Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 156 Duel From Divine Power, Obey Me

Confrontation between gods and gods.

The power it produces can be imagined, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is not an arm unit under the king rank, or an arm unit under the mythical quality.

Without exception, they will suffer endless suppression effects.

But fortunately, Yang Chuan has the godhead of luck and did not feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, Mi Douzi turned pale for a while, and even breathing became a problem.

In the face of such a situation.

Before Mi Yue could make a move, Yang Chuan swayed slightly with one hand, and a holy light of heavenly might came out.

[Special Tips]: Consume luck points to activate the effect of the Holy Dao domain.

The huge holy light covered all the units including Mi Douzi, and suppressed all the divine might and blocked it from the holy light of Tianwei.

This is a lord skill, and the effect of the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon is close.

Midouzi also understood immediately.

The gap between himself and Yang Chuan may have reached an insurmountable stage.


Don't look at Yang Chuan's cynical look.

But in fact, whether it is the development of the territory or the improvement of the combat effectiveness of his subordinates, so far, they have reached the top of the lord.

we can even say.

Yang Chuan is the ceiling of the lord.

Just like the Golden List of Ten Thousand Clans, if anyone can defeat Yang Chuan.

Then the combat power he possesses can definitely compete with the top creatures of all races such as angels, behemoths, and giant dragons.

at the same time.

With the emergence of the realm of the Holy Word.

The figure of Bie Tianshen suddenly disappeared, although the surrounding black mist was dispelled.

throughout the battlefield.

Also filled with a lot of black fog.

Therefore, it is no surprise that this other god is definitely hiding in the black fog.

"Bazi, pay attention to safety."

Seeing this, Yang Chuan couldn't help but sounded a reminder.

Mi Yue nodded slightly.

This is the first time Yang Chuan has concerns and concerns so far.


The scarlet phoenix that appeared next made Yang Chuan instantly understand that his worries were a bit low-end.

Looking around, I saw Mi Yue's figure, but it also disappeared, turning into a phoenix phantom, directly shrouding the entire ancient ruins.

The deafening sound of Fengming rang out.

What followed was the appearance of the heaven and earth vision.

The other gods who seemed to be hidden in the black mist and could not be caught were actually connected by the scarlet rays of light.

Even, there was no chance for other gods to show their power again, only the sound of panic sounded.

"how is this possible."

"Why does my divine power continue to flow away?"

"Only the power of a demigod, dare to make a mistake.

Under the connection of the scarlet light, the divine power of Bie Tianshen slowly dissipated.

On the other hand, Mi Yue showed great power at this moment.

That's right.

Although it is the power of a demigod, it can rely on the effect of exclusive skills.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that Mi Yue actually possessed the ability to directly absorb divine power.

【Phantom Servant】!

Although this skill cannot directly absorb the power of the gods, it can continuously reduce the power from other gods.

One more important point.

It is with the power of the other gods.

The trident in his hand stabbed Mi Yue.

Suddenly, Mi Yue's figure turned into nothingness, merged into the void, and there was an endless field of divine power, which evolved into a sky full of phoenixes.

"Wait, damn it."

"I want to use such a trick to spy on the power of Bachi Qionggou's artifact."

An unwilling roar sounded immediately.

Bie Tianshen seems to already have some, afraid of Mi Yue's skill effect.

But facing Mi Yue who cannot attack.

Except for the incompetent growl.

Bie Tianshen can only feel the constant reduction of divine power in his body under the link of the shadow chain.

One minute.

two minutes.

A full ten minutes passed.

When Mi Yue's figure appeared on the battlefield again, Bie Tianshen was finally able to launch an attack.

Only, at this moment.

The other gods who originally possessed the power of gods.

Now, under the reduction of the phantom servants, only the combat power of the Holy Order is left.


What greeted it was Mi Yue's demigod power.

"Submit to me!"

"Allegiance to me!"

"It's your ultimate destiny."

Mi Yue didn't hesitate, and when she raised her hand slightly again, a painful attack of the skill directly reaped the life of Bie Tianshen.

Just now, the other gods who filled the entire ancient ruins with divine power.

this moment,

There is no more struggling capital.

The phantoms of countless scarlet phoenixes enveloped the other gods.

And began to devour continuously, the only remaining divine power area of ​​Bie Tianshen.

and at the same time.

Within the independent space of the entire ancient ruins.

A steady stream of shaking began.


From the beginning to the end of the battle.

It didn't take too long.

Or a few hours.

Or all day.

As an ancient relic isolated from the battlefield of all races, there is no concept of time.

However, none of this matters.

Because at the same time as Bie Tianshen fell, a radiant object appeared in front of Yang Chuan.

This item is the eight-foot Qionggou jade.

Yang Chuan held it in his palm with a look of excitement.

Mi Douzi was on the side with a deathly expression on his face.

She seriously underestimated Yang Chuan's combat power, and this eight-foot Qionggouyu was the price of underestimation.

"It is astounding to have the strength of a unit that defeats the gods."

"I didn't expect that even the other gods could not defeat Yang Chuan in the end. 937"

"It seems that the fall of the state area was not a momentary accident."

Midouzi seems to have chosen to accept the truth.

After seeing the full strength of Yang Chuan.

She faintly noticed that even Mi Yue, who made the last shot, was not all Yang Chuan depended on.

Just like inadvertently.

The realm of the Holy Cause used by Yang Chuan.

In the absence of a lord career change, ask which lord has the ability to resist the suppression of divine power.

And Yang Chuan was an accident.

The released Holy Dao Domain not only completely blocked the suppression from divine power, but even allowed all units of arms to obtain protection.

"Could it be that Yang Chuan relies on him."

"Not the hero unit beside you, and the units under your command?"

Midouzi asked himself.

at the same time.

Just when the entire ancient ruins space was about to be shattered, eight rays of light of different colors appeared next to the eight-foot Qionggou jade.

The Law of Divine Power - Eight Light Patterns!

Like the light of the sun and the moon.

But when all units of arms, hero units, even Mi Yue, who possessed the power of a demigod, couldn't look directly at the Eight Light Patterns, Yang Chuan didn't have any influence.

Or rather.

The appearance of the eight-light pattern made Yang Chuan show the power to suppress the gods. .

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