Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 169 Occupying The Dark Forest, Convince The Loser

Chaoge Dynasty appeared on the south side of the alliance?

how can that be?

Didn't you say that you have been standing still in the Black Crow King City?

How come in a blink of an eye, to the south side of the alliance.

Is this a joke?

The sudden battle situation made all the alliance leaders in the conference hall unable to catch up.

at this time.

The loss of the south side is not terrible.

Whoever made the arrangement was embarrassed.

Ghost Armor would never have dreamed that the elite army under Yang Chuan could quietly leave the Black Crow Dynasty under the investigation of the Gargoyle.

He would never have imagined that, at this moment, when most of the troops were concentrated on the north side of the alliance, the attack started like this.

"It's a good trick and a plan. The plan to hide the sky and cross the sea is because I underestimated the Chaoge Dynasty."

"Now, how is the situation on the north side."

After quickly calming down, Oni Jia asked.

"The night elves have not launched an attack and are still in the confrontation stage."

"Sure enough, the night elves are the cover.

"Just responsible for getting our attention."

Faced with this difficult situation.

The Ghost Armor who reacted, first took a deep breath, and then said: "Listen to my order, all the troops, now start to charge north."

"The north side is going all out to attack."

"The ability to break through the night elves' blockade is the key to the survival of the Alliance of All Races.

have to say.

As the king of gargoyles.

Ghost Armor still has a bit of a strategy.

At this moment, there was no panic.

Under the command of a few words, he directed a feasible way for the forces of all ethnic groups.

Now that the southern side of the alliance has fallen.

In order not to let the battle situation fall into the worst situation of two breads.

We can only pin our hopes on the north side.

If the north side can break through in a short time, defeat the night elves.

Then the Alliance of Nations.

You can also continue to deal with the Chaoge Dynasty, and by the way, get rid of the troubles, the threat from the night elves.

It's a pity.

No matter how clever Ghost Armor's plan is.

A disadvantage is always a disadvantage.

Once it appears, it is difficult to regain a city.

And at the same time.

Another hasty voice sounded outside the conference hall.

"Not good, sir."

"The elite army of the Chaoge Dynasty has already been killed outside the alliance city."

"Not good, sir."

"On the north side of the alliance, hundreds of magic cannons suddenly appeared."

"The night elves launched an attack, coupled with the power of hundreds of magic cannons, the army gathered on the north side has been killed and collapsed."


When Ghost Armor heard the words, his face turned pale instantly, and a suffocating sense of oppression instantly occupied his heart.


Just now, Yang Chuan's plan to hide from the sky and cross the sea will put the Alliance of Ten Thousand Clans at a disadvantage.

So the current situation.

The conclusion of the defeat of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races can already be made.

"What's the matter with this fall?"

"Why did hundreds of magic cannons suddenly appear on the north side of the alliance?"

"How did Yang Chuan let the elite army of the Chaoge Dynasty leave the Black Crow King City without knowing it?"

Ghost A can't understand.

The battle has only just begun.

The formed alliance of all ethnic groups, the army of hundreds of thousands of troops, was defeated so easily.

If it's a frontal fight.

The Chaoge Dynasty defeated the alliance of all ethnic groups by force.

Ghost armor loses convincingly.

But Yang Chuan's conspiracy became the key to victory in this battle.

For a while, Ghost Armor was unacceptable.


Absolutely impossible.

The Chaoge Dynasty that was just ignored.

Not only did it appear, but there were also hundreds of magic cannons. Could it be that there was help from the gods?

"What should I do?"

"Why don't you abandon the city and run away?"

"Or do we follow the example of the night elves and surrender to the Chaoge Dynasty?"

In the conference hall, the other leaders gave in without a fight.

Left Ghost Armor silent for a long time.

"You said."

"Could this be Yang Chuan's trick?"

"The north side was not lost at all."

"The person who reported it was sent by Yang Chuan to disturb the morale of the army.

When the voice fell, Ghost Armor suddenly disappeared and rushed out of the conference hall.

With the last shred of fantasy.

Finally, he made a hideous ghost armor [I saw the face of the person who just reported.


The person who just reported was not a member of the Ten Thousand Race Alliance.

But faced with such a result.

Not only did Ghost Armor not have any excitement.

Instead, he was stunned in place.

Because look around.

I saw a group of men and horses appearing on the south side of the alliance, under the command of Yang Chuan, instantly surrounded the entire conference hall.

Not far away, on the north side of the Union.

Under the deafening loud noise, there was a grand occasion of continuous artillery fire.

‥…For flowers…

Powerful magic cannon,

Every time an attack is launched, in an instant, the coalition army, which has long been destroyed, will be annihilated within the impact of magic energy.


A complete fiasco.

Under the careful arrangement, the Chaoge Dynasty defeated the alliance army with a thunderous momentum and captured the base camp of the Alliance of Ten Thousand Nations.

Everything is going too fast.

From the beginning of the battle to the end of the battle, it only took about ten minutes.

the emergence of this result.

Ghost Armor couldn't accept it, but the fact was placed in front of him, and it had to accept it.

"How on earth did you do it!"

Unable to speak, in the face of Yang Chuan who was pressing step by step, Ghost Armor expressed the doubts in his heart.

"You should thank the Black Crow Dynasty."

"If it wasn't for them coming to the door to give gifts.

"It won't happen today."

Yang Chuan casually threw out a jet-black cloak.

It is the cloak of hiding.

It can make the creatures under the king rank unable to detect any trace.

"That's what happened!"

Looking at the appearance of the hidden cloak, Ghost Armor finally understood how the elite army of the Chaoge Dynasty left the Black Crow King City under the surveillance of the reconnaissance unit.


What happened to the hundreds of magic cannons that suddenly landed on the north side of the alliance and matched with the night elves.

"Don't you know that there is a technology called Goblin Technology."

"A goblin airship made by high goblins."

"It's not too much to load hundreds of magic cannons.

Yang Chuan answered them one by one.

So far, Ghost Armor is convinced.

this battle.

In terms of strategy, it is not as good as Yang Chuan.

On combat power.

Look at the Wushan Goddess, Qingqiu Fox Fairy, and Yutian Xingguan around Yang Chuan.

Ghost Armor smiled bitterly.

Perhaps this is a doomed battle.

Even positive effects.

With the extremely terrifying combat power of the Chaoge Dynasty, it is absolutely possible to easily crush the Alliance of Ten Thousand Races.

However, even so.

Ghost Armor must resist.

The Gargoyle Dynasty must resist.

The forces of all ethnic groups living in the dark jungle must resist.

Because the dark jungle is their homeland.

The resistance failed.

And surrender without a fight, although the result is the same, but the meaning is not the same. .

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