Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 166 Qualifications For Negotiation? The Surrender Of The Night Elves

That's right.

Yang Chuan's guess was correct.

The night elves, as intruders, are also full of interest in the dark forest.

The sudden attack of the Chaoge Dynasty.

It's just that before this, because of the stumbling block of the Black Crow Dynasty, it has not been able to be cleared.

Let the Queen of Night never expand the territory of the night elves in the dark jungle.

Outside the Black Crow King City.

The messenger team of the night elves slowly appeared.

Without knowing Yang Chuan's attitude, they all looked cautious and did not dare to enter the Black Crow King City rashly.

"My king welcomes your arrival."

Until Mi Yue appeared, this group of night elves breathed a sigh of relief.

but in the meanwhile.

With Mi Yue's voice falling.

When the power of the demigods was revealed, all the night elves suddenly turned extremely pale, and they all showed expressions of horror.

What a horrible Chaoge Dynasty.

A strong man with the power of a demigod appears in such an understatement.

Even the Night Queen who leads the entire night elves family has only the power of a demigod.

13 "A powerhouse that can be compared with Her Majesty the Queen, it is no wonder that the Chaoge Dynasty was able to conquer the forces of all ethnic groups in one night."

"Even the most troublesome Black Crow Dynasty could not stop the Chaoge Dynasty from attacking.

"However, it seems that the negotiations with the Chaoge Dynasty are not impossible to be welcomed by the demigods."

As the leader of this messenger team.

Zhuoer comforted himself in his heart.

It's just that.

The appearance of Mi Yue gave Zhuoer hope for a successful negotiation.

But you can guess without thinking.

The Chaoge Dynasty, with its terrifying combat effectiveness, even agreed to cooperate with the night elves.

In the end, it is difficult for the night elves to take advantage.

after all.

In this war-torn and strife-continuous battlefield of all races, only with a hard fist can one have the right to bargain.

On the other hand, the night elves lost the protection of the elves.

If it weren't for the Queen of the Night, possessing the power of a demigod, I am afraid that the night elves would have long since disappeared into the battlefield of all races.

at the same time.

Under the leadership of Mi Yue, Zhuoer led the team of messengers and entered the Black Crow King City.

Look around.

Looking at the most troublesome Black Crow Dynasty ever,

It has always been the long-cherished wish of the night elves to capture the Black Crow King City.

But now.

Under the attack of Yang Chuan, this place has already become thousands of holes.

The shock to the night elves in the past no longer exists.

"Thanks to Your Excellency Yang Chuan for calling."

"This is the supreme honor of our night elves.

It was not until he came to Yang Chuan that the soulless Zhuoer came back to his senses with a shocked face, and hurriedly expressed his intentions respectfully.

"Last night, the heroic appearance of the Chaoge Dynasty moved the Queen of Dark Night's heart."

"Even this morning, our special order from the Queen of Darkness, through the entire dark jungle, came to express our willingness to form an alliance."

"I hope to join forces with the Chaoge Dynasty and capture the entire dark forest together.

After expressing his intentions.

Zhuo'er raised his head slightly and saw that Yang Chuan was still expressionless, unable to detect whether it was happiness or anger, and did not mean to respond.

He could only bite the bullet and said again: "Our night elves will launch a full-scale invasion from the north side of the dark jungle."

"At that time, the night elves and the Chaoge Dynasty will join forces to launch an attack on the other ten thousand clan forces in the dark jungle from the north and south."

"It must be able to erode the entire dark jungle."

Drow is still very smart.

The conditions mentioned are very tempting at first glance.

But in fact.

In Yang Chuan's view, within the conditions stated by Zhuoer, one of the most critical issues was missing.

That is just relying on the fighting power of the Chaoge Dynasty.

Even if there is no night elves, they can easily conquer the entire dark jungle.

It's just a matter of time.

Although now, in the face of the deep sea Naga invasion, there are only two days left for Yang Chuan.

But this one key message.

The drow did not know, and neither did the night elves.


With the terrifying fighting power of his subordinates, Yang Chuan is still in an absolute dominant position in this negotiation.

"If that's what you're waiting for, then I can only say sorry."

"Since I attacked the dark jungle, I have already prepared for a full-scale attack."

"Even without the help of the night elves, I can still get my wish."

"Am I right?"

Yang Chuan asked at the same time.

The elemental realm is revealed in an instant.

In an instant, a coercion from the gods covered the entire Black Crow King City.

Drow immediately felt a suffocating pressure.


How could the lord of the Chaoge Dynasty have the power from the gods.

Could it be that.

King of trolls, just one of his many identities?

Even at this moment, under the deterrence of the divine domain, Drow has already lost his ability to think.

Extreme anxiety and anxiety occupied Zhuoer's heart.

Seeing this, Yang Chuan took the opportunity to speak again: "I think what you should consider now is how to welcome the invasion of the Chaoge Dynasty."

"Instead of naively fantasizing about how to devour the dark jungle.

"Or I'll tell you bluntly."

"You night elves are not qualified to negotiate with Chaoge Dynasty 117."

"All I want is Mirkwood."

"Even in the end, the Mirkwood is a dead place without any creatures."

Zhuo Er heard the words, and the whole person was dumbfounded.

Is this Yang Chuan's attitude?


He is a devil!

The shock of the original god's field was enough to make Drow shudder.

But after hearing what Yang Chuan said, for a while, Drow began to shake slightly.

Emergence of tension, anxiety, fear, etc.

As a messenger, Zhuo Er, who came to negotiate, was broken by Yang Chuan's psychological defense line.

But just like Yang Chuan's attitude.

Chaoge Dynasty has this capital and this ability.

Regardless of life or death.

What the Chaoge Dynasty wanted was the dark jungle.



This way obviously doesn't work.

What Zhuoer is thinking about now is how to survive in the palm of the Chaoge Dynasty.

Ups and downs, or rise up to resist.

As Yang Chuan meant.

He didn't care about the attitude of the night elves.

"The supreme god."

"Please give me one day, let me go back and bring the news to Her Majesty the Queen of the Night.

"Our night elves will definitely not be alone in your expectations."

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