Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 167 Emily's Decision, The Withered Tree Of Life

Understand it with emotion and move it with reason.

Facing the Chaoge Dynasty with astonishing combat effectiveness, Zall was completely defeated without Yang Chuan saying much.

From the original purpose of the alliance.

Changed to present-day surrender.

Only in this way can the night elves continue to survive in Mirkwood.

Similarly, joining the Chaoge Dynasty can also get the asylum of the field.

This is undoubtedly the most deadly temptation for the night elves after being expelled by the elves.

guarantee of survival.

And Mirkwood with no enemies.

As such.

In this negotiation, the night elves surrendered to the Chaoge Dynasty, and a win-win situation would be achieved.

With the passing of time.

Immediately after the negotiation ended, Drow returned to the territory of the night elves.

And the results of the negotiation were conveyed to the Queen of the Night in full.

"Is this Chaoge dynasty credible?"

"What will happen if the fate of tens of thousands of night elves is handed over to Yang Chuan?"

After hearing Zhuoer's report, Emily said a crucial key issue.

Even just now, what Zall said was hype.

As the queen of the night, Emily's vision is more long-term.

immediate benefit.

Emily is not lost.

She bears the fate of the night elves.

Every choice made also determines the life and death of the night elves.

Although the Chaoge Dynasty is now facing the Dark Forest, it is because one is located on the north side and the other is located on the south side.

Taking advantage of Yang Chuan's sending troops to attack other ten thousand races, the night elves had enough time to leave Mirkwood and find another place to live.

And this wandering life.

Before the night elves lived in the Mirkwood, they had always lived in this state.


Although the Chaoge Dynasty could not be defeated.

However, it is always possible for the night elves to leave Mirkwood.

"Her Majesty". 11

"This is an opportunity, but also a bet."

"As your people, Drow accepts any of your choices without any complaints."

"But as a member of the night elves."

"What we hope is that one day, those proud elves will realize how stupid it was to expel us night elves."

"The days of fleeing, the life of being displaced, you are really tired."

Compared to Emily, the Queen of the Night, who is always cautious, Zall expressed his thoughts.

And this is what most night elves think.

Instead of just living along.

Better to give it a go.

The night elves have been silent on the battlefield of the ten thousand races for too long, so long that they have been forgotten by the forces of the ten thousand races.

They want to prove their strength.

Even in the case of being expelled by the elves, he can still rely on his own efforts to rise again in the battlefield of the ten thousand races.

The appearance of Yang Chuan.

The Rise of the Chaoge Dynasty.

Perhaps this is the opportunity.

Especially after Zall witnessed the grand occasion of the Chaoge Dynasty, the desire for combat power in his heart has fallen into obsession.

"Perhaps this is the fate of the night elves."

"Joining Chaoge Dynasty, you must always show the role of night elves.

"Drow, your way of looking at things is still too reckless."

At the same time that Amel said this, one hand shook lightly, and a withered seed appeared in her hand.

"Is it the seed of the tree of life?"

Drow was surprised.

His eyes fixed on the withered seeds.

"That's right."

Amel continued: "On the basis of the current fighting power of the night elves, I am afraid that Yang will not value us too much."

"But if this withered tree of life seed is added, for the Chaoge Dynasty, the meaning of the existence of night elves will naturally be different.

"After all, as a miracle building in the battlefield of ten thousand races, the existence of the tree of life can be regarded as the birth of a new race creature.

"So, Your Majesty, you have made a decision!"

Drow is a little weird.

In her opinion, it may take a long time to convince the conservative Queen of the Night.


In just a few words.

Amel not only agreed with the night elves, but also surrendered to the Chaoge Dynasty.

They even took out the withered seeds of the tree of life.

"Joining the Chaoge Dynasty, as you said, is a win-win choice.

"Emel is the Queen of the Night."

"But for the long-term stability of the night elves, Amel can also rely on others, even if she serves Yang Chuan."

[Announcement of Ten Thousand Clans]: Congratulations to the Chaoge Dynasty, who has obtained the allegiance of the night elves, and the queen of the night, Emer, who has surrendered to Yang Chuan!

Did not wait too long.

Inside the Black Crow King City.

At the end of the adjustment and rest of the armies, the announcement of the ten thousand clans that followed made Yang Chuan stunned for a moment.

".々The Queen of the Night is quite self-aware."

"To make a choice so quickly, it saves a lot of time.

at this time.

It's almost noon.

It has only been five hours since the negotiation with Drow ended.

The announcement of Wanzu that suddenly appeared.

Announcing the surrender of the night elves.

For this result, Yang Chuan nodded with satisfaction, as if he had expected it.

Or rather.

Whether the night elves surrender.

For him, it didn't matter much.

Conquering the dark jungle is a matter of ambition, and it will not be changed because of the night elves.

"Next, just by capturing the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races, you can completely occupy the dark jungle."

"The question of future development."

"It's a preliminary (okay, Zhao) solution at present, and the rest is to resist the invasion of Deep Sea Na."

According to the probe of the goblin airship.

The fall of the Black Crow Dynasty, the Evil Eye Dynasty being razed to the ground and so on.

The other ten thousand clan forces in the dark jungle, headed by the Gargoyle Dynasty, formed a mighty ten thousand clan alliance.

They want to use this to resist the invasion of Chaoge Dynasty.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend.

The surrender of the night elves.

It will also certainly be a blow to the morale of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

However there is.

Just when Yang Chuan made the deployment again.

When preparing to launch an attack on the Alliance of Ten Thousand Nations.

Another black figure descended from the sky and appeared not far from the Black Crow Dynasty.

But unlike the night elves.

This shadow is very hidden.

As if afraid of being discovered, it was in a hurry, and after landing, it directly evolved into an inconspicuous stone statue. .

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