Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 161 Breaking The City Without Sealing The Sword, Moon Step, Random Flower Burial


Angry slave.

Heavy emotions occupied the heart of the King of Black Crows.

Especially seeing the offensive of the Star Royal, every sharp arrow shot out, forming an overwhelming giant net, killing a large number of black crow creatures.

This was supposed to be an offensive and defensive battle.

However, after Zhao Feiyan's arrangement, he skipped the step of sieging the city.

in unexpected circumstances.

The goddess of Wushan directly broke through the gate of the Black Crow King City with the momentum of thunder.

And the first time after entering the Black Crow King City.

Launched an indiscriminate attack.

The unsuspecting black crow creature can only be reduced to a lamb to be slaughtered.

"Fuck, launch an attack."

"Tie down the entire Black Crow King City."

At this moment, seeing that the time was ripe, Zhao Feiyan made another arrangement.

Immediately afterward, a dazzling light burst forth and flickered.

That's right.

The reason why Qingqiu Huxian was not allowed to do it just now was because the light emitted by the magic attack was particularly dazzling in the environment where night fell, and it was easily detected by the Black Crow Dynasty.

I have to say that besides being smart, Zhao Feiyan is also thoughtful, which is why Yang Chuan arranged her to be the commander-in-chief of the entire army. 13

And with Qingqiu Foxxian's shot.

Huge magical energy instantly flooded every corner of Black Crow King City.

Even, the dazzling magic light shrouded half of the Black Crow King City.

The black crow creature, which had long since collapsed, lost more than half of its casualties in an instant.

Unique flight advantage.

There was no chance to display it.

The elusive Black Feather attack was useless.

Faced with such a situation, the King of Black Crows suspended in the sky looked at Qingqiu Fox Fairy with a horrified expression.

"It turned out to be a legendary ancient race."

"It's not that the Qingqiu Fox Immortal has been silent on the battlefield of all races, and has long since disappeared without a trace."

"What the hell is going on here?"

"It's over, it's over."

"The Black Crows have no chance of winning in front of Qingqiu Fox Fairy."

If we say that Zhao Feiyan's unexpected arrangement is the key to this victory.

Then Tu Shanya's shot was the last straw that overwhelmed the King of Black Crows.

The incomparably powerful magical energy, there is no doubt that only the ancient race creatures can have such terrifying combat power.

However, just when the King of Black Crows was pondering and terrified, another holy light descended from the sky.

The atmosphere of the battlefield has been raised to the peak.

Cai Wenji used her fingers to play the qin, and the Great Heavenly Sage, a military teacher, took advantage of the situation. After strengthening, the Goddess of Wushan was like an invincible killing god.

After the storm's attack.

Just take a moment to pass.

Under the leadership of Li Xiuning, they attacked and killed the palace of the King of Black Crows without a single soldier.

As long as this palace is destroyed or occupied, the Black Crow Dynasty will cease to exist.

"Strange, there is no trace of the King of Black Crows."

Li Xiuning frowned slightly.

A shot pierced the gate of the palace, but no trace of the king of the black crow was found.

With the fall of night, the environment is extremely dark.

The king of black crows suspended in the sky.

Although it did not have the effect of stealth, it could easily blend into the night.

It's just that.

Although the figure can blend into the night.

But the breath of the King of Black Crows could not completely disappear.

Even the King of Black Crows, after seeing the Qingqiu Fox Immortal, has deliberately concealed his aura.

But when Li Xiuning looked around and looked up, he still found the trace of the King of Black Crows.

next moment.

Midouzi's figure suddenly flashed.

All the troops and hero units present do not have the ability to fly.

If you want to kill the King of Black Crows, you can only rely on the long-range attacks of Yutian Xingguan and Qingqiu Huxian.

Except for Midouzi.

Afterimages passed by.

Step by step, Mi Douzi walked in the air.

The back figure that stands out in the world is worthy of the name of Sakura Empress.

And the moon step.

As one of Sakura Emperor's unique skills.

When he was fighting with Smith, if it wasn't for the venom attack of the Wyvern, Midouzi would definitely be able to destroy the Wyvern in a single fight.

"An unknown enemy hiding in the dark."

"Be ready to meet Sakura Emperor Ji's trial."

"Let the cherry blossoms fly and accompany your death. This is your great honor."

"Flower Burial!"

Whispers sounded softly, with a pleasant sound, and pieces of cherry blossom petals fell in the air.

The petals exude a faint aura.

In a unique scene, the blooming cherry blossoms formed by endless energy surround the King of Black Crows.

A creature at the peak of the king's rank.

The combat effectiveness of the King of Crows is beyond doubt.

But in the face of the control of the blooming cherry blossoms, the King of Black Crows did not have any strength to resist.

He could only stare helplessly, looking at Mi Douzi who was approaching step by step.

"This is the power to approach the gods."

"Impossible, why does the combat power of the King of Trolls increase so quickly."

"What did I do wrong!!!"

An unwilling growl.

The struggle of the King of Crows seemed pale and feeble.

In this battlefield of natural selection and survival of the fittest, there is no right or wrong or good and evil.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, unless you have a backer.

If you have to say it.

Then, being a weak person, its own existence is a mistake.

And when the voice of the king of black crows fell. 543

Midouzi pulled out the long knife in his hand.

The strands of sword energy are looming.

At the same time, a sword mark appeared from above the blooming cherry blossoms.

The sword mark came out of nowhere, as if tearing the void.

second way.

third way.

Until the power of the sword marks cut off the entire cherry blossoms in full bloom, without any accident, the figure of the King of Black Crows was also shattered and disappeared without a trace.


The frosty Mi Douzi glanced at the bright moonlight and let out a light breath.

It seems a little uneasy.

But this is the end, her fate, when Yang Chuan captured the valley of the end and obtained the eight-foot Qionggou jade, was already doomed.

this lifetime.

Unless that day Yang Chuan has mercy.

Otherwise, even if Mi Douzi obtains the full power of Sakura Emperor Ji's inheritance, he becomes the supreme god.

It is also impossible to escape from Yang Chuan's palm.

After this.

The death of the Raven King.

The only remaining black crow creature, naturally chose to give up resistance.

However, what greeted them was a broken city without a sword.

The iron hooves of the goddess Wushan resounded, and the black yao spear in her hand was the sharp blade on the guillotine.

All were slaughtered.

This is Yang Chuan's arrangement.

It was also the first time that the Chaoge Dynasty broke the city without closing the sword after the victory of the external battle. .

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