trolls gradually recovered their sanity, and the battle was completely over at this moment. "013" does not have any resentment.

Yang Chuan took this fight with ease.

【Special Tips】: Obtain the allegiance of the troll witch doctor and complete the hidden achievement task - the king of trolls.

[Achievement Mission]: King of Trolls

【Quest Difficulty】: King level

[Quest Reward]: Witch Doctor (Troll Technology)

【Troll Technology】:Witch Doctor

Healing Totem, Magic Totem, Trap Totem

At the same time as the prompt message appeared, Yang Chuan took Mi Yue down the watchtower under Yugezi's extremely shocked gaze.

From the beginning to the end of the battle.

It only took less than an hour for the invasion of the dark troll army to fail.

From now on.

Without the erosion of dark forces.

All troll creatures, all allegiance to Yang Chuan.

More importantly, when the achievement task is completed, a new troll technology unlock appears.

Dark witch doctor, violent troll, frost troll and other troll creatures will be enhanced by the blessing of the troll witch doctor.

"Exiled Dark Troll."

"May the king of trolls be loyal to the death, and hope that the troll fortress can accept the dark trolls again."

As the leader of the dark trolls.

Also the strongest troll witch doctor, Zuer Yin's combat power has reached the third rank.

Even compared to the previous troll king Zul'jin's fighting power, Zul Yin's fighting power is only not weak,

And when the voice fell.

Zuer Yin respectfully presented the flag in his hand to Yang Chuan to show the loyalty of the dark troll.

Yang Chuan looked at the array of flags, and when his eyes converged, a message template emerged.

[Racial Totem]: Troll Clan

[Status]: Inactive

【Totem effect】

Effect 1: Any troll creatures will no longer have negative effects when the berserk state is turned on.

Effect 2: After the rage state is turned on, the troll creatures gain the blessing of ancestor power, and the basic attributes are increased by 3 times.

Effect 3: After the berserk state ends, it will not enter the weak state.

"No wonder the fighting power of the troll clan before was not very strong.

"It turned out to be the lack of the power blessing of the racial totem. This difference is not a little bit."

Able to be in mortal enemy relationship with the elves.


In the past, the combat power of the troll family was definitely not much different from that of the elves.

After all, even now, the elves are still the forces of all ethnic groups on the scale of the Holy Dynasty.

With such a powerful enemy, it is not difficult to see that the troll family has survived in the battlefield of ten thousand races for so long.


Now the decline of the troll family has become an undeniable fact.

After thinking of this, Yang Chuan took over the troll totem, and in an instant, a violent energy radiated out.

Filled with the entire troll fortress.

emergence of this phenomenon.

It marks the activation of the troll totem, and it also marks the re-emergence of the eye demon family.

at the same time.

It is located in the Jingzhou area of ​​Kyushu.

The mighty army of lords, at first glance, there are tens of thousands of lords, and the entire aunt Su Cheng is surrounded by water.

"The Moshang Alliance was established. [011111213170542580]

"Fight for Kyushu."

"Fight for Pandaria too."

Amidst all the anticipation, Sun Ziyu stepped onto the podium, and although she had a nervous expression, she still shouted loudly.

That's right.

The emergence of the alliance function.

Let the lords have a way to unite, and the entire Kyushu region is undoubtedly the strongest alliance of Moshang...

The purpose of their trip was to go to Pandaria and use the strength of the entire Jingzhou region to compete for the power of ten thousand ethnic groups.

this moment.

In the Jingzhou area, almost half of the lords gathered here.

Western Union area.

Bond City.

The same is true.

Although compared with the Kyushu region, the Western Alliance region is relatively scattered, and the number of lords is also quite different.

But in Bond City, all the Templar Knights, without exception, are all ready to go to the battlefield of Fangqi.

before that.

Although most of the lords of the giants have entered the battlefield of ten thousand clans, they have certain contact with the forces of ten thousand clans.


The awakening of the top creatures and the emergence of the forces of the Ten Thousand Races on the scale of the Holy Dynasty seem to be the beginning of the battle for hegemony among the Ten Thousand Races.

Especially the opening of neutral forces.

Let any lord have the opportunity to change jobs.

Under such circumstances, entering the battlefield of all ethnic groups, fighting against the forces of all ethnic groups, and robbing field resources and field barracks, naturally became a crucial thing.

Regardless of the Kyushu area.

Or the Western Union region.

All preparations now are in preparation for the next hegemony.

They are not like Yang Chuan, who have the ability to occupy a ten thousand ethnic force alone and replace it.

For most lords.

Holding a group for warmth is also good at 5.8.

Live alone.

Can only start from neutral forces.

Gradually in the battlefield of ten thousand races, accumulating strength and awakening the lord profession is the best choice.

But other than that.

The involution between the lords and the involution between the regions is still going on.

For example, the Asan area and the stick area.

Although the gambling agreement was signed at the earliest, it can be seen that three days are about to pass.

Not only did the two areas fail to capture, the forces of ten thousand ethnic groups on the scale of any dynasty, on the contrary, paid a heavy price for this.

Just like the short-lived Ichiro Yamamoto.

This is the price of rash development.

One wrong step, one wrong step.

Between lords and lords.

regions and between regions.

The competition is still going on, but the way of competition has changed from hurting each other at first to comparing with each other. .

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