Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 155 Bie Tianshen Appears, Hero Level Increases

The second SSS-level quality unit finally appeared, and Wushan Goddess lived up to Yang Chuan's expectations.

Looking at the informational template in front of you.

Yang Chuan was overjoyed, this is definitely good news for the ancient ruins.

after all.

The mountain boy monster with a nine-level combat power is just the first enemy to appear in this ancient ruins.

In the future, the enemy's combat power, without any surprise, will definitely be higher than that of Shan Tong Youkai.

"The next step is only the military merit level of Wushan Goddess, and if you upgrade to the seventh level, you can comprehend the legion skills again.

"In this way, capturing this ancient ruins should be absolutely certain."

Yang Chuan thought to himself.

May be at the same time.

As the golden light of promotion dissipated, after being promoted to Wushan Goddess, Shantong monsters continued to fall, and the vision of "Eight Thirty" suddenly appeared.

next moment.

The sky full of yellow sand disappeared.

Instead, it turned out to be scorching heat, which followed one after another.

And while the scene in front of him changes.

Countless figures appeared again.

These figures looked extremely scarlet, like monsters from hell.

"It turned out to be the evil ghost Chi."

"I hope these legendary monsters can defeat Yang Chuan."

Mi Douzi prayed in her heart with a blank face.


Just like the ending of the Shantong Monster, even the fighting power of Tianxie Guichi is far above that of the Shantong Monster.

Even look.

Passing through the visual changes brought about by the scorching heat, the extremely terrifying Heavenly Evil Ghost Chi, without exception, has the fighting power of a king.

However, only a few thousand people are proficient, and it is still difficult to face the army of arms under Yang Chuan's command.

Within the independent ancient ruins.

this moment.

The appearance of Tianxie Guichi made Li Xiuning, who was sitting next to Yang Chuan, change his expression, and finally became interested in fighting for him.

Obviously, the mountain boy monster just now was not enough for Li Xiuning to make a move.

at the same time.

Just as Li Xiuning took the lead and rushed to the battlefield, Cai Wenji touched the piano with jade fingers.

Then the leisurely sound of the piano sounded, rippling in the entire battlefield.

The dazzling light of the field.

The holy power of the military division technique Datiansheng.

Suddenly, it burst out and turned into a lot of blessing power, surrounding all arms and units.

Faced with such a situation,

Although Tianxie Guichi holds a scorching sharp blade, every attack can cause a lot of damage to the surrounding Habayashi Qingqi.

But under non-fatal conditions, Cai Wenji's recovery domain, in an instant, allowed Yubayashi Qingqi to recover as before.

"how can that be."

"The holy-level domain that instantly recovers from injuries, and the strategist skill that boosts combat effectiveness.

"Could it be that this heroic unit that overwhelms the country and the city is the key to Yang's rise?"

well known.

The types of hero units can be roughly divided into auxiliary types, combat types, and commander types, etc.

Among them, auxiliary hero units.

Although the combat power is the worst, it has the greatest blessing effect on the overall improvement.

A person is not as strong as the whole.

That's the reason.

Cai Wenji's improvement of all units on the battlefield is absolutely jaw-dropping.

This is also the reason why Mi Douzi was terrified.

But then.

I saw that after receiving the blessing effect of the Great Heavenly Sage, the dragon-patterned spear in Li Xiuning's hand was covered by an even hotter flame.

Chasing stars!

No hesitation whatsoever.

In an instant, the huge energy burst out from the dragon pattern spear directly covered the entire battlefield.

If it is the appearance of Tianxie Guichi.

Let the atmosphere of the battlefield increase a little temperature.

Then with Li Xiuning's appropriate exclusive skills.

The entire battlefield seemed to be covered by scorching high temperature, and what hit the face was the scalding heat.

Like the residual heat of the sun.

The scorching energy leaked out, making Mi Douzi unable to look directly at it.

In contrast to the situation on the battlefield.

The situation of Tianxie Guichi is even more appalling.

At the same time as countless howls sounded, the tip of Li Xiuning's spear ignited the ground, devouring all the enemies.

[Hint]: Kill the evil ghost Chi, Li Xiuning experience +5000 points.

[Hint]: Kill the evil ghost Chi, Li Xiuning experience +5000 points.

[Hint]: Li Xiuning's level has been raised to level 9?

Accompanied by the prompt messages appearing one after another, the aura flickered continuously....

As the most valiant hero unit under Yang Chuan's command, Li Xiuning's level belongs to the highest existence.

Although Li Xiuning's fighting power,

Still can't compare with Miyue.

The main reason is that the two peerless beauties, the awakened souls of heroes, are not of the same quality.

"I'm afraid that when Li Xiuning's level is raised to level 10, her combat power will be comparable to that of Mi Yue's."

"By then, if there are no accidents, Li Xiuning will also have the power of a god."

"It seems that the gap in the hero's soul will be compensated to a certain extent as the hero's level continues to increase.

Feel the change in Li Xiuning's combat power.

Yang Chuan vaguely noticed it.

After the hero unit awakens the soul of the hero, the improvement of the hero level will also give the quality of the soul of the hero a certain blessing effect.

But at the same time.

Without waiting for Yang Chuan to think about it, he saw that with the disappearance of Tianxie Guichi, a terrifying figure unexpectedly appeared on the battlefield again.

There is no rest time for the arms units.

The black mist has already covered the entire battlefield.

"I didn't expect other gods to be overwhelmed so quickly."

"Master 1.0, let the arms units retreat.

"Don't let the gods lower the servants to solve it."

Mi Yue waved her hand lightly, and for a moment, a scarlet light appeared and began to disperse the black mist.

next moment.

Endless divine power filled the entire battlefield.

Yang Chuan nodded, and then recalled all the units under his command.

But at this moment.

A gloomy voice suddenly sounded.

"You humble ignorant, this is not the place for you to come."

"How dare you pry into the divine power of the eight-foot Qiong Gouyu? It's really not a pity to die."

"Interesting, it can dispel the effect of the Great Dark Sky."

The figure of other gods finally appeared.

It turned out to be a black crow.

It's just that the terrifying aura emanating from around the crow's figure was no different from Miyue's. .

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