Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 153 The Valley Of The End, 9-Star Difficulty

"Wumi Douzi would like to swear by the law of the power of cherry blossoms, and follow Your Excellency Yang Chuan faithfully with a pure body.

"He vows that the heaven and the earth can be learned, and the sun and the moon can be revealed."

Seeing Yang Chuan nodding lightly, Mi Douzi immediately opened his mouth when he agreed to hand over the privilege of being a local shepherd.

at the same time.

The majestic cherry blossoms came out of nowhere.

And there is a pink phantom shadow, accompanied by the fluttering of cherry blossom petals, covering Midouzi.

【Regional Tips】: Sakura Emperor Ji Mi Douzi, chooses allegiance to the Honshu Mu Yang Chuan.

[Special Note]: Sakura City has become a vassal force of the Chaoge Dynasty.

The Sakura Temple belongs to the Chaoge Dynasty!

So far,

A one-shot deal is considered complete.

Next, you only need to capture the ancient ruins in the mouth of Mi Douzi and obtain the eight-foot Qionggou jade.

According to the agreement with Midouzi.

The owner of the Honshu nomadic status privilege will be changed again from Yang Chuan to Ichiro Yamamoto.

This does sound absurd.

However, with the loss of Bachi Qionggou Jade and Cherry Blossom Temple, this area of ​​the state, for Yang Chuan, no longer has any value or threat.

"The battle is over so soon?"

"With such a powerful energy, it must be Lord Di Ji who defeated Smith who didn't know whether to live or die."

"As expected of the Sakura Emperor in the Honshu region."

"No, what's the matter with that large number of troops."

"Is it the damn Yang Chuan?"

The belated reinforcements from Benzhou looked at the large army of arms not far away, and for a while, their hearts were filled with countless doubts.

And as it got closer and closer to where Yang Chuan was, an inexplicable sense of depression made the reinforcements from the state shudder.

Another ten minutes passed.

When they officially approached, they saw Mi Douzi standing side by side with Yang Chuan with a respectful demeanor.

This is undoubtedly the biggest insult to the reinforcements of the state.

Sakura Emperor Ji, who was regarded as a high-ranking and unparalleled in the world by them, who ever wanted to be the last, was instead brought under Yang Chuan's command.

More importantly,

while looking around,

The army of troops under Yang Chuan's command was enough to silence all the lords present, and could only stand not far away, watching helplessly.


The (bdeg) reinforcements in Honshu do not know what happened just now.

Not far away, the crater smashed by the sky star was still very dazzling.

But compared to Sakura Emperor Ji, the final choice is Yang Chuan, which is the most unpleasant fact.

Sakura Emperor Hime, who was once regarded as a goddess.

At this moment, he still had an expressionless, frosty look on his face.

However, the more so.

The more unacceptable the lord of the state area is.

It's like being a dog licking dog for a few years, but in the end, I can only watch my most beloved goddess humbly get into a rich second-generation luxury car not far away.

"Mi Douzi's betrayal is no longer the Sakura Empress who is worthy of our faith."

"It's just a stinky bitch. I was really blind at first, and I actually followed her."

"It can only be said that women are really too good at disguising."

"Yes, fortunately we discovered her true face in time, otherwise we would have been kept in the dark.

"Let's all go back. In the future, there will be no Sakura Emperor Princess in the Honshu area, 囧tu!"

Countless vicious words rang out one after another.

And this is the truest portrayal of cowards.

They are afraid of Yang Chuan's powerful fighting power.

These so-called Honshu reinforcements, without knowing it, could only impose their anger on Mi Douzi.



It's like Mi Douzi's betrayal caused their family to be destroyed.

Even while watching Yang Chuan leave.

The entire world chat forum became Mi Douzi's trial platform.

"From now on, Midouzi will no longer represent the region of Honshu, please, the lords of the region, don't let this slut play with applause.

"what's going on?"

"It feels like Smith has done an amazing thing in this state area.

"Fart, the so-called captain of the lighthouse, there are no bones left."

"Impossible, our Smith, is an invincible being."

"【a picture】"

"Dragon creature!!! OMG!"

"Yang Chuan entered the state area and ended Smith's sinful life?"

"It should be like this. By the way, I also conquered Sakura Empress. Otherwise, this group of dogs in Honshu would not be biting here."

"Let me take a moment, the amount of information is a bit large."

"The top dragon creature on the battlefield of ten thousand races was conquered and became Yang Jia's pet?"

"It seems that we must find a way to limit the development of Yang Chuan."

According to pictures sent by the lord of the state.


Yang Chuan's combat power was exposed again, and it refreshed the cognition of all the lords again.

After all, so far, the terrifying dragon creature is still the nightmare of all lords.

Even if the lords get together to form a powerful alliance, it is impossible to challenge the dragon creatures.

Immediately afterwards, there were countless heated discussions.

Another hour passed.

"Master Yang Chuan, there are ancient ruins in the Honshu area.

Under the leadership of Midouzi.

Yang Chuan led the army under his command and entered a valley.

next moment.

Midouzi's voice suddenly sounded.

Yang Chuan immediately closed the world chat forum and looked in the direction your bean was pointing.

not far away,

It is a waterfall that falls in the air.

On both sides of the waterfall, there are two majestic stone statues.

"It's really a feng shui treasure."

"However, to enter the Valley of the End, you still need to meet certain conditions."

"Am I right?"

Yang Chuan asked back.


Mi Douzi answered truthfully: "But I already know the method to start the Valley of the End.

"If you are confident, you can start challenging the Valley of Doom now.

"Then let's begin."

Yang Chuan heard the words without any hesitation.


I saw two crystal clear crystal balls appearing in Mi Douzi's hands.

With Mi Dou gently thrown out.

The crystal ball turned into endless aura, one left and one right, covering the two stone statues.



Under the deafening sound.

The two statues began to move backwards.

The water source of the waterfall, which had fallen in the air, came to an abrupt end at this moment.

In its place are long and narrow corridors.

【Ancient Ruins】:Valley of the End

【Difficulty】: 9 stars

[Clearance requirements]: Kill other gods

[Relic Reward]: Eight-foot Qionggou Jade

[Divine Power Fragment]: Eight Light Patterns.

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