Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 157 Promotion To The Gods, The Only Source Of Gods

【Law of Divine Power】: Eight Light Patterns

[Grade]: Lower-level divine power

[Description]: It contains an extremely pure law of divine power, which can be combined with the divine personality of Qi to obtain a very powerful divine power.

[Law Effect]: Elemental Control

[Regional Artifact]: Eight-foot Qionggou Jade

[Grade Rank]: Lower Rank Artifact

[Description]: It consists of eight different jade stones, each of which is filled with endless elemental energy.

[Artifact Effect]: Elemental Field

[wearing requirements]: low-level gods

Looking at the information template that appeared in front of him, Yang Chuan involuntarily took a deep breath.

A law of divine power that contains lower-level divine power.

An area artifact with the realm of the gods.

It must be said that the reward for capturing this ancient ruin, the Valley of the End, far exceeded Yang Chuan's expectations.

If Yang Chuan can absorb and merge the eight light patterns.

One's own combat power can definitely be directly promoted to a lower-level god.

"I will accept this gift."

"According to your request, after leaving the Valley of the End, I will return the privilege of being a pastor of Honshu to Ichiro Yamamoto."

Excited words fell.

Yang Chuan stretched out his hand gently, and then, the Eight Light Patterns began to move slowly, like a spiritual creature possessing intelligence.

Just a moment of effort passed.

in all eyes.

The eight-light pattern, which contained low-level divine power, passed through the crowd and landed in Yang Chuan's palm.

and in the next moment.

An extremely dazzling energy burst out.

At this moment, the ancient ruins that had been shaking more and more began to shatter.



Heavy energy merges with Yang Chuan.

Inside the fragmented ancient ruins.

Yang Chuan incarnates a deity, and the endless divine power radiates around him, showing different colors.

Obviously, each color represents the leakage of an elemental energy.

This is the ritual of becoming a god.

Even Mi Yue, who possessed the power of a demigod, was beside Yang Chuan at this moment, appearing bleak.

Not far away, the eight-foot Qionggou jade was suspended.

As the ancient ruins completely dissipated, in an instant, they flew to Yang Chuan's side.

[World Announcement]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge Dynasty, who captured the ancient ruins in the Honshu area, the Valley of the End!

[World Announcement]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge Dynasty, who has obtained the only regional divine power law in this state—the Eight Light Patterns!

[World Announcement]: Congratulations to Yang Chuan, the lord of Chaoge Dynasty, who has obtained the only regional artifact in this state - the eight-foot Qionggou jade!

In a trance, the screen changed.

At this point, everything is finally over.

Yang Chuan successfully left the ancient ruins with the army of the units under his command.

The emergence of the World Bulletin.

It made all the lords fall into panic.

"Damn it! The lord of the Honshu area, I'm afraid he's going to cry and faint in the toilet now."

"Congratulations to the old iron in the Honshu region for losing the only regional divine power law and regional artifact. By the way, there is also the Sakura Empress who you regard as the goddess.

"Bagya Road, it is definitely the bitch Midouzi, who not only betrayed our cherry blossom area, but also brought wolves into the room and handed over the news of the ancient ruins.

"Hahaha, when it comes to infighting, the Sakura area is the second, and no one dares to be the first. I remember that it was Ichiro Yamamoto who forced Yang Chuan to sign the gambling agreement.

"Actually, as early as the moment when the gambling agreement was signed, today's bad results were already buried, so I can't blame Mi Douzi."

"What's the use of talking about these now, Yang Chuan has obtained the law of regional divine power, and it is estimated that he has the power of gods and regional artifacts. How can we defeat him!"

"It seems that from the beginning to the end, Yang Chuan has not invaded other areas except through the gambling agreement to obtain the privilege of the status of the state shepherd."

"Since Yang Chuan has become a god, what we should be more worried about now is the threat of the forces of all ethnic groups, not the dominant Yang Chuan."

"That's right, it seems that changing to the lord profession now, the regiment is the most important thing."

"Is there any big boss, willing to share the strategy of transferring to the lord profession."

"Also kneeling and begging for a strategy!!!"

By looking at the content of the world chat forum, it is not difficult to see that the lord of the Kyushu region deliberately changed the topic.

Yang Chuan's promotion to a god.

It didn't last long, and was quickly replaced by the topic of changing the lord profession.

After all, the emergence of the lord profession.

This is the core issue between all lords.

Instead of paying attention to Yang Chuan, who has been promoted to a god, it is better to find a way to take the opportunity to transfer to the lord profession.

Battle of Ten Thousand Races.

In the city-state of Izanami.

This is the region of Honshu, the corresponding neutral force in the battlefield of ten thousand races.

Just like the Kyushu region and the corresponding Pandaria, among these neutral forces, the lords of the corresponding region can be teleported here.

Yamamoto Ichiro is still capable.

Immediately after entering the city-state of Izanami, he received the task of transferring to the lord profession.

But just as he was about to lead the lord alliance under his command to tackle the occupational mission.

The sudden announcement of the world made Yamamoto Ichiro stunned, unable to recover for a long time.

".々Damn Yang Chuan."

"Actually greedily plundered, the only law of divine power in this state.

"It's really abominable, this is the cornerstone of being able to open a god.

"And Mi Douzi, I didn't expect that even you would betray the Sakura area."

Words of words sounded from Yamamoto Ichiro's mouth.

For the content of the World Announcement.

Ichiro Yamamoto couldn't accept it.

The only regional artifact, the only law of divine power, this is undoubtedly the future of the district city of Benzhou.

However, at this moment, a more sarcastic prompt message appeared.

[Regional reminder]: Yang Chuan, the lord of the Chaoge Dynasty, voluntarily gave up the privilege of being a pastor in this state.

【Regional Tips】: Congratulations to Iga Alliance lord Ichiro Yamamoto, who has obtained the privilege of being a pastor of Honshu.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Ichiro Yamamoto once again became the Honshu animal husband and obtained the privilege of identity.

Not that he defeated Yang Chuan.

Combined with the world announcement that just appeared.

At this moment, the privilege of the status of the state shepherd is like a ruthless mockery of the dragon.

After Yang Chuan got tired of playing.

Once again mercifully rewarded the Honshu Maki to Yamamoto Ichiro.

to be honest.

This is a blatant insult to Ichiro Yamamoto.

But he couldn't refuse, he could only choose to accept it silently. .

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