Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 152 Eight-Foot Qiong Gouyu, The Price Of Negotiation

"For me, the Honshu area is a dispensable existence, and it was your Ichiro Yamamoto who handed it over to me.

"The question now is not what I need."

"It's about what you can give me."

Yang Chuan spoke.

Said the crux of the problem.

Since he became a pastor of the state, this is the first time he has entered the state area, and it is still in the case of Smith's involvement in the state area.

That's it.

The problem is obvious.

The existence of the state area is of little value to Yang Chuan.

Although the old saying goes well.

Eat other people's food, use other people's food, and save your own.

However, the goals of all the lords are now focused on the battlefield of all races.

As the original rookie area.

The value of the state area is not even as good as the barren land of trolls.

But since it has been obtained.

It is obviously impossible for Yang Chuan to give up easily.

even say.

The existence of Sakura Empress, even if it doesn't pose a threat to Yang Chuan.

But after all, he has the power to be promoted to a god.

If Yang Chuan is not available to me.

That is, it can be destroyed.

And this, Mi Douzi obviously already knew.


About her existence is Yang Chuan's only sexual interest in the Honju area.

"I would like to use the Cherry Blossom Temple as capital in exchange for the privilege of being a pastor of Honshu."

"There is no cherry blossom god."

"I will no longer be Sakura Empress, and Sakura Priest will also become your army."

Mi Douzi, who was silent for a long time, spoke again.

Her purpose is to obtain the status privilege of the state pastor from Yang Chuan.

As a price for the exchange, Mi Douzi's offer is still very attractive.

If nothing else, the Cherry Blossom Temple should be her initial building.

The Cherry Blossom Temple is now lost.

Naturally, it means that Mi Douzi and Yang Chuan have lost their potential threats.


As Mizuko's words fell.

Yang Chuan spoke again: "It's just a SSS-level building.

"It's not enough for me to give up the unique status and privilege of Honshu Mu.

"After all, as you can see."

"I have no shortage of arms units."

"It seems that you are not ready to negotiate, so I will give you some more time."

Although Mi Douzi set the conditions.

It is already the condition she is most proud of in her hands.

Can be obvious.

Mi Douzi believes that the most important cherry blossom shrine, as far as Yang Chuan is concerned, is the icing on the cake, just like the status and privilege of Honshu pastor.

Not much more.

One less and one less.

At the same time after hearing the words.

Yang Chuan turned his gaze to where the Sakura City was located.

Attitude is obvious.

Though to give you some time to think.

But when Mi Douzi was silent.

It is possible for Yang Chuan to enter Sakura City, kill all the lords in the Honshu area, and destroy all the territories in the Honshu area.


It is also possible that Yang Chuan will return to the Ten Thousand Races Battlefield.

Although everything is unknown.

But Mi Douzi didn't dare to gamble.

Yang Chuan also affirmed this point.

next moment.

Less than a minute passed quickly, Mi Douzi's face was pale, and he was already exhausted.

"I'm willing to give all of myself."

"In exchange for the privilege of being a pastor of this state.

"If your Excellency does not dislike it, Mi Douzi can swear by the law of the power of the cherry blossoms that she will always be loyal to her with a pure body."

Words sounded word by word.

After Mi Douzi finished speaking, she bit her lip, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The delicate and helpless appearance is very distressing.

After all, she is still a girl in her prime, and she has given great courage to come to Yang Chuan for negotiation now.


The men in the Honshu area may be extinct.

Yang Chuan even smiled and shook his head.

This Mi Douzi is much simpler than imagined.

In other words, compared with men, women's own existence can be used as a kind of capital.

But it's a pity.

After hearing Mi Douzi's conditions, Yang Chuan was still not satisfied.

After all, personal interest is only one aspect.

In the Honshu area, there are definitely other valuable things besides the Sakura Shrine.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Mi Douzi to let Yang get his wish so easily.

"Do you think I became the priest of this state just to gain your allegiance?"

"After all, you overestimate your own value."

"It's still some of my behaviors that make you feel that you can take a chance."

Yang Chuan didn't have any compassion in his heart.

And at the same time.

Not far away, a huge army of troops appeared, rushing towards Yang Chuan's position in an endless stream.

Among them, there are Iga ninjas and shoguns.

Even among the armies of these arms, tall war machines appeared.

If nothing else.

These teams that suddenly appeared should be the reinforcements you have been waiting for for a long time.

But in the face of such a situation.

In Mi Douzi's heart, instead of feeling lucky, he became even more flustered.

After seeing the combat power possessed by Yang Chuan.

The reinforcements that appeared, no matter how many in number, were not supported by powerful units.

If Yang Chuan chooses to fight.

No surprise then.

No matter how many troops there are, it is impossible to pose a threat to Yang Chuan.

".々Bachi Qiong Gouyu."

"I would like to exchange Bachi Qiong Gouyu, please (good) Your Excellency to spare the state area."

Mi Douzi finally spoke in a low voice.

Having played her last hole card, she underestimated the extent of Yang Chuan's greed.

the appearance of reinforcements,

It also made Mi Douzi lose the opportunity to struggle.

Hearing this, Yang Chuan nodded, finally showing a satisfied expression on his face.

according to his plan.

Originally, he just wanted to get more benefits from Mi Douzi.

Unexpectedly, Mi Douzi directly threw a king bomb.

"In the Honshu area, there is an ancient ruin that only I know about."

"The eight-foot Qionggou jade is stored in this ancient ruins."

Seeing the reinforcements getting closer and closer.

Mi Douzi couldn't wait to speak again.

Although it is a blank check.

But just mentioning the words Bachi Qiong Gouyu is enough to drive the lord of the cherry blossom area into madness. .

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