Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 27 The Beacon Fire Illuminates The Song, And I Feel Uneasy In My Heart

In Chaoge Village.

Another new member joined yesterday.

At this time, the number of dragon guards has increased from the previous 9 to the current 15.

And under the leadership of Zhao Feiyan, stand ready.

Waiting for the bandit army in Jutiezhai.

Afterwards, Cai Wenji had already sat down with her piano.

Yang Chuan could see from a distance that the scene looked suspicious.

Could it be that this is the fighting power of Iron Village?

Far above the fighting power of the previous invading bandits.

But then.

Three hours passed.

A group of bandits with dozens of people walked slowly towards Chaoge Village.

"Enemy: Bandits"

"Level: Level 2"

"Attack Power: 15"

"Defense Power: 10"


"Enemy: Bandit Shooter"

"Level: Level 3"

"Attack Power: 19"

"Defense: 7"


Just this kind of strength?

After Yang Chuan checked it at first, he checked it several times with some uncertainty, and finally confirmed that he checked it correctly.

This can no longer be used to describe the bandits in Jutie Village as sending them to death.

Yang Chuan was dumbfounded at the same time.

Some even admired this group of bandits. Although there were dozens of them, looking at Chaoge Village, it is estimated that a dragon guard could wipe them out.

Could it be that this is the combat effectiveness of a first-level bandit cottage?

With doubts in my heart.

The bandits from Jutie Village soon approached Chaoge Village.

next moment.

The sharp arrow flew out instantly.

It turned into sporadic bits and pieces, and directly penetrated the bandits who came to die.

"Hint: Kill the bandits in Jutiezhai, +10 experience points, +10 reputation points."

"Hint: Kill the bandits in Jutiezhai, +10 experience points, +10 reputation points."


The reminder messages also sounded one after another.

And when Yang Chuan looked again.

The bandit squad of more than a dozen people has all died, and the corpses are lying in a haphazard manner a kilometer away from Chaoge Village.

It didn't turn into white light and disappear.

Perhaps this is the difference between the forces of the wild and the invading bandits.

As if it really existed.


The treatment of these bandits is even worse than that of the invading bandits.

To know that the invading thieves were at least close to Chaoge Village.

On the other hand, this group of bandits was probably pierced by ruthless arrows without even seeing the situation in Chaoge Village.

"That's it?"

"That's it!"

Zhao Feiyan was taken aback.

The battle was over before he could do anything.

Turning around, he saw Yang Chuan walking towards him. After pursing his jade lips, he said, "Master, this iron village is too arrogant."

"The beacon fire shines on the Chaoge song, and I feel uneasy in my heart."

"Master, fuck him!"

Cai Wenji, who was on the side, began to echo her voice.

As expected of a talented woman, what she said in the previous sentence is indeed in line with the current situation.

But fuck him last.

Is there something too abrupt.

Of course Yang Chuan understood Zhao Feiyan's intentions.

Since all Jutiezhai came to invade Chaoge Village, they adhered to the principle of not being indecent when they come.

Naturally, Yang Chuan would not let Ju Tie Zhai go.

"In that case, let's take advantage of the clear sky today, which is very suitable for fighting, and go to crusade against Jutie Village."

The voice fell.

Zhao Feiyan showed joy on her face.

So next, Yang Chuan needs to make arrangements.

This is the first time Chaoge Village has fought against the forces in the wild, and Yang Chuan's goal is also very clear.

"Mu Chengxue led the four dragon guards to stay in Chaoge Village to protect the safety of Chaoge Village."

"Mu Rushuang, you and the other 9 dragon guards, follow Zhao Feiyan to attack Jutiezhai."

"The 10 Dragon Guards, plus Zhao Feiyan, won't you go and return?"

Yang Chuan's words turned and he asked back.

For a moment, Zhao Feiyan, who had a serious expression, laughed.

"Please don't worry, master."

"Feiyan will surely return in triumph."

A sonorous and powerful voice sounded, and it was hard to imagine that Zhao Feiyan had such a heroic side in addition to his charming and enchanting side.


after an hour.

Take the vicinity of Tie Zhai.

Because of the topographic map of Montenegro.

After Zhao Feiyan led Hulongwei to leave Chaoge Village, he soon found Jutiezhai.

Take Tiezhai as a first-class bandit cottage.

From a distance, it is very dilapidated, almost no different from a refugee camp.

But even so.

In the vicinity of Jutiezhai, there is also a bandit on patrol.

And at the entrance of Jutiezhai, there are two towering wooden arrow towers.

However, at the same time.

Dozens of sharp arrows shot out from Lin Fei, a tree not far away.

The sharp arrow was very precise and penetrated the body of the bandit in charge of patrolling and sentrying.

Immediately after.

Dozens of sharp arrows flew out towards the wooden arrow tower of the Jutiezhai.

Such long-range long-range attacks appear.

That's right.

It was Zhao Feiyan who chose to take the initiative to attack.

After the sharp arrow hit the wooden arrow tower of the Tie Zhai, it directly destroyed it without any doubt.

This is also enough to see the horror of the Dragon Guard.

"Just raise iron villages, dare to invade my Chaoge Village."

"Kill in."

"Don't stay alive!"

I saw that Zhao Feiyan was agile, and after killing the bandits on guard, he instantly rushed out of the woods.


Another row of sharp arrows flew towards the Jutiezhai with extreme speed under the circumstance that the Dragon Guard bow was like a full moon.

At this time, several bandit-like enemies reacted with hindsight.

Look at its appearance.

For example, there is no difference between the bandits who invaded Chaoge Village.

The settings, including clothing, weapons, etc., are all the same.

But different times.

At this time, the number of bandits in the Iron Village was not a dozen.

But in general, there are as many as dozens of people.

When they were angry, they ran outside the Jutiezhai with weapons in hand.

"There is an enemy attack."

"There is an enemy attack!"

Under a loud shout.

However, he found that outside the Iron Fortress, there is only Zhao Feiyan alone.

Although alone.

It's enough to deal with this group of bandits!

next moment.

Zhao Feiyan broke into the Jutiezhai, and the double rings like the moon in his hand turned into a death scythe.

Gorgeous figure, dancing gracefully.

But wherever he went, one bandit after another immediately fell to the ground and died.

[Simulated Lord]: Start the crusade against Jutiezhai.


"Hint: Zhao Feiyan kills the bandits in Jutiezhai, +10 experience points."

"Hint: Zhao Feiyan kills the bandits in Jutiezhai, +10 experience points."

In Chaoge Village.

Yang Chuan was lying on the Bronze Sparrow Terrace, quietly listening to Cai Wenji's leisurely sound of the piano.

The prompt message that suddenly appeared broke this comfort.



The fourth update, there are still six more guarantees.

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