Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 160 The Attack Begins, A Surprising And Winning Arrangement

this night.

The bright moon on the battlefield of all ethnic groups hangs high.

The bright moonlight shone down, illuminating everything slightly.

Under the moonlight, most of the lords chose to stay in the area of ​​neutral forces to adjust and rest.

There are also a small number of lords, taking advantage of the night, to launch an attack on the forces of all ethnic groups.

Yang Chuan is one of them.

The dark jungle was originally a dim and lightless environment, so as night fell, the situation where one could not see five fingers appeared, but instead became the best shelter.

This moment.

Also near the teleportation array in the dark jungle.

The mighty army of arms has been assembled here.

"With Wushan Goddess as the vanguard, Yutian Xingguan and Qingqiu Fox Immortal are responsible for the full output, and the Cherry Blossom sacrifice is the auxiliary."

"Ensure that the Black Crow Dynasty is captured in the shortest possible time."

After entering the dark "Twenty Zero" jungle through the teleportation array.

The first to face is the Black Crow Dynasty.

And according to Yang Chuan's arrangement.

The mighty army of arms, if the whole army is to attack, will inevitably attract the attention of the enemy, and it will not be able to achieve the effect of a surprise victory.

So this moment.

As the first battle to enter the dark jungle, Yang Chuan's choice is to use the best of the best, with the fastest speed, to capture the Black Crow Dynasty.

And from the Black Crow Dynasty as the stronghold, it will launch an all-out attack on the other ten thousand ethnic forces in the dark jungle.

"As ordered."

After Zhao Feiyan heard the words, she nodded her head and put on a cloak.

After this.

In the silent night.

One figure after another disappeared from Yang Chuan's side.

Instead, it was in the dark jungle.

Countless figures appeared one by one.

Although it is an elite force, the number of armies that can be dispatched by Yang Chuan is not a small number.

Among them, the number of Wushan goddesses alone has accumulated to nearly 5,000 people.

In addition, there are Yutian Xingguan, Qingqiu Fox Fairy, Cherry Blossom Festival and so on.

Plus hero units.

A team of nearly 10,000 people.

Attacking the Black Crow Dynasty, if there is no accident, must be guaranteed.

And the cherry blossom festival at the back of the line.

After entering the dark jungle, the expression on his face was a little dazed.

They are very familiar here.

It was here that Ichiro Yamamoto broke his halberd.

Looking back now, it is still a nightmare experience that is difficult to calm down.

Especially the elusive black crow creature.

And the black feathers that are like a rain of flowers in the sky.

without any exaggeration.

The Black Crow Dynasty has become an insurmountable ups and downs in the heart of the cherry blossom sacrifice.

"Qin Yu, you lead the goddess of Wushan, walk in the front of the team in a geese formation, if you encounter any enemy, you can kill without mercy!"

"Fuji, you lead the Qingqiu Fox Immortal, and you are in the second echelon with a long snake formation. Without my order, don't launch an attack.

"Chengxue, Rushuang, you lead Yutian Xingguan, with a long snake formation, lined up in the third echelon, any enemy can be killed without mercy."

"Midouzi, as the fourth echelon of the cherry blossom sacrifice, your task is very simple, at the critical moment, you can ensure the safety of Yutian Star Official.

as the supreme commander of the team.

All Yang Chuan can do is point the way.

How to complete the rest requires Zhao Feiyan to make a detailed plan.

The intelligent Zhao Feiyan seemed to have discovered the abnormality of the cherry blossom sacrifice the first time she entered the dark jungle.

So the battle plan was formulated.

It did not entrust a heavy responsibility to the cherry blossom festival.

In other words, attacking the mere Black Crow Dynasty is enough. With all the elites out, the Wushan Goddess and Yutian Star Official are enough.


A low voice resounded in unison.

Immediately afterwards, with the topographic map of the dark jungle in his hand, he quickly moved towards the Black Crow Dynasty.

With the passing of time.

Ten minutes passed.

As they passed through layers of dense forests, the fast-moving team finally stopped.

At this time.

Looking at it, there was no trace of the Black Crow Dynasty in front of the team.

Why stop.

The reason is also very simple, although the team led by Zhao Feiyan has not reached the position of the Black Crow Dynasty at this moment.

But not far away, there are different numbers of black crow sentries, wandering and reconnaissance.

According to Zhao Feiyan's arrangement.

Wushan Goddess directly rushed to the black crow sentinel, with the black yao long spear in her hand, and took the lead in launching a sweeping attack.

Didn't give Black Raven Sentinel any time to react....

Just one round of offensive.

The Black Crow Sentinel, who was once known for being elusive, was killed by the goddess of Wushan, and fell into a pool of blood.

"Since the Black Crow Sentinel has appeared."

"Then there shouldn't be much distance left from the Black Crow Dynasty.

"Follow my orders."

"Accelerate the marching speed and attack the whole army.

Seeing this, Zhao Feiyan felt that the control of distance should have reached the limit.


No matter how careful you are.

The existence of the Black Crow Sentinel will definitely disturb the Black Crow Dynasty.

So, instead of being docile.

It is better to directly showdown, choose full firepower, and use the shortest time to kill the Black Crow Dynasty.

When the voice fell.

What followed was the sound of roaring iron hooves, and the Wushan Goddess, who completely let go of her hands and feet, immediately began to sweep the entire battlefield.

After this.

It only took a moment to get close to the location of the Black Crow Dynasty.

Look around.

Zhao Feiyan's arrangement was very successful.

I saw chaos within the Black Crow Dynasty.

Sudden invasion.

Let them think they are night elves, and launched an attack on the Black Raven Dynasty.

"No, these armies of troops come from the king of trolls who don't believe what they say."

"Report to my king, the city gate has been broken."

"Report to my king that the enemy has destroyed the Black Crow Shrine.

1.5 "Report to my king......"

A series of reports sounded.

The King of Black Crows rushed out of his palace angrily.


When it looked around the whole territory.

However, he found that in just a few minutes, the sudden enemy not only easily entered the Black Crow Dynasty.

It even killed all the black crow creatures to pieces.

"The goddamn troll king."

"You will pay for your actions."

An angry growl.

It resounded throughout the entire Black Crow King City.

However, the situation that the situation has passed, makes the king of black crows feel powerless.

can only say.

Zhao Feiyan's unexpectedly winning arrangement.

The Black Crow Dynasty that killed was caught off guard.

The resistance at this time can even be described as pale and powerless. .

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