Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 25 Field Forces, One Hundred And Eight Villages In Montenegro

"Mount: Bloody Dragon Rider"

"Quality: S-Class"

"Mount Effect 1: Increase movement speed by 500% and increase defense by 120."

"Mount Effect 2: When charging into battle, the damage is increased by 300%, the attack power is increased by 50%, and the force is increased by 50%."

"Mount Effect 3: Iron hoofs can stomp the enemy, causing area damage."


Under the screeching sound.

Mo Xiaoyu rode a blood-soaked dragon to Yang Chuan's side. Looking at her appearance, she was indeed a sturdy woman from the grassland. Even on a horse, there was no sense of disobedience.

After Yang Chuan checked it, he was also very satisfied with the attribute information of the Bloody Dragon Rider.

The S-class mounts are already in place.

If it is matched with S-class cavalry arms, then the next ten thousand races will be an invincible army.


Zhang Mingyue handed another map to Yang Chuan's eyes.

This is the reward that is dropped when killing the leader of the bandits, and it can also be regarded as a reward that must be obtained after completing the first stage of the rookie trial.

But nonetheless.

The role of this topographic map of Montenegro made Yang Chuan's eyes shine.

I saw that there were a total of 108 cottages in the enemy forces hiding in Montenegro, which means one hundred and eight villages in Montenegro.

"Item: Topographic Map of Montenegro"

"Effect: By viewing this item, you can get detailed information about the enemy."


[Black Wind Village]: Level 5 cottage

[Huangshi Village]: Level 4 cottage

[Tiebaozhai]: Level 4 cottage


"Good stuff."

"It turns out that the 108th Village of Montenegro is an alliance of cottages."

With his eyes focused, Yang Chuan glanced at the topographic map of Montenegro.

And get one of the most important information from it.

The 108 Villages of Montenegro is not the name of an enemy force, but a collective name for an alliance of cottages.

This is definitely not a good thing.

To know that the enemy gathered together, there may be thousands, or even as many as tens of thousands.

But if they are scattered, they can be defeated one by one, and the difficulty is naturally another matter.

More importantly, from the appearance of the 108th Village of Montenegro, one can clearly perceive the specific intention of this newcomer's trial.

The first five days of newcomer trials.

Mainly invaded by thieves.

By killing these invading thieves, you can quickly obtain basic resources as a reward, and quickly improve the combat effectiveness of the territory.


With the end of the first stage of the newcomer trial.

Then the content of the next newcomer's trial is likely to be based on the attack on the 108th Village of Montenegro.

Of course, this is just Yang Chuan's guess after seeing the topographic map of Montenegro.

at the same time.

Zhang Mingyue also handed the last reward to Yang Chuan.

I saw that this last reward was actually a drum of war.

There are thunder patterns on both sides of the war drum.

The surface of the war drum is bright and sturdy.

Yang Chuan stretched out his hand and tapped the war drum lightly, and the sound of thunder could be heard incessantly.

"Treasure: Thunder Drums"

"Quality: Class A"

"Treasure effect 1: Greatly increases the morale of the troops, reduces the morale of the enemy, and has a chance to scare the enemy away."

"Treasure effect 2: Increase all attributes of troops and heroes by 25% for 30 minutes."


This is the icing on the cake.

But if it is placed on two armies of equal combat strength, using this thunderous drum may have a surprising effect.

After all, when the two armies confront each other.

Morale, but a very critical existence.

"This rich feeling is not bad!"

"After the refugees are refreshed, today is almost over."

While Yang Chuan was talking to himself.

Cai Wenji, who returned triumphantly, also came to Yang Chuan's side.

With a delicate expression, she looked at Yang Chuan, and then at Zhao Feiyan who was beside her.

"Master, why don't you give the jade scale armor to Sister Feiyan to wear."

"It seemed too dangerous to fight the bandit leader just now."

After saying this, Cai Wenji seemed to think of something again, and continued to speak: "Why don't you find another sister for the slave family."

"No! One can't do it, it's better to have ten, twenty sisters."

"In this way, we will not be afraid of the enemy and come to invade Chaoge Village."

Yang Chuan:! ! !

Twenty peerless beauties.

This is the rhythm that will make my brother foam at the mouth and never recover.

Although the more peerless beauties, the better.

But according to the current situation in Chaoge Village, the basic resources have already met the requirements for upgrading Tongque Terrace.

But to upgrade Tongque Terrace, in addition to the basic resources, it also consumes gold and jade.

At this time, the jade resources owned by Yang Chuan had only just exceeded a thousand.

Therefore, it is still nearly half of the 2000 jade needed to upgrade the Tongque Terrace.

"Are you alright~ Master?"

Seeing the difference in Yang Chuan's expression, Cai Wenji on the side hugged Yang Chuan's arm and began to dangle it in front of her chest.

"In this way, the slave's family is playing the piano, and Feiyan's sister is dancing. The scene of Yingying and Yanyan is not exactly what you like and pursue."

"In your eyes, is this the only influence?"

Yang Chuan asked back.

Cai Wenji immediately realized something was wrong.


I accidentally said that I slipped my mouth.

Faced with such a situation, he directly dragged Zhao Feiyan, like running to Tongque Terrace.

The speed of seventy miles, compared to the mood is also free.

"This girl."

"Just tell the truth."

Yang Chuan took a deep breath disapprovingly, and walked towards Tongque Terrace in a calm manner.

However, it has not waited for him to enter the Tongque Terrace.

Just listen to the ethereal announcement prompt to appear again.

[Announcement Reminder]: The first phase of the newcomer trial is over, congratulations to the surviving lords, you have passed the first phase of the test.

The second stage of the newcomer trial is about to start.

[Trial target]: One hundred and eight villages in Heishan


[Special Reminder]: The wild forces have appeared, killing the enemies of the wild forces, you can get experience points, reputation points and other rewards.


at this time.

All the lords have killed the bandit leader.

Or, be killed by the bandit leader.

The first stage of the newcomer trial has come to an end.

The second stage of the newcomer trial.

Just as Yang Chuan guessed, it is indeed mainly to attack the 108 cottages in Montenegro.

"Outside forces."

"Killing can gain experience points and reputation points."

"That is to say, the invading thieves who were killed before cannot gain experience points."

"It's no wonder that Cai Wenji and Zhao Feiyan didn't raise their levels, and the Dragon Guard didn't trigger the blessing effect of the Bloody Dragon Guard."

"It turns out that you need to fight against the forces of the wild, that's how feelings are."




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