Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 26 Naturally Charming, Mysterious Rewards

"Hint: Bai Xinyue, a refugee, join Chaoge Village."

"Hint: Refugees..."

"Hint: Refugees..."


Come on, it seems that I will not be able to enter the Tongque Terrace for a while.

Yang Chuan has just finished reviewing the contents of the special announcement.

The announcement of the refugees joining the territory immediately appeared in front of him.

After this.

More than a dozen figures of beautiful women with different appearances, either charming or pure, appeared in Chaoge Village.

Yang Chuan walked quickly.

The people headed by Bai Xinyue immediately bowed and saluted respectfully.

"Grassman Bai Xinyue, see Lord Lord."

"Grass people..."


Surrounded by pleasant sounds, Yang Chuan was dazzled when he saw it for a while.

among these people.

There are carpenters, hunters and so on.

At the same time, he has the blood and talent of SSS level.

Compared with Zhang Xiaomu, the information template has not changed much except for a slight gap in charm.

Fortunately, after Yang Chuan checked them one by one.

Bai Xinyue's message template made Yang Chuan's eyes shine.

【Bai Xinyue】

Identity: Citizen

Occupation: singer

Bloodline: Qingqiu's (SSS level)

Talent: Natural Charming Bones (SSS level)

Ability: Bewitching (Master) Disguise (Master)

Charisma::772 (Grandmaster)

Glamour: 818



Bloodline quality: SSS grade

Effect: Charisma is increased by 10 times, and charm is greatly increased.


"Natural Charming"

Talent quality: SSS level

Effect: Greatly increases the chance of bewitching, and greatly reduces the chance of disguise being seen through.


"Yes, you can accompany me to stay at Tongque Terrace."

The voice fell.

Yang Chuan took Bai Xinyue and walked towards the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

As for the rest of the people, they were handed over to Lin Shuyi.

And after entering the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

Cai Wenji's figure disappeared and seemed to be hidden.

Instead, Zhao Feiyan glanced at Bai Xinyue with a similar look.

"Master, is this the sister you found for the slave family?"

"It turned out to be naturally charming, not bad."

"The master is really good-natured, worthy of being a faint-hearted prince."

This! ! !

No, Zhao Feiyan, like Cai Wenji, even failed to learn.

Yang Chuan sat down slowly.

Then play music.

Then dance!


The sixth day of the new man's trial.

Early in the morning, the sun rises.

Didn't wait for Yang Chuan to wake up, just listened to the prompt message from the simulated lord, and suddenly appeared at this moment.

[Simulated Lord]: In the face of the threat of the Iron Fortress, please make the following choices

[First]: Turn over 10% of the basic resources of the territory (-10% of the basic resources)

【Second】: Refuse the request to raise Tie Zhai (-20 relationship)

[Third]: Kill the bandits who came to clamor (+10 reputation points)


[Trial Announcement]: Please pay attention to all lords, the second stage of the newcomer trial is open.

[Trial Rules]: Every day there will be bandit cottages that threaten the territory.

Compromise is an option, but at the cost of base resources.

You can choose to decline, but it will reduce the relationship.

When the relationship with the bandit village is reduced to a certain level, the bandit village will take the initiative to invade the territory.

[Trial reminder]: You can take the initiative to attack the one hundred and eight villages in Heishan.

[Trial rewards]: Every time you conquer a cottage, you can get rewards.

[Ranking Rewards]: The lord who is the first to conquer the 108 villages in Heishan can get mysterious rewards.


Lift the Iron Wall?

What the hell!

Yang Chuan woke up in a daze.

Lin Shu also ran over in a hurry at this time.

"Lord Lord."

"Kill it, the dog who knows how to live or die."

Before Lin Shuyi could say a few more words, Yang Chuan directly expressed his attitude.

It's just a first-class bandit cottage.

He also dared to run to threaten himself.

Getting up in anger, Yang Chuan wished he could destroy Jutiezhai immediately.

[Simulated Lord]: Kill the clamoring bandits.

[Simulated Lord]: +10 reputation.

[Simulated Lord]: Attention, in another three hours, the bandits from Jutiezhai will arrive at Chaoge Village, Lord, please get ready.



"Choose the third option, and the bandit cottage will directly invade the territory!"

Yang Chuan suddenly seemed to understand something.

But continue to fall asleep.

There are still three hours, enough for him to sleep back into the cage.

However, compared with Yang Chuan's indifferent attitude.

In today's chat forums, it can be said that the sky has exploded.

"Damn it, I've been a single passer for nine generations, when did I get so angry that I came here to threaten me?"

"Fuck him!!!"

"Fight with him, if you can't fight today, you can't fight tomorrow, and you can't fight tomorrow, the day after tomorrow. It's just a first-level bandit cottage. Is there anything left to go to heaven?"

"Actually, I am more concerned about what the final mysterious reward will be."

"Don't think about it. It's either Mr. Yang Chuan or Sun Ziyu. Let's think about how to avoid the threat of the bandit's cottage."

"Brothers and sisters, don't compromise, directly deduct 10% of my basic resources."

"You actually compromised. What is the difference between such behavior and Li Mu's child?"

"Everyone, look at the trial leaderboard. Sun Ziyu has already wiped out a bandit village."

"No way, are you working so hard!"

"Boss Yang Chuan didn't respond, he couldn't be still sleeping."

"I'm afraid of people who are stronger than you. He works harder than you. This Sun Ziyu won't give us a chance to survive."

The emergence of wild forces has changed the newcomer trial.

For the lords, the future development of the territory will also undergo different changes.

It's like starving the timid and starving the bold to death.

Give it a go and turn your bike into a motorcycle.

If you are meticulous, you may end up with nothing.

Although according to the rules of the second phase of the newcomer trial, it is not mandatory for every lord to launch an attack on the one hundred and eight villages in Montenegro.

But there is no doubt about it.

Risks and benefits coexist.

Even if you choose to refuse every day.

As the relationship continues to decline, it will eventually face the invasion of the bandit cottage.

If you choose to compromise every day.

A 10% reduction in base resources is certainly not slow suicide.

So in this case, there will be very subtle changes.

For the lord,

It will also be a constant test.

And in the fleeting moment of time.

Three hours passed quickly.

With all kinds of reluctance, Yang Chuan walked out from the Tongque Terrace.


"Not one left!"




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