Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 165 Night Elves Visit, Alliance Of Ten Thousand Ethnic Forces?

"We conquered the forces of all ethnic groups in one night, my God, is it because we are too weak, or Yang Chuan is too strong, the expansion of the Chaoge Dynasty's territory is so fast."

"Everyone, look at the ranking of the Golden List of Ten Thousand Clans, and you should understand what's going on. Although the Chaoge Dynasty has not yet reached the scale of the Holy Dynasty, the ranking has reached 21."

"This is the hang-up."

"It's just a good night's sleep, how does it feel like the end of the world is coming.

"What amazes me is that apart from all the members entering the Ten Thousand Races battlefield, there is only Yang Chuan, the strongest lord left."

"Yes, it's a pity that Yang Chuan did not create an alliance force, otherwise I would definitely be the first to join the Chaoge Dynasty.

"Agree with the point of view upstairs, I also hope to join the Chaoge Dynasty and get the protection of the element gods."

"Listening to what you said, I am very afraid, brother "One Five Zero", Yang Chuan did not build an alliance force, but the speed of development is far higher than that of the alliance force."

"That's the most incomprehensible thing."

"Perhaps this is fate. It can only be said that Yang Chuan's luck is beyond our reach."

"Sometimes luck is also a kind of strength, but luck alone makes it impossible for Yang Chuan to become the strongest lord.

"I also think so, temporary luck doesn't mean anything, Yang Chuan's ability to become the strongest lord is not just luck.

"There are also ruthless means, and the Honshu region is the best proof."

"Fuck, why are we talking about our cherry blossom area every time Yang Chuan is mentioned."

"Don't be so excited, I believe that it won't be long before the situation in the dark jungle will be the next cherry blossom area."

"God bless Kyushu, one second Wei Wushuang, and the greedy Dragon Cave are all allies, the next second, the nuclear river will break through the ten thousand races.

This moment.

The sky was slightly bright, and the first rays of light penetrated the dense forest and illuminated the dark jungle.

Yang Chuan looked at the lively world chat forum, and the information that appeared one after another, without exception, was shuddering and terrified for the development of the Kyushu region.


Presence in the Kyushu area.

It has become a well-deserved strongest area.

Whether it is the combat power of the alliance forces, or Yang Chuan, as the ceiling of the lord's combat power, they all come from the Kyushu region.

at this point,

No longer any lord dared to object.

And now, every time the Kyushu region is mentioned in the World Chat Forum, the rhythm has also changed a lot.

"Perhaps the alliance forces are plotting something unknown."

"Therefore, it is obvious now that no one is maliciously taking the rhythm of Kyushu.

"That's not bad. Taking this opportunity, I can finally cleanse for a few days."

[Hint]: Successfully eliminated Lizard Lair, Harpy, Evil Eye Dynasty, Chaoge Dynasty in Gloomy Skyward and rose to notoriety.


[Harvest 1]: Dynasty Core

[Harvest 2]: 3000 units of void spar

[Harvest 3]: Three original altar stones

In a building in Black Crow King City, Yang Chuan's figure slowly walked out of it.

Behind him is the enchanting, charming and graceful Mi Yue.

And not far away.

Before the sky fell, the armies that successfully completed their tasks had gathered here again.

With tons of loot.

Zhao Feiyan's expression was a little tired: "Master, fortunately, I did not lose my life, and once again eliminated three potential threats.

"But there is bad news."

"The night elves seem to have acted, according to the investigation of the goblin airship."

"So far, the traces of the night elves have been moving frequently in the Mirkwood."

"I guess with my servant, although this night elf will not attack us rashly, if he joins forces with other ten thousand races."

"I'm afraid that in a short while, the battle situation in the dark forest will be stalemate for a long time."

After a night of continuous fighting,

Although the enemy's combat power is not strong, Zhao Feiyan, as a hero unit, does not have any discomfort.

It can be a unit of arms under its command.

At this time, the combat effectiveness has already declined slightly, if you continue to fight, I am afraid it will have the opposite effect.

According to the information provided by Zhao Feiyan.

The best arrangement now is to adjust and rest in the Black Crow King City.

This is exactly the same as Yang Chuan's chance back then...

The reason why after capturing the Black Crow King City, they didn't choose to completely destroy it was because they planned to use it as a stronghold for attacking the Mirkwood.

It's just that facing the thorny problem of the night elves [is a bit of a dilemma.

If you continue to attack.

It can be guaranteed that before the other ten thousand races in the dark forest are not united, they will win more victories.

Yang Chuan thought for a moment, and then said: "Arrange the units first, and adjust and rest in the Black Crow King City."

"The night elves do not have the ability to unite the forces of all races."

"At most, it is the forces of other ten thousand races in the Mirk Forest, united together.

before that.

The Reign of the Rook once visited the Trollhold.

In order to drive away the night elves who invaded the Mirkwood, the Crow Dynasty sent a team of envoys, intending to gain Yang Chuan's support.

It's just that at that time, the fighting power of the Chaoge Dynasty was comparable to it.

Yang Chuan also didn't intend to intervene in the extinguishing method of the dark jungle.

It's better now.

This key piece of information was instead controlled by Yang Chuan.

That's right.

Like the Chaosong Dynasty's sudden invasion of the Mirkwood, as a night elf expelled by the elves.

Their role in Mirkwood is still that of invaders.

So now.

According to Yang Chuan's guess.

There are only two 2.8 reasons why the night elves move frequently.

One is to take advantage of the Chaoge Dynasty and ignite the flames of war in the Dark Forest to fish in troubled waters.

The second is to prepare to resist the expansion and invasion of the Chaoge Dynasty.

Everyone is an intruder.

The night elves seemed to understand the Chaoge Dynasty's plan very well.


The above is just Yang Chuan's guess.

But with the passing of time.

Just under an hour passed.

Outside the Black Crow King City, a group of night elves appeared not far away.

Fortunately, look at it.

The number of night elves in this team is only a dozen or so.

"By order of the Queen of the Night."

"I'm here to visit the king of trolls and plan the plan of the dark jungle.".

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