Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 168 The Plan Is The Plan, Yang Chuan's Conspiracy

The only ten thousand clan forces left in the dark jungle, headed by the Gargoyle Dynasty, built the so-called ten thousand clan alliance.

In order to deal with the invasion of the Chaoge Dynasty, the response was very fast, as if it had been rehearsed before.

But as everyone knows.

The investigation unit sent by the gargoyle must have been discovered by the eye of investigation as early as when they approached the Black Crow King City.

"Boss, an unfriendly guy came from the Black Crow Dynasty."

Yu Gezi, who was on the goblin airship, immediately reported the news to Yang Chuan.

"Interesting, don't act rashly."

"Maybe we can just take this opportunity to make some arrangements."

Yang Chuan rolled his eyes, and a plan quickly appeared in his mind.

Sometimes what you see is not necessarily true.

It may be what the enemy wants you to see.


The effort that lasted for a while passed.

There was no movement in the Black Crow King City.

At first glance, the army of arms that had been assembled was still standing by.

The gargoyle in charge of the investigation, facing such a situation, although he has doubts in his heart, can only continue to hide outside the Black Crow King City.

after all.

The combat power of any hero unit under Yang Chuan's command is there. If you continue to approach, if you look for it, it is likely to be discovered.

At the same time, on the other side of the dark forest 363, the night elves have assembled.

Zhuoer led the all-out dark night shooters, approaching the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

this moment.

In the quiet and peaceful dark forest.

It exudes a strong murderous aura.

Obviously, the invasion of Chaoge Dynasty broke the pattern of the dark jungle.

The demise of the Black Raven Dynasty.

It's just the beginning.

Especially after the night elves surrendered to the Chaoge Dynasty.

The forces of all ethnic groups living in the dark jungle were forced to form an alliance of all ethnic groups.

"Ghost armor, are you sure your information is reliable?"

"Without the help of the Chaoge Dynasty, how could the night elves send troops?"

Inside the Union Parliament.

More than a dozen leaders of the ten thousand ethnic forces gathered here with anxious expressions.

As the supreme commander of the alliance.

The ghost armor itself is also the king of gargoyles.

Facing the doubts of other alliance members.

Black armor is also somewhat uncertain.

However, according to the information from his subordinates, at this moment, the enemies located in the Black Crow King City did not respond at all.

Stand still.

Adjust rest.

It was as if after the battle last night, the Chaoge Dynasty could not continue to attack the dark jungle in a short period of time.

But the night elves who suddenly sent troops.

All this looks weird.

Very unreasonable.

"Could it be that the Chaoge Dynasty gave the night elves the task of attacking our Alliance of Ten Thousand Races?"

"Two dogs fight, play off?"

Ghost armor trying to make inferences?


As soon as he opened his mouth, Ghost Armor interrupted the guess again, and the night elves are not fools.

Now that he has surrendered to the Chaoge Dynasty.

It is definitely necessary.

It is absolutely impossible to shoot the Chaoge Dynasty for no reason.

Each has its own interests.

The reason why the night elves sent troops must be after analyzing the stakes, before making a choice.


If nothing else, it should include the resource allocation of the dark jungle, regional territories, and so on.

"The current situation is elusive."

"First of all, the Chaoge Dynasty is on hold."

"Secondly, the night elves suddenly sent troops."

"Could it be that the dispatch of the night elves is just a cover?"

"Do you intend to tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

After thinking for a long time, Ghost Armor shook his head.


Yang Chuan acted on a whim.

Xiu De Gui Jia's scalp was numb, and he couldn't understand what was going on at all.

And this is the importance of key information on the battlefield.


The alliance of all ethnic groups, commanded by Ghost Armor, has always thought that the Chaoge Dynasty was standing still.

But in fact, the elite army under Yang Chuan (bdai) had long since left the Black Crow King City under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan, wearing a cloak of concealment.

This is also the key to why the night elves decisively send troops.

But these key pieces of information.

The reconnaissance unit sent by Ghost Armor did not know.

As a result, the entire Ten Thousand Race Alliance is still in a state of ignorance.

"Impossible, Black Crow King City is located at the southernmost side of the dark jungle."

"Once we start a war with the night elves, it is impossible for the reinforcements from the Chaoge Dynasty to come over in a short period of time."

"In my opinion, this night elves are fools, under the lure of the Chaoge Dynasty, they are willing to be sold without knowing it.

Seeing the armies of the night elves approaching the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races step by step.

Two different voices appeared within the Ten Thousand Races Alliance, which had been unable to respond for a long time.

One believes that the threat of night elves should be quickly resolved while the Chaoge Dynasty did not send troops.

Another kind of view is to continue to stand still and be prepared to remain unchanged and respond to changes.

As for how to choose.

Ghost Armor seems to have the right to choose.

But of these two options.

Regarding the situation of the Chaoge Dynasty, they were all in a situation where no troops were sent.

No one would have thought that the Chaoge Dynasty had already sent troops.

And in this case of information asymmetry.

No matter which choice Ghost Armor makes, the final outcome of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races will be a failure.

"Believe in my clan, the gargoyle's camouflage ability is unmatched on the battlefield of all races.

"Since the Chaoge Dynasty is on hold, don't blame our Ten Thousand Clan Alliance for being ruthless."

"The whole army attacked, just like taking down the night elves within an hour.

With the sudden opening of the ghost armor.

The disputes within the Alliance of Ten Thousand Nations have been unified.

After this.

The armies of the Wanzu Alliance began to mobilize quickly.

They thought that the Chaoge Dynasty was standing still.

Then he concentrated most of his troops on the north side, ready to defeat the night elves in one fell swoop.

As for the south side of the Union.

Only a small number of troops were left, responsible for monitoring every move of the Chaoge Dynasty.

However, the Ten Thousand Races Alliance did all this.

A hurried figure suddenly appeared.

"No, the enemy has appeared!"

"What's the panic, just a mere night elves, nothing to be afraid of!"

Ghost Armor responded confidently.

But then, the sound that sounded again made everyone in the conference hall instantly stunned in place.

"It's the south side of the Union!"

"The army of the Chaoge Dynasty appeared on the south side of the alliance.

"The south side is lost!"


"Didn't you say that the Chaoge Dynasty has been on hold?".

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