Lord Of The People: All My People Are Beautiful As Flowers

Chapter 29 Open The Treasure Chest, Architectural Drawings

"I finally saw someone surpass Yang Chuan in my lifetime. Let's wait and see how long this Sun Ziyu can occupy the first place."

"Why do you put this explanation aside?"

"Hahaha, I agree with the statement above."

"But what I'm more curious about is, is it difficult to crusade the bandit cottage?"

"It's not difficult, there are only about a hundred bandits in the first-level bandit cottage, and the combat effectiveness of the bandits is also average."

"So that's the case, I feel like I can also go to crusade the bandit cottage."

"Brother, I'm afraid you will float again, and you won't lie down with me."

"Brother, I'm afraid you have changed again, and you won't lie down with me."

"Then let me break the formation."

It is now the sixth day of the trial for newcomers.

At this stage, the surviving lords basically have a certain fighting power.

It shouldn't be difficult to crusade hundreds of bandit cottages, as long as they don't kill themselves.

However, like Yang Chuan, it was impossible for other lords to capture Tiezhai with ease.

After all, put aside the quality and combat effectiveness of the arms.

The red flame equipment worn by the Dragon Guard is enough to make other lords envy them as treasures.

What's more, Yang Chuan's subordinates also have heroes with SSS-level bloodline talents.

In contrast to this.

There is no doubt that although Yang Chuan's ranking in the trial rankings has dropped, he is still worthy of the name of the strongest lord. There is no suspense.

"Brothers and sisters, if you haven't obtained the territory upgrade blueprint, hurry up and attack the bandit cottage."

"Just now after I opened the trial treasure chest, I got a territory upgrade blueprint, so nice!"

"What, how to get the trial treasure chest!"

"By capturing the bandit cottage, you can get a trial treasure chest, but the reward for opening the trial treasure box is random, it may be basic resources, or it may be architectural drawings, etc."

"Say it earlier, I can still rescue it, and now I will go to the bandit cottage."

"It's uncomfortable, I knew that the bandit cottage was so weak, I shouldn't have chosen to compromise and wasted 10% of the basic resources."

"It can't be said that the bandit cottage of the first level is indeed very weak, but the second and third level of the bandit cottage is estimated to be another matter."

"So that means, we can't take down all the first-level bandit cottages, or there will be a second-level bandit cottage tomorrow and come to threaten the territory?"

"That's the truth."

"I've learned it, this wave of analysis is fine, and I can get stuck in bugs again."


Chat forums are still in full swing.

This moment.

Inside a bandit cottage with corpses everywhere.

A handsome man looked around the bandit cottage with a happy expression.

"Finally, this fourth bandit cottage was also successfully captured by me."

"Next is the fifth bandit cottage."

While taking a deep breath, Sun Ziyu took another look at the trial rankings.

He scored 4 bandit cottages by himself.

Dominantly occupy the first place in the trial rankings.

The second place is still Li Mu.

On the other hand, Yang Chuan's ranking has now withdrawn from the top ten of the trial rankings after only capturing one bandit cottage.

What's the situation?

For a time, Sun Ziyu was a little puzzled.

Before that, he had always regarded Yang Chuan as his goal, and now he has finally surpassed Yang Chuan, making Sun Ziyu's self-confidence a little inflated.

Even Sun Ziyu thought in his heart that both his ranking on the trial leaderboard and his combat power at this time had surpassed Yang Chuan in an all-round way.

But when he saw Yang Chuan's ranking getting lower and lower, Sun Ziyu's heart became a little hesitant.

"The ranking is getting lower and lower, what is this Yang Chuan doing?"

"Is it hidden strength? Accumulate strength?"

Numerous conjectures flashed through Sun Ziyu's mind one by one.

Look behind him.

Twenty-five majestic giants have collected all the spoils of this bandit cottage.

There is also a hero who looks like an old man, standing beside Sun Ziyu.

And this, this is the capital that Sun Ziyu dared to challenge Yang Chuan.


In Chaoge Village.

Hot discussion on the chat forum, and the inner volume of the trial leaderboard.

Yang Chuan doesn't care about all this.

After all, as long as the 108th Village of Montenegro is captured first, the mysterious reward can be obtained.

Therefore, the current ranking on the trial leaderboard is not important, what is important is who can have the last laugh.

What's more, as long as you capture the bandit cottage, you will definitely get the trial treasure chest as a reward.

Under such circumstances.

Yang Chuan's goal is to give priority to improving the combat effectiveness of the territory.

And at the same time.

Zhao Feiyan, who successfully captured Jutiezhai, also returned in triumph.

"Lord Lord, Feiyan is lucky not to be disgraced."

"Successfully captured Jutiezhai."

"From now on, within the 108 villages in Montenegro, Jutiezhai will be removed from the name."

After reporting the results of the battle, Zhao Feiyan took out a golden treasure box and gave it to Yang Chuan.

This trial treasure chest is the best proof.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Yang Chuan took the trial treasure chest with satisfaction and did not rush to open it.

Four eyes facing each other.

Zhao Feiyan spoke again: "This is the responsibility of the slave family, the master should not be polite."

"Compared with the master's praise, Feiyan wants Chaoge Village to become stronger."

can speak.

Such a peerless beauty, how could Yang Chuan not love.

Afterwards, everyone returned to the Bronze Sparrow Terrace.

Yang Chuan sat down next to Zhao Feiyan and placed the trial treasure chest beside her.

With such a close encounter, Zhao Feiyan, who was still extraordinary just now, suddenly showed her enchanting and charming side again.

The strong masculine scent made her pretty face blushing and shy.

And with charming eyes, she looked at Yang Chuan tenderly: "Master, what do you mean?"

The jade lips moved, and the shy and charming voice sounded softly, and the jade body trembled slightly at this moment.

Yang Chuan resisted the restlessness in his heart and explained, "Since it was the Iron Fortress that you captured, then you can open this trial treasure chest."


After hearing this, Zhao Feiyan hurriedly got up.

next moment.

Under the light bursts.

The trial chest was successfully opened.

However, the result of the opening made Yang Chuan a little surprised.

"Hint: Successfully opened the trial treasure chest and obtained the blueprint of the imperial kitchen."




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